DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

The dream tool of any hardcore DKC player, the DKCLB aims to make editable in unison all elements from the original DKC Trilogy, and allow customization of it all, too! Powered by the Delta Suite.

Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » July 8th, 2012, 3:17 am

I'm thinking of something similar to HailFire Peaks in Banjo Tooie. I think this has probably come up before, but I may have something new to add.

I'm not exactly which should come first, but I'll start with ice.
Entire level name would probably be HailFire Peak and have the same music as in B-T.

Icy side (probably DKC ice cave, rather than DKC2 ice cave). The ice cave wouldn't be vertical, like it is in DKC. It would be horizontal.

Transition room (this would be similar to the room in Rattle Battle or Rambi Rumble in which you can only go forward, but there would probably not be an animal buddy... unless you wanted one). This room would be a DKC1 cave, but with some special editing. The side closest to the icy side will be a bluish tint, while the side closer to the fire side will be redish. This room could be longer and actually be part of the level, if desired, rather than just a room with a few steps and you're out.

Fire Side This would be a DKC2 volcano.

It isn't that exciting as an idea, as in it doesn't add many new elements, but it does make for an interesting level, I think.

Oh my gosh! I keep thinking of levels as I'm typing!

Icy Escapade:

DKC1 Ice cave with an upward wind. The indicator of wind should be snow, rather than leaves. So, I guess you could take a snowy foreground from DKC and make it go up... that could work.

This is a side-note that I should maybe have put in DKLB gimmick topic, but I'll put it here, since it goes with my level ideas.
I would LOVE to be able to put a DKC3 waterfall in the DKC ice cave. I wanted to do that in the background of Glimmering Galleon, but I wasn't sure how to make the connection between the waterfall and the water in which you can swim. In fact, I'm still not sure how that would work... I don't know how to do it. I was thinking of using a waterfall from another game, but it wouldn't look right.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Tonberry2000 » July 8th, 2012, 5:40 am

Some ideas I had. I sent them to Leo a while ago, but i'll post them here too. I have some lockups I did that I can post sometime.

Here are a few I was thinking of. I can make some fake screenshots if you want to see what I have in mind.

Squawk 'n' Swap
Theme- Factory (DKC) A vertical stage where the Kongs are transformed into Squawks and must get from the top to the bottom of the factory (Like Parrot-Chute Panic). However, lining the walls are pipes that spray green or purple gas. That gas changes Squawks from green (flying ability and can kill enemies) to purple (can only drift/pick up barrels). Kannon can also be in the stage and shoot the gas.

Sideshow Shoot-Up
Theme- Carnival (DKC2) An unseen enemy is following the Kongs with the targets and the only way to stop it is to make new targets appear. Switches throughout the level make Kritter targets (From Swanky's Sideshow in DKC3) appear on objects on the screen. The target will then focus on them and destroy them before going back to the Kongs. Be careful! Sometimes you'll accidentally destroy things you might need like DK Barrels and items!

Animal Antics II
Theme- Changes Like the same stage in DKC2, but you play with all eight buddies. Parry is also used from the beginning of the stage and gives a good bonus item (Bonus barrel? DK Coin?) if you make it all the way to the end with him. There are also some Enguarde/Parry mechanics that could be fun to explore. I can say more if you want to hear it.

Barrel Builders
Theme- Mill (DKC3) Barrels and barrel related enemies are all over the place. You may find yourself wondering what is out to get you and what isn't.

Kegger Klamor Theme- ? This would involve new enemies, Keggers (Klobbers in steel kegs- they are invincible) chase and push around the Kongs through the whole stage. It would be like a harder Klobber Karnage.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Banana Bird » July 8th, 2012, 10:12 am

Name: Blazing Bay
Archetype: Boardwalk DKC3
Music: Hot Head Tumble (I like that name :P )
Special Effects: Water tinted red for lava effect, Red sky with sunsetting, Fire, Smoke and boardwalk is black and burnt in some areas.
Gimmick: You start of finding Ellie at the start of this level and are blocked by a wall of fire, there are water barrels to shoot at the fire for Ellie to use and steel kegs for Ellie to use to make a bridge to cross the boiling water.There will be some parts where the wood is burnt and when you step on them they disinegrate leaving a hole to fall through. You soon lose Ellie and have to rely on Expresso to get you across the lava. Smoke can get in your way like snow and mess you up. Enemies include Kabooms, Klobbers, Kuchukas, Red Clap Traps, Neckys, Sneeks, Wanky (My very own enemie, can walk and throws tnt barrels rapidly when you get close), Krushas with a red tint, Kobbles with a red tint, Hawx (A phoenix who flys up and down shooting fireballs rapidly that explode on contact and Slippas. This is my first level in a while so it kind of sucks, but I kind of like it.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » August 4th, 2012, 12:50 pm

