Awesome Games Done Quick 2013

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Awesome Games Done Quick 2013

Postby Stone » January 7th, 2013, 9:13 am

Hi guys! The Awesome Games Done Quick 2013 marathon has begun!


"Awesome Games Done Quick is SDA's charity marathon benefiting the Prevent Cancer Foundation. The marathon runs January 6-12."
Those guys from SDA's, like you might know, are famous for their collection of various speedruns.

You can watch it here:
Awesome Games Done Quick — 2013

Marathon Schedule

All DKC games have finished!

They started the DKC goodness with DKC on: Wed Jan 09 2013 22:25:00 GMT+0100 (W. Europe Standard Time)

Our fellow member, Tompa, had an all levels race with another known speedrunner named tjp7154, hope you didn't miss that! :mrgreen:
The game in line afterwards is DKC2, played by "Twig", and then it was Donkey Kong Country Returns, played by "SMK"!

Another highlight for me was the run on Yoshi's Island by Carl Sagan, who seems to be a really funny and nice guy, he will be joined by Trihex's commentary.
The run will start in just 1 or 2 hours. Both are superb YI players, I never thought you could be so quick on that game!

DK 64 was also played by "Cfox7", directly after they were done with Yoshi's Island, and was finished in 53 minutes, 40 seconds (INSANE!)

By the way, I'm neither a speedrunner nor at this event. But it is for a good cause, so I wanted to let you know! :thumbs:
Last edited by Qyzbud on January 11th, 2013, 11:09 pm, edited 19 times in total.
Reason: Renamed topic from "AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on Wednesday!)"
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on wednesday!)

Postby Qyzbud » January 7th, 2013, 9:35 am

Oh cool — thanks for the heads up! I can't believe I didn't know about this already... Tompa's a real speed demon, and I love to see games (especially DKC games) played cleverly and speedily. :)

I'll set up a countdown here so we all know when to watch in awe. 8-)

By the way, it's good to hear from you again, Stone. :)
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on wednesday!)

Postby Stone » January 7th, 2013, 10:15 am

Life at university is more stressful than ever, preventing me from visiting this forum that often.
But if I find something DK-related worth mentioning, I'm not letting you guys down ;)
I haven't thanked you yet for implementing the games soundtracks on the maps! I really like that feature!

Their server is occasionly (or permanently? :D ) down, but here are the shedules:

And here are impressive news from last years effort:
Helping other people by playing videogames? I'd love to do that, too!

Edit: Yoshi's Island is about to begin! DK64 will be next!
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on wednesday!)

Postby Qyzbud » January 7th, 2013, 10:46 am

Sorry to hear that uni's stressful — hopefully it's all worth it! What are you studying, anyway? Feel free to send me a PM if you don't want to clutter this topic. ;)

Thanks for keeping your finger on the DK pulse for us, despite your hectic life. :)

Do you mind me editing a countdown or two into your original post?
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on wednesday!)

Postby Soniccuz » January 7th, 2013, 12:45 pm

Watching the YI run. Impressive to see all the technical tricks they've developed! :)
Man, haven't touched Yoshi's Island in forever.
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on wednesday!)

Postby Qyzbud » January 7th, 2013, 12:55 pm

Yeah, I'm pretty impressed, too; Carl's playing amazingly!

I was just telling Stone that I'm amazed at the generous donations so far — I can't believe so many people are into both speedrunning and giving to charity! It's great.

So guys, the DK64 run is in just under an hour — don't miss it, if you're a fan. :)

I've added a countdown to Stone's original post.

Edit: Sorry about the enormous banner, everyone; my keyboard's batteries died as I was working to resizing it! :facepalm:
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on wednesday!)

Postby Soniccuz » January 7th, 2013, 1:40 pm

Yeah, someone just donated 1000$. Easily the largest single donation I've seen. :o


Carl's clocked at 2:48:57. DK64 coming up. :mrgreen:
This should be interesting.
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on wednesday!)

Postby Qyzbud » January 7th, 2013, 2:33 pm

It's been pretty crazy! So many glitches used, and a whole bunch of unfortunate/unlikely outcomes.

