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World 3 Boss

Bumble B Rumble

The Kongs vs. Queen B.

She's big, she's spiky, she's intimidating... but if you're quick on your feet and handy with a barrel, this Zinger queen may have met her match...

Queen B.'s main battle strategy is to fly above you, then drop altitude at the side of her lair before swooping low along the ground. As with her countless Zinger subjects, the Queen is immune to DK and Diddy's basic attacks, but fortunately for the Kongs, regenerating vine barrels are available for use against their flying foe.

When hit, Queen B. will turn red and zigzag up and down in pursuit of the Kongs; she is immune to all attacks during this phase, so wait until she stops flashing red before letting another barrel fly.

Five well-aimed barrels and Her Royal Zinginess will be defeated.

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Bury Queen B. six feet under

If Queen B. swoops beneath the ground of her lair as she is dealt her final blow, she will fall below the play area. Performing this glitch requires carefully timed preparation.

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Challenge #1

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