I had two different ideas

Smog City
I would, but I'm not quite sure how... but if somebody is able to make a DKC version of the DKL Big Ape City levels, this would be that archetype, and if it can't be done, the regular DKC factory would work. So, Big Ape City archetype with the DKC factory music. This level has the misty mine fog in it, but it also has moving patches of an eerie green fog (similar to the castle levels in Super Mario World with the green bubbles) that the Kong's must avoid.

Tire Factory Terror

DKC1 Factory and music. Tires, tires everywhere! Small and big (like the giant tires in that one Lost World level of DKC2) Throughout the background, and in the midground (where the Kongs are walking) there are racks of tires and Kremlings pushing tires. I actually thought of a version of Koin with a tire on the shield, rather than a coin that would be featured in this level. I would like to try to make a tire Koin to see how well it would work.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » August 25th, 2012, 11:27 am

I'm working on a vertical level like Treetop Town. It can't *just* be treetops, though, without tons of blasting barrels... so, rather than having tons of barrels, I'm combining the treetops with the walkways. I'm still not sure how to make the background, though, since Treetop Town background trees don't go up that far. I may have to make something special, but we'll see. I'll throw in a preview after I've finished with the level basics. :swanky:
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » August 26th, 2012, 5:49 am

Here is the preview of the vertical treetops. I'm still not sure about the name of the level, so if you have any ideas, please feel free to share!

vertical treetops preview.png

I'll upload the actual level, as a zipped PSD, in the animation submission thread.

The actual level is a heavily edited version of Treetop Town to make it vertical, added together with parts of Platform Perils and Winky's Walkway. The first and second background levels are slightly edited versions of the DKC3 treetop backgrounds. The only edits of the DKC3 treetops has to do with colour, nothing with actual sprite editing.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » August 28th, 2012, 10:12 am

I had a thought about another possible custom level to create... but I'm not really sure if it would be worth it...

I was thinking about a level combination between the DKC minecart and the DKC2 mine (why not have a minecart in a mine?). Since all of the DKC2 mine levels are vertical, I don't know if I can make this possible without a heavily repeating background. The backgrounds will repeat very heavily if I try it, and it will take a significant amount of work to make the background repeat less (lots of foreground problems, like the platforms, unless I just include those as part of the backdrop). But I was also thinking of having it half mine, half minecart (so half riding, half walking, since I don't think that's really been done before).

Should I try this? If so, should I not worry too much about the backdrop?

I was also thinking about maybe attempting to make (or find sprites of) gems. I thought this could maybe be a type of bonus level, or have the Kongs collect the gems for some reason, or something... :scratch:
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » August 29th, 2012, 9:12 am

It sounds like a good idea, but would take a lot of work.

I'm thinking of something akin to the minecart levels of DKCR, actually (yes, those were fun). Minus the moles.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby AryelShark » August 30th, 2012, 11:41 am

I finished a model for a brand-new level archetype: Desert! :D
I've sent a model of the level to leocore, later i'll upload a preview here ;)
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Katastrophe Kong » August 30th, 2012, 1:45 pm

Phyreburnz wrote:...but if somebody is able to make a DKC version of the DKL Big Ape City levels, this would be that archetype...

It's like a coloring book, only with pixels! Finishing up Mr. X is my top priority right now, but once he's done you can expect to see some of these around.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby AryelShark » August 31st, 2012, 5:32 am

Here's a fake screenshot of my new archetype: The Kremlahari!
desert.png (161.77 KiB) Viewed 146318 times
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » August 31st, 2012, 5:50 am

Wow, AryelShark! I'm super impressed! Your levels are wonderful! Do you just find tilesets and make the levels that way, or do you design them yourself?

Your desert level reminds me of a photoshop job I did, Pharaoh K. Rool.