I'm not a massive fan of DK64, but the run's been quite enjoyable!

Edit: Wow — 53 minutes, 40 seconds?! That game took me HOURS... and I didn't even technically finish. :P :facepalm:
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on wednesday!)

Postby Soniccuz » January 7th, 2013, 3:16 pm

concerning glitches I imagine the estimated times 1 hour for DK64 versus 3 hours in Banjo is rather telling. :facepalm:
But, I particularly enjoyed learning about how the Kongs speed up to compensate for lag. :geek:
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on wednesday!)

Postby Qyzbud » January 7th, 2013, 3:24 pm

Yep, I'd say you're right on the money. I always thought Banjo-Kazooie was a much higher quality game, so I'm not surprised. Still, I love glitches like a fat kid loves cake, so I'll hold out hope for a few new ones to be shown off in B-K — even if they aren't massive time savers.

I loved the concept behind the orange-grenade lagging techniques, too... brilliant.

Back to B-K; Aww man! I missed his Wonderwing-defying technique in Clanker's Cavern — how did he survive the blades unscathed? Just good timing/reflexes? That's talent. 8-)

Edit 1: Getting Grabba's jiggy without the running shoes? Nice. 8-)
Edit 2: Impressive memory around 1:17; playing Mozhand's music before the decomposed composer does!
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on wednesday!)

Postby Soniccuz » January 7th, 2013, 4:23 pm

Yep, frankly, learning about DK64's glitches only serve to make the game more fascinating for me.
I have to concede Banjo's quality but, I'm still quite surprised at the lack of notably abusive glitches I'm seeing.

and once they're passed Frosty Frolics and the Haunted level, they'll officially be further in the game then I've ever managed.

edit: Ah, looking at the schedule DK64 actually listed as an any % glitched run, and Banjo's a 100%.
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on wednesday!)

Postby Qyzbud » January 7th, 2013, 5:06 pm

You mean Freezeezy Peak and Mad Monster Mansion? So you haven't beaten B-K? I was so in love with it... it was the first game that didn't seem cheap and crappy on the N64 to me. I liked Diddy Kong Racing (still do), but I think B-K stands as the first 3D game that really impressed me.

Great seeing it in action again, and learning new tidbits!

But yes, I wish there were more crazy glitches.

Edit: Banjo-Kazooie just finished — 2:34:56 — not bad at all!
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on wednesday!)

Postby Soniccuz » January 7th, 2013, 5:50 pm

Yeah, I reached a point where I just didn't seem to be making progress beyond those levels, and that was when I was 8-9 hopping online for help wasn't a thing yet. Since then I've traded in Banjo, So, I can't go back, and plow through it.
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on wednesday!)

Postby Qyzbud » January 7th, 2013, 6:08 pm

Well, where there's a will (and a PC capable of running Project 64), there's a way!

I mean, I'm not one to recommend the use of emulators... but I wholeheartedly recommend the use of emulators. ;)

Edit 1: Super Ghouls and Ghosts is being played, if anyone's a fan! (I am!) ;)
Edit 2: The guy (PJ DiCesare) has a wicked dry sense of humour.
Edit 3: Tragedy at ~14:30! I missed it by typing here, too. :P
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on wednesday!)

Postby Stone » January 8th, 2013, 12:40 am

It's not like there aren't any glitches in Banjo-Kazooie B/

Cronikeys found an interesting one:

Looks like it isn't used yet outside of TASing.

I couldn't see the whole Banjo run, about 5 o'clock in the morning I finally fell asleep! :facepalm:
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on wednesday!)

Postby Qyzbud » January 8th, 2013, 1:06 am

Ooh, that's an awesome little glitch... reminds me of the 'take animal buddies past their sign' tricks/glitches we love so much. ;)

I might head to bed myself now — it's only 1AM, but I'm not that into Skyrim, so...
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on Wednesday!)

