Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

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Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

Postby BlueTronic » June 7th, 2014, 1:21 pm

I've created a complete Donkey Kong Country soundfont you can use to create music with. It's made from the raw samples of the game, and includes every sound used in the soundtrack exactly as it was in the soundtrack (Just add delay and reverb). Open it in a soundfont player from your music sequencer.
- Drumkits are found on bank 128
- Mess with the velocity on patches labelled "VMorph" or "VeloMorph" for different sounds!

Get it here

EDIT: Donkey Kong Country 2 soundfont! Get it here
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby Solemn » July 8th, 2014, 8:59 am

This is great! I have 2 midis ripped from Donkey Kong Country to test the soundfont on here and here. Couldn't rip the rest. Anyone know where we can find more midis?
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby Raccoon Sam » July 8th, 2014, 9:45 am probably has every song from the game :)
Also, my memory might fail me but there might be a SPC to MID -conversion program
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby BlueTronic » July 8th, 2014, 4:57 pm

Yay replies!

If you have a MIDI keyboard set up, you can just play the melodies yourself. That's how I tested it when I was making it. It's faster and much more fun
spc2midi might work. The old version of SPCTool had MIDI export, but DKC trilogy tracks came out as incoherent garbage for me
I'd like to know how you ripped those MIDIs of your's. They are accurate, but missing pitch bends

EDIT: Some footage of me playing the soundfont via MIDI
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby Solemn » July 9th, 2014, 12:45 am

I tried again and ripped all the midis this time! Attached them to the thread :D there are 2 conversions done, they're probably not that different and I used rarespc which you can download from here. Not sure how to fix the pitch problem though, so we may have to fix it by editing them in our daws, that is if you feel like it. :P

Nice video demonstration BlueTronic. :)
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby Phyreburnz » July 24th, 2014, 7:23 am

This is pretty cool! I'll be anxiously awaiting your DKC2 sf2 file! :)

I'm not very into music stuff, so I don't know my way around many programs, so I've been getting my boyfriend to help me with stuff. This is super cool and I would love to be able to use this to make SNES versions of DKL exclusive music (such as the cloud and blimp levels).
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby MatiZ » July 24th, 2014, 6:57 pm

From this amazing soundfont I did Diddy Kong's Victory :diddyrock: because there's no MIDI file:
I had a problem with Diddy's noises. Some samples have the drawback that they are underdeveloped. If the sound is higher then is faster. Diddy's rap consisting of several different sounds. I have only one correct sample of monkey noise.
I can't wait to DKC2 soundfont! I wonder how to make a sound on the very beginning of Forest Interlude. I will try make Primal Rave on FL Studio. The percussion is very complicated so by SPCtool I divided .spc into 8 pieces/layers and saved as .wav.
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby BlueTronic » July 30th, 2014, 6:38 am

Thanks guys! I'm glad people are enjoying my soundfont :dixiehappy:
The DKC2 soundfont is nearly done
MatiZ wrote:From this amazing soundfont I did Diddy Kong's Victory :diddyrock: because there's no MIDI file:
I had a problem with Diddy's noises. Some samples have the drawback that they are underdeveloped. If the sound is higher then is faster. Diddy's rap consisting of several different sounds. I have only one correct sample of monkey noise.

I can't seem to access the wav file, but the problem with using the chatter patch on the DKC soundfont to recreate Diddy's rap in DKC2 is that it contains an extra sound that wasn't in DKC1. There were 3 in DKC1, 4 in DKC2.
I can't wait to DKC2 soundfont! I wonder how to make a sound on the very beginning of Forest Interlude

That synth line at the beginning is created by cycling between several different samples that are similar, but each slightly different so that when you play them in order, it sounds like the synth is morphing much like Diddy's noises do. This same synth is used in other parts of the game too
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby TheAvengerButton » July 31st, 2014, 4:42 am

This sound font is pretty top notch. I can't wait for the next one. I've been trying to recreate Do key Kong Land songs in FL Studio with it, with much success.
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby Phyreburnz » July 31st, 2014, 5:03 am

TheAvengerButton, I really do hope you plan on sharing what you've done so far! :) I'd love to hear it!
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby Qyzbud » August 5th, 2014, 6:02 pm

Wow, MatiZ... that first tune in your post above has a fantastic ambience about it... in fact, it gives me a bit of a Tropical Freeze vibe, which is a very good thing. I think it reminds me most of the Alpine Incline tune, which has a strong DKC essence about it. :)

Lovely stuff! :dixiehappy:
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby Phyreburnz » August 6th, 2014, 11:15 am

:banana: Nice, MatiZ! I can't wait to hear more. I absolutely love what you've done so far! :banana:
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby TheAvengerButton » August 6th, 2014, 12:18 pm

Hey, picosong is pretty awesome. Thanks for the introduction, MatiZ! Also, great compositions. I really thought they were something Eveline or Dave would have written.

