Chibisai Kong wrote:I don't know why but I seem to want to draw a picture of something happening when DK was being born. If anybody wants to guess but can't think of anything, here's a hint: his father's face is red and he can barely breathe because there's an arm crushing his windpipe.
Ribbedebie wrote:LOL, poor guy. That's gotta hurt...
Phyreburnz wrote:That facebook thing is funny! But... why would K. Rool add Diddy and Dixie as friends?
The Banana Bird wrote:the dragon in your picture looks really cool, whats he from?
Qyzbud wrote:Holy moly, those are excellent! I LOOOOOVE the movie poster - very dark and sinister, full of tension... and magnificent job blending the 3D/PS art. Really well done. The fake credits are a nice touch, and for some reason I am particularly loving the 'DK' text. Who are 'Rusted Root' and 'Illumination Studios', by the way?
The other drawings are really good, too. So much love for your style. Welcome back!
Phyreburnz wrote:Ribbedebie, those are amazing! So, when are you going to start making the DK movie?!
Katastrophe Kong wrote:Ah, Ribbiedebie. So you're the one who makes all those "K.Rool + Klump + Krusha" pictures!
I really enjoy your style and how you choose to have it reflect the TV series more so than the game series. A lot of people hated the show but I thought it was rather clever at times.
Also, that move poster is AWESOME.
Ribbedebie wrote:I hope I'm not posting too much here. Please forgive me. Ahaha...
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