OC ReMix DKC2 Project: "Serious Monkey Business" - RELEASED!

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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby PotoGamer » March 30th, 2009, 4:15 am

I really liked some of the songs there (Stickerbush Symphony, Primal Rave, Jib Jig, Disco Train)! I was, however, disappointed with my favorites (Mining Melancholy, Klomp's Romp, In a Snow-Bound Land, Hot Head Hop). Oh well, maybe I'm just too used to listening to the EXTREMELY AWESOME steel kegs in Mining Melancholy. And I really dislike the vocals on some of the songs, they just don't fit in well...
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby BlueTronic » March 30th, 2009, 6:04 am

I never got a chance to give my opinion on any of the songs yet, so here I go...

Kiddy14 wrote:So far my favorite has been Krook's March's (the one at 8:09 in the 2nd preview). Who's in charge of that song? =] And why they don't preview more of that song!? ¬¬

Audix is. The remix will be named "Krooked" by the way. Did anyone else notice that the main melody of Krook's March starts out sounding like the Indiana Jones theme? Nobody? Krooked was my favorite, until the second preview came out. Now I like Haunted Chase the best.

Kiddy14 wrote:But what I haven't really liked are the remixes with vocals. I have this feel I'll be constantly skipping those =S Not all of them, there are some I like; but in my opinion Crocodile Cacophony is too "hard", and "strong" for lyrics. In fact I liked In a Snowbound Land and Hot Head Bop's arrangements!

Didn't you hear the instrumental version of Crocodile Cacophony I posted a few days back? Doesn't it sound like it's missing something, or is it just me?

Speaking of vocal remixes, I'm pretty sure the vocals in Palpable's In A Snowbound Land remix are spanish. Care to translate?

Gnawzooka wrote:I haven't heard the second preview yet but...
...did someone just say they did Crocodile Cacophany with vocals?!
Why don't they just use Krool Intentions?

Why not make a new remix? The more the MERRYer <- see what I did there? :lol:


The Haunted Chase remix kicks ASS. :twisted: My compliments to Prince of Darkness. I think it will be my favorite in track in the whole project. After that I think my favorites are going to be Krooked, Flight of the Zinger, and Disco Train.

Token Tango is actually a Jungle Hijinx remix, but of course it was taken from the main melody of Jungle Hijinx in the first place, so it can pass as a Token Tango remix. If you listen, you can hear vocals singing with it. And why is the bonus intro a track? It's like 10 seconds long! :roll: Besides the fact that it's already in Swanky's Swing (which the remix in the preview was GREAT by the way).

The Flight of the Zinger remix was great too. It really has that trance-ish feel that the original couldn't get because of low sound quality.

EDIT: The lyrics in The Backwards Room are quite strange, but cool. They make the song sound epic, seemingly better than any other style of singing would. Snakey Chantey sounds a lot like Claustrophobia, which made me think for a while that Another Soundscape was making it. That one sounds strange too, but nonetheless, good.
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Simion32 » March 30th, 2009, 7:11 am

I just heard the 2nd preview track.

Everything's OK, and I still have the same favorite songs... In a Snowbound Land sounds interesting though. As long as the lyrics fit the song, it's OK with me.

The "Backwards Room" really shouldn't have lyrics though, they sort of interrupt the song...

And yes, the haunted chase remix = AWESOME. :D
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby BlueTronic » March 30th, 2009, 7:24 am

Simion32 wrote:The "Backwards Room" really shouldn't have lyrics though, they sort of interrupt the song...

They sound strange, but they make it sound much more epic, like you're being chased. If there was no lyrics, it would sound too plain and not epic at all (or at least not as epic as with the vocals).
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Simion32 » March 30th, 2009, 7:32 am

Kong-Fu wrote:They sound strange, but they make it sound much more epic, like you're being chased. If there was no lyrics, it would sound too plain and not epic at all (or at least not as epic as with the vocals).
Hmm, perhaps it's because the lyrics are difficult to hear. Or at least, they seem to be to me. If the lyrics were clearer, it would sound better. :|
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby BlueTronic » March 30th, 2009, 7:40 am

They seem clear enough to me. Just somewhat distorted, but that's there to add to the epic/scariness. I can tell mostly what it's saying...

There as we speak ?our light reigns?
?Moral? and conscience regrants things
Wherever flesh is torn by chains
That's why a backwards room remains

That's in the first, not second preview. All he does in the second preview is say "Run, baby, run" over and over. :roll:
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Kiddy14 » March 30th, 2009, 8:34 am

Kong-Fu wrote:Speaking of vocal remixes, I'm pretty sure the vocals in Palpable's In A Snowbound Land remix are spanish. Care to translate?