Here is something I'm experimenting with. In my opinion, the best way to translate Donkey Kong Land music into the DKC soundfonts is to do it rock band-style. It was hard to try and recompose these pieces without causing them to lose that atmosphere, or feeling, or whatever, that they have that makes them special. So I took a different approach. At least half of the soundtrack sounds very power poppy to me. So, here's a small sampling of Monkey Mountain. I plan on adding some familiar DK instruments before the full composition is finished so that it can have that great classic Donkey Kong sound.

I would definitely appreciate some critiques.
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby BlueTronic » August 7th, 2014, 3:51 am

MatiZ wrote:I made two short fan-creations: and the not complete diddy's victory:

These are fantastic! I can't wait to hear what you guys make with the DKC2 soundfont when it's done
About Diddy's victory... I see you've only used one of the monkey chirps contained in the Chatter patch. There's actually three in it, you just have to change the velocity a little to get different sounds. That's what it means when you see "VMorph" or "Velomorph" next to a patch name ;)

I too made a short original song with the soundfont when I first released it. I must've forgotten to put it in the thread so I'll put that here:
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby Phyreburnz » August 7th, 2014, 4:02 am

BlueTronic, you must have given a bad link. It keeps giving me this message: Sorry! We can't find this track.

The AvengerButton, very nice so far! I can't wait to hear more! I don't know if I really have any critiques right now, though. Just keep up the awesome work! :nicework:
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby VideoViking » August 7th, 2014, 4:41 am

Phyre, here's the fixed link:

There was an extra "s" at the end of the URL; that's what gave you the 404.
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby TheAvengerButton » August 7th, 2014, 5:05 am

I can't wait for the DKC2 sound font. There are definitely some sounds there I'd like to use. I tried making a soundfont for myself, but my computer won't run the necessary programs.
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby Rux Ton » August 9th, 2014, 4:50 pm

I haven't posted here much lately due to life getting real. Was on a major DKC binge and decided to check out what was going on here and wow, I am so happy you did this. I was going to make an entire album inspired by and dedicated to the DKC series. You're making one for 2 huh? Amazing! I am just so stoked. I may have to make a bit of a demo here and post on this thread.

Gonna find some DKC pics to inspire me and see if I can come up with a "new level" idea in my head.

Oh man this'll be fun! :nicework:


Here is my take that I quickly whipped up. This was super fun! I think I broke the 8 channel rule but oh well this was still fun!

(Sorry for the double post, my edit button was not working properly. If a mod could fix my post that would be fantastic :D) Taken care of! -Qyzbud
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby MatiZ » August 10th, 2014, 5:15 am

I also broke the 8 channel rule. Thanks for support guys!
Rux Ton, this is awesome what you did! Of course we need more DKC's fan music.
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby Rux Ton » August 10th, 2014, 6:01 am

(Thank you so much @Qyzbud! :D )

And thank you MatiZ!
I checked out your victory track! How did you do the.. velomorph thing? I was using Kontakt since I only have the producer edition of FL Studio haha.

But i would love to be able to figure out how to use the monkey chants o-o.
EDIT: Didn't realize it was mentioned above haha.

Again, that was dope man! SOUNDS SO OFFICIAL. Once the second soundfont comes out and if the third one is decided on, It will be time for a big list of custom DKC style music. I wish I had the time and patience to rip stuff bahaa but it seems so complicated to line them up for a soundfont. So I am super glad Bluetronic was able to do this. Im having too much fun over here.

The only thing I am wondering is..for example... in DKC2, the forest interlude song that used the korg wave station like saw wave that cuts in and out, how would one rip that into a soundfont?

