Well, when I finally finish the NGUI/RE updates, I'll have an editor "shell" program that I can take the guts out of and reprogram it for LB functionality. The tile editing mode will need a few adjustments regarding variable tile size, but other than that it's pretty much ready to go already - so
we will have tile editing right off the bat, as well as any other basic functionality.
Camera stuff will have to wait, as will the objects editing.
Camera is
vastly different in LB compared to the SNES DKC way of doing things (it's even different than DKC3's updated camera system).
The objects editing requires that the full object DLL system be implemented because the DLLs handle the custom objects' edit dialogs and right click menus (etc...).
Doing that is going to take a lot of crazy C++ hacking, because by that time we are going to (it's required) need an NGUI dialog builder so that people can make the dialogs that edit the object properties.
Dialogs MUST be easy to design, but that means LB is going to need
ubergeek-level code.

No save file importing, sorry. It doesn't work like that. But you can cheat your save file to force it to be the way your SNES save was (manually).
As for percentage completed, I'm willing to bump that up to at 5% or more, since I've been making quite a bit of headway. But I'm unsure how to measure progress related to the actual game objects.
EDIT: It would be nice to compile some sort of task list that would provide some rough estimation of the completion status. But it'll still be hard to tell even if I do that.