I actually have a kind of idea that would be a cool, and I think pretty possible, thing to add... A sphinx with K. Rool's face... I might be able to conjure up an image for you to use in the background, if you'd like.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby AryelShark » August 31st, 2012, 6:24 am

Redundant quote removed by Qyzbud

Thank you :D
I designed it by myself on Photoshop :)
To add a sphinx on the background could be a interesting idea ;)
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » August 31st, 2012, 9:05 am

AryelShark wrote:I designed it by myself on Photoshop
You used the DKC caves tileset and I believe that desert (just the sand part of it) background came from some game as well. Do you mean you put it together in Photoshop? Because I seriously doubt you drew the walkable part. :scratch:
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » August 31st, 2012, 10:24 am

Not sure if you can use this in the background... but I whipped up a King K. Rool sphinx!
sphinx k rool copy.png
sphinx k rool copy.png (4.96 KiB) Viewed 146287 times

*EDIT* I've made it better!
sphinx k rool better.png
sphinx k rool better.png (5.66 KiB) Viewed 146280 times
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby AryelShark » September 2nd, 2012, 2:28 am

Simion32 wrote:Do you mean you put it together in Photoshop? Because I seriously doubt you drew the walkable part. :scratch:

I mean that i drew the level design :P
I used a modified DKC cave tileset to build it, but i don't 'copypasted' any terrain from the cave levels ;)
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Super Luigi! » September 10th, 2012, 2:47 pm

I got one!

Name: Bumblin' Bees
Background and Music: DKC1 Snow Mountains
Gimmick: By using Rambi, the player would have to bounce off of Zingers from the start of the level to the finish! Bonus levels would still be possible, as two routes of bees could be designed, and the bonus exit could be a cannon blast onto a Zinger. For added difficulty, there could be an intense blizzard raging.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » October 9th, 2012, 12:45 pm

I have this level complete, and I'm going to be working on several others.

I'm torn on a level name, and anybody that has a better idea, go ahead and let me know, I've thought of several different names (Funky's Flight Fright, Insane Biplane, and some others that I can't remember at the moment... I like Insane Biplane the best). Anyway, as you can probably tell by the level name possibilities, it's a flying level. I'm currently working on making some custom plane sprites. This level will feature the Funky's Flights II plane. You play a normal level for a little bit, and then you have to jump in the plane and fly throughout the level, which will contain various enemies that fly and shoot, as your plane will be equipped with a gun. If I can do custom sprites, I can make the plane able to turn. I was originally thinking of making it a level in which you can only go straight, like a sideways version of Rocket Rush, but I think it could be better if you can actually maneuver the plane and be able to turn around. I've used Leocore's custom cloud sprites to make the level.

I will be uploading this in the animation submission thread in a matter of seconds after posting here.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Banana Bird » November 28th, 2012, 11:50 am

Not sure if its a good name, but may I suggest 'Aerial Attack' just sounds weirdly fitting.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby EvangeliKong » November 29th, 2012, 5:01 am

Here's one, Winky's Sewer!


Featuring graphics not stolen from Crash Bandicoot
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Banana Bird » November 29th, 2012, 10:15 am

That is really good, but what does that brown Knocka do?
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby EvangeliKong » November 29th, 2012, 10:41 pm

Redundant quote removed by Qyzbud

Fires slime at you or something.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby EvangeliKong » November 30th, 2012, 4:19 am

Oh my Gosh, It's General Klump! And he's more furious than ever! In a new Minecart level of Klump's Kommence!


HINT: Don't let bombs hit Minecart or the "minicart" on the left is all red, and that's no good!
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Banana Bird » November 30th, 2012, 8:07 am

Shooting slowing down slime seems like a great idea, and nice use of the GBA bombs from Kroctopus's boss fight and I believe you also used Kerezones hand?

Anways I would also to add an archetype idea to this topic, how does this sound.
Flooded Mine: It would be kind of like a normal DKC mine level except more aqautic colors like blue and water dripping from the ceiling. Their will be some parts in flooded mines which are filled with water you must swim through with the help of Glimmer. I belive I made a level with this archetype a while ago. There can also be coral growing around the mine
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » December 5th, 2012, 3:43 pm

That's a cool idea, EvangeliKong. It seems like Kackle in DKC2, except more deadly! This could be a cool level with the plus and minus barrels. This time, the minus barrels could help you. You'd have to speed up or slow down, depending on where he's throwing the bombs.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby EvangeliKong » December 6th, 2012, 3:06 am

Phyreburnz wrote:This time, the minus barrels could help you. You'd have to speed up or slow down, depending on where he's throwing the bombs.