EDIT AGAIN: I keep listening to your tracks above MatiZ and sheesh they are AWESOME! Would love to collab or something on one maybe man sometime. *o* EDIT EDIT EDIT: I decided to whip out another one, this is gettin fun!
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby BlueTronic » August 11th, 2014, 12:48 am

Rux Ton wrote:The only thing I am wondering is..for example... in DKC2, the forest interlude song that used the korg wave station like saw wave that cuts in and out, how would one rip that into a soundfont?

That was proving to be a huge challenge. For the other patches I just mapped them to velocity and had the sequence repeat for different velocity levels. But I couldn't do that with the sawtooth because it has 17 samples (And the Disco Train synth has 32!). There would be a clear drop in volume before you got through the cycle. Originally I was going to map it to the modwheel, but that wasn't working and most people wouldn't know how to use it. But just recently I figured out how to break the link between velocity and volume within a patch. So you won't be able to variate the volume using velocity on VeloMorph patches and they will cycle only once now EDIT EDIT EDIT: I decided to whip out another one, this is gettin fun!

I like this one! Nice prehistoric sound. I see you cheated and used the reswave from the Wavestation...
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby Rux Ton » August 11th, 2014, 2:02 am

Actually I cheated in a different way! :swanky:

I had a DKC soundfont from a while back apparently (2012 I think) that i fished off my old PC, and It had that saw thing in like .. 16 different patches. I automated the scrolling of the patches in FL Studio (which i hope I never have to do again especially since I have the demo version only lol so I have to rig it everytime I save it and make sure i remember all the parameters)


And wow the disco train really has that much? :scratch: Heh crazy! As far as the Marimba sound, that trick I did is probably something that the SNES would not have been able to handle heh, at least not that I am aware of :x
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby Qyzbud » August 19th, 2014, 1:39 am

I was late to the party, and missed out on your last track, Rux — any way I could have a listen?

MatiZ, your stuff is awesome as usual; the DKC theme is a really faithful recreation, except for a few subtle differences (which are kind of nice, in their own way), and "Ice Folly" has a terrific aquatic/icy sound about it... truly beautiful sounds. :)
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby Rux Ton » August 19th, 2014, 3:53 pm ... -o/s-wYKyw

No Problem Qyzbud! I had to quickly clean my soundcloud up for I just started a mass promotion of my latest track and sadly these networks don't really like that kind of music baha. But here is a private playlist of them. I MIGHT do more sometime.

Yo that ice level really sounds ICY! it's so COOL! :nicework: Really though it is absolutely pretty. :banana: :banana: :banana:
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby Qyzbud » August 20th, 2014, 3:14 am

Rux, that playlist appears to be empty! :O

I'm on my phone, so that might be the problem, but I don't think so... :scratch:
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby VideoViking » August 20th, 2014, 4:55 am

It's not the phone. I've had this problem before.

Two possibilities:

1) You need an account to use the playlist feature
2) This could be a Soundcloud program glitch
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby Rux Ton » August 20th, 2014, 5:51 am

Yes! Soundcloud is glitching and it is making me mad haha.

Not unusual though thanks for letting me know!

HERE are the links:
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont

Postby BlueTronic » August 21st, 2014, 4:24 am

Okay folks. After much hard work, the Donkey Kong Country 2 soundfont is finally finished!
Get it here or here:
Donkey Kong Country
(535.37 KiB) Downloaded 3513 times

Drumkits are on bank 128. Mess with the velocity on patches labelled "VMorph" or "VeloMorph" for different sounds. Every sound used in the tracks is included, yadda yadda yadda. You know the drill :swanky:

I might make a demo later
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

Postby MatiZ » August 21st, 2014, 5:19 am

Oh great! Awesome work! I need to figure this VMorph out.
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

Postby BlueTronic » August 21st, 2014, 5:26 am

MatiZ wrote:Oh great! Awesome work! I need to figure this VMorph out.

Velocity is the strength of the strike on a key. You should be able to change velocity in your sequencer very easily. This function is built in to soundfonts and used to change volume. However, on the velomorph patches, I broke the link between velocity and volume on instruments with multiple samples
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

Postby TheAvengerButton » August 21st, 2014, 5:39 am

Oh, heck yes. I will be downloading this when I get home. Is there a DKC3 sound font being planned for the future?
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

Postby Rux Ton » August 21st, 2014, 7:26 am

Hey BlueTronic, what would you say your progress is with DKC2?

