Phyreburnz wrote:It looks good to me, I just have one question... does DK have a bald patch on his thigh or is that just the way it looks?
Phyreburnz wrote:It looks good to me, I just have one question... does DK have a bald patch on his thigh or is that just the way it looks?
sonosublime wrote:Looking excellent. What program are you using for this?
Super Luigi! wrote:[...]DKCR: TR should have your models and graphics[...]
To clarify
" but as it is, he looks like a right ol' goober"
what do you mean by that? I was told by a a professional artist that the render would look much better if the characters were looking at the camera.
is it the bluring you don't like on the DK with Squawks render?
Qyzbud wrote:Cranky Critique
A good start. What game/era are you basing your design on?
Here are a few things I'd suggest:
- The hair on his head should be shorter and less shaggy — kind of like a #2 buzzcut, I suppose.
- Try introducing some curves/waves into the grey hair.
- Some bushy grey eyebrows (above the trademark Kong browline) would look good!
- The frames of his glasses ought to be a bit thinner/more subtle ← NEW
If you need any visual reference/clarification for my suggestions, let me know!
sonosublime wrote:The island itself looks really nice, but could probably be tweaked to look bigger. From the scale of the trees and cabins, it looks as though one could walk from one end of the island to the other in 5 mins
And having the jungle encroach on the ocean a bit more would give the island a more tropical look.
Phyreburnz wrote:Cyclone, are you planning on making sprites of DK on Squawks? I think it would look like a billion times better than the edited ones I made.
If you give me a video of just DK as if he were hanging on Squawks, I could turn them into sprites for you. Also, if you could have a video of him turning on squawks, that would be super awesome.
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