CAN-DAY!gamer_boy997 wrote:What do you like best about Halloween?
Qyzbud wrote:I wonder what countries celebrate something as strange/interesting as All Hallows Eve (another name for Halloween).
Qyzbud wrote:[...]and DKCp, I had no idea you were a fellow Aussie![...] I don't think we have anything as interesting in Aus.
DKCplayer wrote:As Qyzbud already mentioned, Halloween isn't part of the Aussie culture.
CaptainEddie wrote:Scaring little kids! Priceless.
Jomingo wrote:I will be too busy to trick or treat this year, as I am a part of my school's radio crew, and we have a football game to film for the local public access channel we run on friday. Interestingly, it is our first playoff game, and my school's team(the Red Arrows) is the NUMBER ONE HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY, as of Wednesday! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOOOOOOOOOOOTBALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!
Kong-Fu wrote:Run up to a 3-year-old and yell WASSSUUUUUUUUUUP!?
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