That would be cool idea!
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby EvangeliKong » December 6th, 2012, 7:04 pm

What is this? Is this the Crocodile Isle, sunken and disorted? Or Is this Mr. X's Kingdom? Or is my mind just full of Evangelion?

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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Morzeka » January 21st, 2013, 1:09 pm

Greetings. Just had a level idea, and thought I'd share it.

World: Morzeka's Hive
Level Name: Liquid Fire
Archtype: Hive
Order: Potentially a near-final level
Description: As one may enter the deeper reaches of the hive, one may discover the walls begin to steam, and some of the honey is extremely hot. The zingers within are stranger; more dangerous. With strong resistances to heat and high temperatures, these workers have a more fierce objective in mind, and work towards greater evolutions. On occasion, the honey pools within these catacombs will get so hot, they'll begin to boil, cooking any that may try to pass through them. It is advised that one will wait for the boiling honey to calm if one will consider passing through a honey pool. It is also advised to note tunnels in certain honey combs that vent steam. A clear shot of steam could severely injure, or possibly kill any who aren't careful. Luckily, the zingers who work down here are immune to such dangers. If the Kongs try to intrude upon these more secretive reaches, they will not pass the guardians that protect the royal passages.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Banana Bird » January 22nd, 2013, 6:19 am

Dude, I want a King Morzeka boss idea! :lol:
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Morzeka » January 27th, 2013, 11:32 am

World: Morzeka's Hive
Level Name: Surging Swarm
Archetype: Hive
Order: Second or third level
Description: The open air of these sections of the hive allow passage to the entire might of Morzeka's swarm. If a Kong were to intrude upon the hive, they would have to be aware of the occasional passing by of large groups of zingers. Hiding away in holes or trenches may provide safety from the swarming masses of passing zingers, until the air is open again. If one is to evade the countless passage of seemingly infinite zingers, near the end of this section lies a tunnel full of honey. Entering this honey-submerged tunnel will bring visitors into what seems to be a honey-based aqueduct (the next level).

World: Morzeka's Hive
Level Name: Royal Chambers
Archetype: Evolved-Hive (An alternate version of the Hive archetype, structured mainly by tunnels rather than open space)
Order: Second last level
Description: The deepest reaches of the hive are structured by intricate tunnels, the walls covered in a chitinous coating. Few honey combs are present in these tunnels, and no larvae are laid here. The most dangerous of zingers lurk in these tunnels, evolved with slightly greater size, including deadlier spines, larger abdomens and longer legs. Some of these zingers are so large, that such behemoths are unable to fly, and most drag their colossal abdomens along the ground as they crawl. The breeding chamber is located somewhere in the center of the tunnels, where the queen gives birth to live larvae. The queen is the largest of zingers in the hive, and will stop at nothing to protect her young from intruders. Zingers must pass through the queen's breeding chamber in order to reach the hive's most secretive umbra: King Morzeka's lair.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Morzeka » January 27th, 2013, 11:33 am

The Banana Bird wrote:Dude, I want a King Morzeka boss idea! :lol:

I'll write a boss idea after finishing the rest of my fantasy world!
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Super Luigi! » January 27th, 2013, 3:51 pm

Name: Kong Kalvalry
Archetype: DKC3 Factory
Music: DKC3's Chase

The Kongs have made it to one of K. Rool's greatest factories and proceed to storm it. As the alarms are set off and the lights go flashing like crazy, Dixie and Kiddy blaze through the chaos as if on a speedrun. Meanwhile, Diddy is seen scampering stage left with DK. Once Kiddy and Dixie make it to a high-speed moving platform, three primed Krackshots coming flying onscreen ready to shoot Kong. Just before they fire, the crosshairs change from red to white and black. The screen then shows Diddy hacking into the security system, and the player is given control of all three Krackshots to protect Dixie and Kiddy from other enemies. Once the lift stops and the two get off, they run into a dead end and are cornered. But just then, DK runs onscreen from the wall's other side. The player must then repeatedly mash the Y Button so DK can destroy the wall. Once destroyed, DK motions :thumbs: for Kiddy and Dixie to get moving, so then all four Kongs sprint out of the factory as it explodes in a shower of brilliant lights. Then, once the fireworks are finished, Dixie or Kiddy raises her or his flag on top of the rubble to commemorate the Kongs' victory.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » February 7th, 2013, 4:53 am

I just started building a level I suggested a little while ago (HailFire Peak). It's going to start out in an ice cave like Slipslide Ride, go to a transition tunnel, and then finish in a lava side like Hothead Hop.