Postby Soniccuz » January 8th, 2013, 5:20 am

Ah, they mentioned that the bee would one day wreck the game. That must be what they were referring to. ;)

Qyzbud wrote:I mean, I'm not one to recommend the use of emulators... but I wholeheartedly recommend the use of emulators. ;)

Oh, I have no issue with emulators. However, I've managed to restrict myself for the most part to SNES or, older titles. (2D platforms, and RPGs mostly)
I have yet to emulate anything in the third dimension.

Super Ghouls and Ghosts had me curious but had to turn in during Super Mario RPG. A block of classic Sonic after Kid Chameleon. I'll be tuned in. :mrgreen:
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on Wednesday!)

Postby Stone » January 10th, 2013, 7:09 am

Tompa time in less than an hour!
Get your streams ready! :dixiehappy:

I hope you'll get this in time, as it about an hour earlier than sheduled.
SDA: "[...] schedule for the AGDQ2013 Marathon [..] is subject to change at any time."


Tompa uses the setup time to perform the Donkey riding donkey glitch. People laughing.
Announcer: "Hey Tompa, yes I sure mind you this is a PG-13 stream!" :swanky:
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on Wednesday!)

Postby nackhe » January 10th, 2013, 8:23 am

I'm enjoying this.

I'm not sure if you're the one that is slightly ahead or not, but good luck! :thumbs:
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on Wednesday!)

Postby Stone » January 10th, 2013, 9:06 am

Me speedrunning? I wish I'd be good enough to get even close to them! :D

Nice race guys!
Especially in the beginning, when Tompa after a small mistake almost caught up to tjp. But luck wasn't on his side...
Maybe Tompa was more focused on explaining all those tricks and subframe things that are going on in DKC ;)
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on Wednesday!)

Postby Qyzbud » January 10th, 2013, 11:42 am

So, very sadly I managed to sleep in this morning, and missed both Tompa/tjp7154's race, and Twig's DKC2 run. :cry:

Sounds like I missed some excellent action, if Tompa was actually edged out of the victory! :o

Any new tricks/glitches showcased?

I managed to catch the end of SMK's DKCR run, so that was cool... but I can't believe I missed my favourite SNES games. Oh well. You snooze you lose. I shouldn't have stayed up late playing Mario Kart Wii with MrsQyzbud... :roll:

These are going to be available to watch after the marathon, right Stone?
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on Wednesday!)

Postby Tompa » January 10th, 2013, 2:15 pm

Hello guys! I hope you have been enjoying AGDQ so far =).
While I did a very bad job with the actual DKC race, I surely had a lot fun doing it :D.

Qyz: If you want to see the DKC race (Followed by awesome DKC2 and DKCR) you can start watching from here:
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Re: AGDQ 2013 has begun! (with Tompa on Wednesday!)

Postby Qyzbud » January 10th, 2013, 4:06 pm

Tompa, I can't imagine you doing badly at anything DKC/speedrun related!

Glad you had fun, and I'm certain you were extremely entertaining. :)

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out now — sorry I slept through your run!

Edit: I'm not getting any audio on the link you gave... and nothing's muted. The rest of my system's playing audio just fine...
Edit 2: Refreshed the page — all good!
Edit 3: Wait- no... it seems like there was only a bit of audio, right at the start... hopefully it returns.
Edit 4: Aww man, this would be so much more fun with audio.
Edit 5: Hahaha, your sliding hand slap at 22:22... it killed you, but was great.
Edit 6: 25:15... JUMPROLL!!!
Edit 7: You killed it at Blackout Basement... bad luck on the unfortunate death.
Edit 8: Well, you were beaten by a very good player... he played safe, but he played well. I love all the little tricks and risky moves you attempted — some paid off, some were costly — but all were very entertaining. :thumbs:

P.S. Love the blankie, Tompa!

Edit 9: Finally I've got sound! I'm watching through again, as it's much better with game sounds and pro-tips in a Swedish accent. ;)
Edit 10: What bad luck that you fell through the rope in Temple Tempest! What are the odds?! I've tried in vain to replicate it, but it only happens when I least suspect it. :facepalm:
Edit 11: Love the comment about the fake credits (37:30)... "Hey, they spelled Kolouring with a u... something's not right here!" :P
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