I can't distinguish any Spanish in there =S Sounds more like French to me, since I get some Portuguese pronunciation (but no Portuguese words); or perhaps German.

EDIT: Ok, it's Mandarin Chinese =P
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Gnawzooka » March 30th, 2009, 5:12 pm

Listening to the preview now.
1. Swanky's theme I think? Sounds a hell of a lot like some stuff from the DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi games.
2. I didn't recognise this one... sounds alright though.
3. Welcome to Crocodile Isle sounds a bit odd... but kinda cool
4. Jib Jig... meh... Sounds nice but I don't really like it.
5. Sounds good, but I can't quite figure out what it is...
6. Forest Interlude sounds nice but a bit unsuiting.
7. Fligth of the Zinger so far actually sounds a bit like Chekan Winter.
8. Lyrics = FAIL. What was it anyway?
9. Run Rambi Run? Sounds alright. The vocalsdon't ruin it so much in this one.
10. Token Tango sounds more like Jungle Hijinx. Not entirely surprising, but they culd've made it less like Jungle Hijinx and more like Token Tango.
11. Stickerbush Symphony sounds alright, but I'm honestly sick of that song since there are so many remixes of it already, so this probably affects my opinion of it.
12. No idea what it is...
13. Disco Train sounds cool. I prefer Sockpuppet's though.
14. What is it? Sounds pretty epic but..what?
15. Krook's March sounds great.
16. Haunted Chase is awesome, I think I prefer this to Assembly Line Apparations.
17. Grr, more lyrics... I'm not sure what it is though...
18. Lost World theme sounds epic.
19. What's it called again? The lost world jungle music? Oh well, sounds very Jungly.
20. Didn't sound at all familiar.
21. Nor this one.
22. I need to play more often or soemthing... Well maybe if I heard some more.
23. Mining Melancholy sounded great until the lyrics came in...

By the way, which one is the Backwards Room?
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Sockpuppet » March 30th, 2009, 5:54 pm

@Gnawzooka: I think the tracks you don't recognize are:
2. Lockjaw's Saga (Sounds weird, but the end of the preview is slightly recognizable.)
5. Snakey Chantey
8. Hot Head Bop (I don't like it either and the original was my 2nd favorite song...) =(
12. Bad Bird Rag
14. Boss Bossanova
17. In a Snow-Bound Land
19. I think the original song was called Primal Rave. Or was that the title of Protricity's ReMix?
20. Not sure, but it's probably Crocodile Cacophony
21. I have no idea... The song where the Krockship appears or Stronghold Showdown maybe?
22. Same as above?

Backwards Room is the Run Rambi Run ReMix.
And thanks for the Disco Train comment! =D That reminds me, I forgot to start the redone version. >_<

EDIT: Might as well post my opinions I guess.
Swanky's Swing: This sounds awesome! =D
Lockjaw's Saga: I think I need to hear more of this before I have an opinion.
Welcome to Crocodile Isle: Sounds a bit weird, but not in a bad way. I kinda like it.
Jib Jig: This sounds pretty good. One of my favorites so far.
Snakey Chanty: Really weird. I'm not sure I like this one. The original was one of my favorites, and this ReMix is really different.
Forest Interlude: Sounds great, but doesn't sound Forest Interlude-y at all.
Flight of the Zinger: Also sounds great.
Hot Head Bop: =( Really disappointed here. My 2nd favorite original, but one of my least favorite of the ReMixes. Not just because of the lyrics, the whole thing just doesn't sound right... then again, the rest of the song could be good.
Run Rambi Run: Really don't like this one. It might be an alright mix if it weren't for the vocals.
Token Tango: Could sound more like the TT version of the song rather than the DK Island Swing version, but it sounds great. For some strange reason it made me laugh.
Stickerbrush Symphony: I've changed my mind about this one. I DO like it. The drums come in a bit suddenly though.
Bad Bird Rag: Not sure. Sounds pretty good I guess.
Disco Train: LOVE this one! =D Easily one of my favorites.
Boss Bossanova: The part used in preview one sounds awesome. This part sounds alright.
Krook's March: Favorite remix so far. It sounds AWESOME! =D
Haunted Chase: This also sounds awesome. (I kinda wish it had been an epic orchestral mix though, since I've already heard Protricity's mix, which is somewhat similar.)
In a Snow-Bound: I don't like this one either, which is a real pity because I love the original. Not just because of the lyrics either.
Lost World Anthem: EPIC! Love this one.
Primal Rave: Another one of my favorites.
Crocodile Cacophony (I think): Not a fan of the genre...
Not sure: Also not sure on my opinion.
Another Not Sure: See above. =/
Mining Melancholy: I was really liking it at first. And then the rapping came in and I hated it. =(
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Gnawzooka » March 30th, 2009, 6:50 pm