I thought of another gimmick for this level that I want to try out for this level. Remember in Banjo Tooie how there was Chili Billy and Chilly Willy? I would like to take Kerozene's sprites from the GBA version of DKC2 and put him in the background of the fire and ice side of Hailfire Peak (of course, making him blue for the icy side). I thought it would be cool for you to pass him in the background, but also have him move and make objects fall from the ceiling (suck as ice crystals and fireballs).

I think it would be cool to have a way to defeat him, but the only way I can think of doing that is to throw barrels at him (specifically those ones Simion made), but I would have to see if I could edit sprites to make the Kongs throw barrels back in space. I don't think defeating the dragons should be difficult and by no means actually be full out bosses, just something easy, like throw an ice barrel at Chili Billy and a fire barrel at Chilly Willy.

I'll probably finish this level in a few days, and I'll post the full PSD.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » February 10th, 2013, 3:32 pm

I just posted the PSD of the level here. I decided to do some fake screenshots so you guys could see more of what I did. Mostly, it's just a new icy cave level and a new lava level.

icy screenshot.png
icy screenshot.png (79.77 KiB) Viewed 145740 times

transition.png (79.17 KiB) Viewed 145740 times

fire side.png
fire side.png (54.25 KiB) Viewed 145740 times

By the way, Rockkroc totally looks like he belongs in a lava level!
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » February 10th, 2013, 5:39 pm

Very cool idea! Bananas for you. :banana: :banana:

DELTA will have support for simultaneous multi-tracking. You can even have the BT music! ;)
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King Morzeka, the Wrathful

Postby Morzeka » February 13th, 2013, 7:39 pm

- King Morzeka, the Wrathful -

World: Morzeka's Hive
Level Name: Metamorphosis
Archetype: Evolved-Hive
Order: Final Level
Level Type: Boss
Description: The core of Morzeka's hive is home to King Morzeka himself. Only through the royal chambers can one make it to such a dark place. The wrath of Morzeka can be instigated by slaying his queen, and intruding upon his chamber. Angering Morzeka will result in a monstrous transformation; a metamorphosis that may horrify and destroy any intruder: Ultimate Morzeka.

The room is spherical in shape, and holds three platforms in its center. Below is a toxic mist that kills most organisms, including Kongs. Above lies a hole in the middle of the ceiling - a tunnel where King Morzeka may descend into the room.

Phase One: Kongs enter the room, and Morzeka buzzes in, circling the platforms in a rectangular pathing - over and under each platform in a cadenced pattern. A Kong rescued from a previous level will throw a barrel onto one of the platforms after evading Morzeka's assault. Hitting Morzeka with a barrel twice will send him into a quick retreat into the ceiling. Tendrils will fall in the form of a rope from the ceiling, allowing the Kongs to ascend into the next room before the toxic mist rises.

The room is the same as the previous; however, decorated with more scarlet coatings on the walls. The toxic mist becomes darker and purple, and dangerous tentacles hang from the underbellies of the platforms.

Phase Two: Once Kongs make it to the platforms, a chitinous cocoon can be seen hanging from the top left section of the ceiling. The rescued Kong from the previous room will throw a barrel onto the platform. The Kongs are required to jump the platforms without being hit by the tentacles from beneath the platforms in order to transport the barrel to the cocoon. If the cocoon is hit by barrels twice, Morzeka awakens and erupts from the cocoon in a much more horrifying form (Morzeka becomes more chitinous in appearance, brownish in color, and has scarlet tentacles that writhe on his belly. His head holds a maw that splits open in four opposite directions with terrible fangs, and his chest has a slit in it. His mass is larger than his original form, and his legs are more chitinous. His wings become molded to his back). Morzeka will proceed to unleash a terrifying hiss, and begin to close in on the Kongs. The rescued Kong will then open a hole in the far right side of the room for the Kongs to jump through as a means of escape from Morzeka.

The corridors are narrow, and often have gaps to jump over, tentacles to duck under, and tendrils to climb or descend.

Phase Three: Morzeka will chase the Kongs down a few corridors until they reach the final room. If the Kongs are too slow, they will be caught and killed by Morzeka.

The room is large and long, and has no exit. The Kongs essentially become cornered.

