Simion, this isn't a 'fix' request... but I've noticed a few things which may interest you:
Floating Animal BuddiesI don't know if you think this is an issue (I personally think it's rather funny and cool...), but Animal Buddies seem to levitate rather quickly when released from their crates. You have to be quick to mount them, or they fly away!
DK enters as different object?Also, it appears that DK is registered as a different object when busting out of his treehouse in Jungle Hijinxs... Instead of falling to the jungle floor, he stays in place, which forces him back inside the treehouse. It's quite fortunate that the game prevents you from re-entering the treehouse a second time, or DK would effectively be 'grounded' (unable to leave his bedroom).

Do you suppose this happens because the game doesn't recognise DK as being 'DK' at first? Maybe it has him set as another object until he lands, or something like that.
Slight Gnawty movementAnother thing I've noticed is that the trio of Gnawtys after just after Rambi's crate seem to move, but
incredibly slowly. All other baddies in the level seem completely motionless, but these three do indeed move. I'd estimate their speed at 1px ever 4.5 seconds.
Gnawty revivalEven more peculiar is that defeating the first of those three Gnawtys, then going left until he's off-screen, and returning... will bring him back to life! This doesn't happen with the other two, and it only works if you go left rather than right. That's what I've observed, anyhow.
Zippy ZingerI just played Bouncy Bonanza, and discovered a Zinger which wasn't exactly Zero-Speed compliant. A couple of Neckys in Ice Age Alley were flying backwards at a medium speed, too.
Don't let these things worry you, you've done an awesome job. This patch is extremely useful and valuable to me!

Animation freezing isn't really necessary (although it would be extremely useful as a time-saver!). I've already worked out my own methods to ensure frame-perfect accuracy. Of course, such a thing would make my project even easier... to the point where almost no skill or ingenuity is required at all. Hmm... I don't know if that's a good thing after all! Just kidding, anything which saves time and ensures precision is worthwhile. This isn't something I'd ask you to do though, especially when other projects deserve priority.