Man you have really just made my day, not even just my day but life by doing this baha. This is the coolest thing ever. :kiddycool: I plan on making an entire album of DKC style music out of this as a free thing. I'll credit you in the special thanks once I get to that point, but that is certainly in the near future :) I will keep you posted on it when I get more figured out though. Just figured I would have your permission before proceeding further.

I was also thinking of how weird yet cool it would be for me to use some of these sounds in my electronic music usually. You know how some people mix dubstep or electro with 8-bit, could the same fusion work with 16-bit music, or do you think it would sound weird?

Like I am imagining.. opening up a set with this soundfont and then having it transition into electro house or ... something. Like a SNES symphony (DKC 2 instruments) or.. I don't know, something! I have a lot of crazy ideas, I guess it's time to play around haha!
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

Postby BlueTronic » August 21st, 2014, 8:09 am

Thanks Rux! :dixiehappy:

I just realized I've been limiting the percussion possibilities for you guys by using only drumkits. Drumkits are good for playing, but they don't give you the full range of the each sample. So I've included most of the percussion samples as solo patches just after the drumkits. ... ountry.sf2
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

Postby BlueTronic » August 21st, 2014, 8:10 am

Rux Ton wrote:I was also thinking of how weird yet cool it would be for me to use some of these sounds in my electronic music usually. You know how some people mix dubstep or electro with 8-bit, could the same fusion work with 16-bit music, or do you think it would sound weird?

All dubstep sounds weird to me :headache:
But I like the idea! You could layer some of the instruments with similar-sounding synths, or put some mixer effects on them, or use some nonmelodic sounds in the beat. Try it! (But I encourage you not use dubstep :P )
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

Postby Qyzbud » August 21st, 2014, 12:49 pm

Fantastic effort, BT! I'll be sure to check out the new sounds when time avails.

Rux, thanks for sharing your compositions again. Barrels Up High in particular really appeals to me, but both are beautifully moody. :banana:
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

Postby Rux Ton » August 21st, 2014, 3:53 pm

Thanks Qyz! I am glad it appeals to you hehe.

And yeah I am not a huge dubstep guy honestly :P It sounds ugh. Its generic I guess you could say :O

EDIT: Ahh! JUST SAW YOU UPLOADED THE DKC 2 ONE! :D GIve me a bit and ill give you guys some Rux Ton DKC2 lovinnn. :gnawty-lol:
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

Postby Ribbedebie » August 22nd, 2014, 7:50 am

Everything sounds better with a DKC soundfont, if I do say so myself! I absolutely love the songs you guys made here with it. ...I wish I was any good with making music at all, 'cause I'd do the Pirates of the Carribean theme with DKC2's soundfont. C'mon, don't tell me it won't be incredible.
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

Postby MatiZ » September 6th, 2014, 1:11 am

Too general. But I can try.
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

Postby Phyreburnz » September 6th, 2014, 10:40 am

Hmmm.... if you're looking for suggestions, I think looking to combine different archetypes is a good start... for example, what would a frozen factory sound like, or a sunken temple?

You could try to see if you can make desert-e sounding stuff (could have a practical application, too, as one of the guys helping with the DKC4 project made some desert tilesets).
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

Postby Rux Ton » September 8th, 2014, 5:41 pm

When I sat down to mine i did what @Phyreburnz said actually. Created the scenery in my head and went from there.

Like, think of what a Frozen Swamp would even sound like. That'd be... strange to say the least. Or if there was a forest fire in the Enchanted Woods levels :o so many possibilities!
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

Postby BlueTronic » September 9th, 2014, 5:12 am

Many of the tracks in DKC2 were genre based rather than environment based. Think about Snakey Chantey, Jib Jig, K.Rool Returns, Welcome to Crocodile Isle, and Boss Bossanova
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

Postby Phyreburnz » September 19th, 2014, 10:11 am

These sound great! I can't wait to hear more :)
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Re: Complete Donkey Kong Country Soundfont(s)

Postby Rux Ton » September 23rd, 2014, 6:32 am

I just need to find a way to cycle through wavetables better in the soundfont haha. FL Studio's is the only one I can do it in flawlessly but sadly I do not have the full version of that plugin :shakehead:

I have been itching to do something more with this soundfont so I may be uploading something tonight :3
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