Phase Four (Final Phase): Morzeka will land on the ground, blocking the entrance to the room before inching his tentacles towards the Kongs. The Kongs are required to jump on the tentacles if they approach from below, which will hurt Morzeka. If the tentacles advanced from above, the Kongs are required to duck to avoid them. Eventually, upon jumping on a tentacle, Morzeka will become dazed and fall back, revealing a weakpoint on his chest. The rescued Kong will throw a barrel to the end of the room, and the Kongs are required to hit Morzeka's weak point on the chest in order to harm him. The tentacles will advance faster after Morzeka is hit, and require more skilled evasion. After Morzeka is hit in his weak point a second time, he will lean forward, advancing towards them himself. Upon closing in, Morzeka will spread his tentacles wide and erupt barbs from their ends in a move to execute the Kongs for once, his maw gaping wide to devour them. At that moment, the Kongs are required to throw a TNT barrel into his maw. If the Kongs fail, they are killed. If they succeed, Morzeka will proceed to explode and die.

Upon leaving the room, a short cutscene will move the camera back to Morzeka's dead body, where something will crawl out from the corpse. At that moment, the level ends.

((I realize that it is a long boss fight, but I've got to make it exciting and epic. I'm sure great skill can make a smooth speed run.))
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » March 23rd, 2013, 4:41 pm

I'm sorry that I haven't posted much recently. I've been busy and I've been on spring break... although I've been on break, I've been busy at home! I can't win! :shakehead:

What I'm hoping to work on is Tire Factory Terror. I would like to create a vertical DKC1 style factory. The one thing I'm kind of stuck on is the ceiling, I think. What I was thinking is to just take the yellow out of the tape and make it all blue/grey and flip it upside down. It may work.

I'm also sort of stuck on the bit of my last level, the icy side of HailFire peak. I don't know what to do for Chilly Willy. I'm thinking of just making it the same as the lava side... just blue... so blue lava in the back? I'm not quite satisfied with that... :|

chilly willy test.png
chilly willy test.png (117.7 KiB) Viewed 145548 times

Something like that? Maybe less... blue... but that's of course just an idea.... a simple lava recolour... Let me know what you think. Does it work? Should I keep looking for something that works better?
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » July 15th, 2013, 10:12 am

I was cleaning my dad's motorcycles today and while doing so, I got hit with a level idea... or at least a good level name... the level idea followed.

Oil Sludge Trudge

This takes place outside of the factory... I'm thinking a greenish landscape with some sickly looking trees and plants. As far as oil patches, I'm thinking about having them just slow you down drastically. This might be a good level to have things chasing you... like maybe a giant mincer... or a giant mincer with a gnawty inside!

I can't make my very own archetypes, so I can't really do this... but I just had to throw the idea out there, because I thought it was funny that I thought of it while cleaning motorcycles....

The reason why is there is this little mini bike my dad has that's super dirty-nasty. I had to clean up the oil sludge that was in hard to reach places and that's what made me think of the name.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby CatLoverMolly » October 17th, 2013, 11:57 am

killer dagger wrote:boss editor? :scratch: :D

Excuse me? Are you asking for a boss editor?
Sorry if that sounded snarky but I actually wasn't sure what you meant. Were you asking for a link to one, suggesting one, or asking if it's possible?
From my own understanding, the only boss 'editing' you can do involves palettes, hits taken, or possibly attack patterns.

Either way a thread for talking about level ideas isn't really the place to ask for a boss editor :?

Speaking of level ideas...

Karnival Kountdown
A carnival level where you can actually walk around and do little 'games' like the following:
Ring Toss
Donkey Kong Arcade Game
Dunk the Kremling [with a baseball]
Hit the Targets [Not the kongs!]
Knock over the bottles!
However you can't spend too much time on games; there's a constantly ticking 20 minute timer. The goal is right across the boardwalk and if you want to be a stick in the mud you can complete the level in a few seconds. But if you want bonuses and such, you'd best save up some coins of whatever kind the game has and hope you do well. And if you want that DK coin, then bring lots of coins, because you have to beat all five games three times each in the allotted time. If you go over the alloted time, then you lose your opportunity for the coin.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » October 17th, 2013, 12:23 pm

Oh, Catlover, I like your carnival idea! I always wanted more carnival type things for DKC2. I loved the roller coaster levels, but that's all that Krazy Kremland had in relation to a carnival.

