Tiptup Jr. wrote:I know it has nothing to do with Donkey Kong Country, but think about it: Ice Climber. You know, instead of Cliff Climber.
Tiptup Jr. wrote:Quick Question: Is the "Seeker of Mysteries" title exclusive to Jomingo? I haven't seen anyone else with it yet.
Kiddy14 wrote:Tiptup Jr. wrote:I know it has nothing to do with Donkey Kong Country, but think about it: Ice Climber. You know, instead of Cliff Climber.
I suggested alliteration since DKC uses it a lot
Jomingo wrote:K. Rool's Advocate? I don't remember seeing that anywhere.
Jomingo wrote:Good suggestions, but Qyzbud would rather have the Forum Ranks not have to do with the DK series, but instead to be names dealing with exploration.
Jomingo wrote: "Gravedigger?" Or Graverobber?
Raider of Temples?
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