Jomingo wrote:Gamer Boy, are you referring to something I missed, or our you speaking your own thoughts outloud, because I don't remember anyone saying that DK and Candy or Diddy and Dixie were married.
Anyway, no, DK and Candy are not married(that we know of), and Diddy and DIxie are not either. Both couples are only dating, though you would have thought they would've popped the question by now, being that they have been dating since at least 1994.
Kiddy14 wrote:See the first post Jo... The original Wikipedia image says so.
Jomingo wrote:Ah, I see. Well then, I find it absurd that such inaccuracies made there way to Wikipedia.
Jomingo wrote:Oh, and again, do not quote entire posts right before yours.
Now, here are my theories. It is just made up, so don't take it seriously:
There are 4 different family trees:
1) DK's Tree:
Cranky's brother is Karate Kong, and Dread, Sumo, and Ninja are his sons.
Funky is DK's younger brother. This explains why he is so lazy/rebellious, because DK is the first born and he inherits the island, so Funky is ignored, causing him to lash out.
Funky could be Diddy's father. This would make him DK's nephew. If you compare Diddy with sunglasses and a boombox to Funky in the original Funky Flights, you'll see the similarities.
Wrinkly also has an unnamed sister, who is dead. Her son's are Swanky and City kong.
2) Candy's Family Tree:
Candy has 3 siblings: Bumpkin, Kiddy/Chunky's parent, and Dixie/Tiny's parent.
3) Lanky's Tree:
Lanky and Manky are brother's. That's it.
Goe wrote:Great tree mate!
That family tree that Tiptup made (which is fantastically done by the way)...
Most of the relations on this page are completely made up, my friend. This is just speculation on the part of the members here
Cranky and Wrinkly are DK's parents
2) Rare never specifically states that DK is DK JR, nor does nintendo or any other source, from what I can remember. It is entirely possible that he is the son of DKJr. There have been several references to him being the son of Cranky and also the Grandson of him, so we don't know for sure. Though, he also mentions Diddy is his grandson, so he could just consider himself everyones grandfather(not literally, just because he's the oldest). He calls himself Dk's Pappy in DKC, and he says DK is his son in DK64. It's really up for grabs at this point, though I believe it just makes more sence to make him DK's father.
CM August wrote:Qyzbud wrote:Speaking of which... somehow I got the idea that Wrinkly's save cave was located somewhere central, but had lots of access tunnels (in the different worlds). I suppose that's a topic for another thread, though.
In fact, this is the exact same explanation used in the extended story of DKC3. You can view it on Rare's old (defunct) official website here.
swoopysalvo wrote:And don't yell at me for this but I think Diddy and Dixie aren't. The manual of DKC2 has Cranky calling Dixie Diddy's girlfriend but in her character bio it says she and Diddy are inseparable friends. More or less leading me to believe that they are something like friends who are constantly being teased as being boyfriend and girlfriend.
Teh Rare site wrote:...inseparable from Diddy and every bit as stubborn as he is on the issue of how far their friendship goes, despite (or possibly because of) Cranky and Funky's endless teasing.
Jomingo wrote:Though, I do like your ideas about Dixie and Candy being in the same family, and Diddy being Funky's son. In fact, I like those ideas so much I've already suggested them several times throughout the topic!
You know what, I think I even suggested the Funky being Diddy's father in the post right above you!
That is why I think he is the Pink ape in DKJr Math.
Jomingo wrote:I think it's confirmed somewhere that DK and Candy are not married, just dating.
Jomingo wrote:I don't think that DK is Swanky's brother, because we have never even seen the two on the same screen at the same time!!!
Qyzbud wrote:Jomingo wrote:I think it's confirmed somewhere that DK and Candy are not married, just dating.
Yeah, in the DKC instruction booklet, Candy's bio includes the following:
Candy Kong is [...] one of [DK's] closest friends.
Although everyone assumes that they will get married one day, Donkey Kong's just not ready to settle down yet (in Candy's opinion).
Of course, that could have changed in the last 14 years, but I've never heard anything to suggest it has.
Tiptup Jr. wrote:Uh... What do you mean? Diddy thinks Candy's hot, but that doesn't mean he's cheating on Dixie or anything.Oh, and...
Qyzbud wrote:Jomingo wrote:I think it's confirmed somewhere that DK and Candy are not married, just dating.
Yeah, in the DKC instruction booklet, Candy's bio includes the following:
Candy Kong is [...] one of [DK's] closest friends.
Although everyone assumes that they will get married one day, Donkey Kong's just not ready to settle down yet (in Candy's opinion).
Of course, that could have changed in the last 14 years, but I've never heard anything to suggest it has.
It may not count for much, but Candy's giving Funky quite the flirtatious look in this screenshot, don't you think?
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