I think what killerdagger was talking about was my last entry where I just did a palette chance with Kerozene for the background of my level... either way, it doesn't really add to the conversation... :roll:
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby CatLoverMolly » October 17th, 2013, 12:36 pm

^ Totally agree. You only got to walk around on those levels for a few seconds. I always feel like DKC needs a change of pace every once in a while, I can only play for a world or two before I start to get a bit bored. I would have loved for them to go more in-depth with something that's like Swanky's Sideshow; optional minigames that you can pass by, or go nuts with. And Kremland seems like a missed opportunity :c

I'm trying to think of an excuse for a level like Twilight Town in Paper Mario TTYD, or maybe the Glitz Pit. But I dunno...
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » October 17th, 2013, 1:08 pm

That reminds me... we definitely need a pit of 100 trials with a bunch of enemy types to go through (and lots of special maneuvers/"weapons" to take care of them with). That would be pretty interesting, considering I've never seen it done with DKC before. I'm thinking more along the lines of Twilight Princess's pit of 100 trials (but in 2D).

That would actually go well with an RPG-ification of DKC, though making RPG elements work for a 2D platformer like the DKCs would take some serious effort.

I've always thought that Banjo Kazooie is well suited to having a 2D platformer game; perhaps one could apply the same set of "gameplay rules" to DKC.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » January 26th, 2014, 2:37 pm

I'm playing around with some ideas... fake screenshot time. I'm going to fix up some edges of my fungi at some point. I'm thinking of making a fungi forest level with more than just a few red mushrooms. I thought the addition of a fallen tree would be a nice touch, as well as some fungi growing on it. The fallen log is behind the main level, and the fungi stick out, so you walk on that and not the tree. I would like to add some more mushrooms, which may or may not be red... I'm actually thinking about leaning more toward brown... and maybe I'll animate some to make them bouncy.

Anybody have any thoughts on this?

forest level idea.png
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » February 25th, 2014, 11:45 am

I posted this in the edited sprites section, but I guess it belongs here more than there...

I wasn't meaning this to be serious, but I guess if somebody thinks it would be a good idea, maybe it belongs here. maybe this would be a good bonus level or something?

I thought about the game Joust. and because of the elements in the game, a DKC style works out perfectly. the character rides an onstrich and the enemies ride vultures. also, the game takes place in a fiery style setting.

I was wondering something else. If I were to create a level that has lava in it, would somebody be able to use it with those little spots with numbers and be able to add the correct bubbles?
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby dkc74238732 » March 20th, 2014, 9:22 am

here are some images of my level

Kongside Wharf

Theme-DKC3 Lakeside

Enemies-Kruncha,Kritter,Kluff and klout,Kremy Bars,Zingers,Flutter,Knocka,Kracka,Klasp,Klump,Krimp
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby thetoad11 » March 23rd, 2014, 2:32 am

Level Name: Birch Tree Bonfire
Archetype: DKC3 Hollow Tree

I was thinking of a level that sorta worked like Ripsaw Rage in the sense that you have to move fast to get away from the approaching danger, but instead of an auto-scrolling level with a saw at the bottom, it works in the sense that you have a limited time to escape each section of the trees before they catch fire. Once they catch fire, every surface in that section will hurt you. Once you escape a section, it instantly catches fire so that you can't backtrack either. There would also be zingers, sneeks, and necky jrs to slow down the kongs. among other enemies and obstacles
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » March 28th, 2014, 10:30 am

Kremlantis! Fake screenshot time :dixiehappy:

kremlantis screenshot.png

Several things are going on here. I would like this to feature that Clambo animation I'm still working on. Since the temple originally had the fire torches, I'm actually keeping that with a slight twist... over top of the fire itself, a greenish glimmer will be placed. I originally thought of that glowy fish from DKC3, but I liked the way glimmer looked better (I think he also makes a better statue). The green glimmer is just a statue that faces front. I like the seaweed from DKC3, so that would be great if it could be added into the level.

I have the background completely done.

You may download the PNG from my deviantart here. Don't just save the image, because it will be resized. Download it. Also, I did not include the DKC3 seaweed in the level, I just did that for the fake screenshot.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Cyclone » March 28th, 2014, 10:34 am

That looks very cool. I really does feel like an underwater level you would find in the games. :thumbs:
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » March 28th, 2014, 11:55 am

Just a quick mini-update, I put seaweed in the whole thing, and that version of the PNG can be downloaded right here.
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