Yeah, I see we pretty much agree here. Anyway, I do want to hear more of some of them so I can judge them on the whole track.
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby cfh » April 6th, 2009, 6:36 am

For all the tracks people say they don't like, I like simply because they provide a different take than any previous remixes. But the rapping was really bad on the last one. A shame, because I think it could have worked really well if they had someone who was actually good at it.
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Sockpuppet » April 16th, 2009, 2:37 pm

I found this old preview back on pg 14 of the OC thread. No different ReMixes, but it previews different sections of them.

EDIT: All tracks are now claimed.
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Sockpuppet » April 21st, 2009, 5:14 pm

I found what is probably an early version of Snakey Chantey ReMix, titled Crystal Swamp: http://dkmusic.karmus.dk/remix/Donkey%20Kong%20Country%202/VGMix/tepid%20-%20Crystal%20Swamp.mp3

The Swanky's Swing ReMix is called 'Pickin' Out the Fleas,' and it's apparently a mix of that song and 'The Animal,' by Steve Vai. And because of that it got rejected by the OC judges... http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=533925#post533925
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Sockpuppet » June 9th, 2009, 5:36 pm

The Cranky Conga ReMix was posted in the OC Thread (Possibly a WIP).
It's... really weird, but I guess it's pretty cool. :)
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Sockpuppet » July 17th, 2009, 6:50 pm

Sorry for the quadruple post, but no-ones posting anything, and if I edited the last post, the reply notification email wouldn't be sent... Can a mod please merge and delete them?

The latest Radio Free Gamer has an interview with project coordinators Geoffrey Taucer and Bahamut, as well as 2 FULL tracks! They are Fishy's Forest Interlude ReMix and Audix's Krook's March ReMix.

You can download the podcast here: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/RadioFreeGamerPodcast (World 1, Level 7)

WARNING: The podcast is 110 mb and the DKC2 section is right at the end.

Maybe it's just me but I enjoyed listening to the excerpts more than the full tracks. Still, they're pretty good.
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby BlueTronic » July 18th, 2009, 8:37 am

The preview was a PAIN to extract. The entire podcast is an hour long, so it kept crashing slicex. But here it is!

What is that last song? Is it Bayou Boogie?
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Sockpuppet » July 18th, 2009, 12:17 pm

Awesome, thanks Kong-Fu! :D That last song isn't actually part of the project, it's just there to fill in the breaks in the show.

It's a pity they already previewed the best parts of the two tracks earlier, because it made these full songs a little disappointing. :( I love the orchestral bit at the end of Forest Interlude though.
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Lampje4life » July 19th, 2009, 6:56 pm

Sockpuppet wrote:Awesome, thanks Kong-Fu! :D That last song isn't actually part of the project, it's just there to fill in the breaks in the show.

It's a pity they already previewed the best parts of the two tracks earlier, because it made these full songs a little disappointing. :( I love the orchestral bit at the end of Forest Interlude though.

I like OCRemix' Project and looking forward to Flight of the Zinger and Crazy Rollercoaster Theme, because they are in the style I like ^^.

But my opinion about OCR is, that they do have perfect sounding mixes, but most are just too arranged.
You only get one good part of about 30 seconds long in a song that takes over 5 minutes.

Ah well :D
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Sockpuppet » October 25th, 2009, 3:45 pm

Oh yeah, another one was released a while ago and I forgot to post it here. Oops.

Monkeys Disarm your Kremlings (NekoFrog, Oinkness)
And lyrics.

This is usually the kind of music I don't like much but... I really like it. :D It's also got snippets of Gangplank Galleon and Stickerbrush Symphony.
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Qyzbud » October 25th, 2009, 6:44 pm

Oh dear lord. :shock:

Well, it's not your average video game music remix, so it has to get points for being different... but wow, that's as far from my taste in music as a song could possibly get. I must admit, 1:12 - 1:30 was pretty awesome, but as for the rest of this mix? Hmm... I will almost certainly leave it out of my collection entirely.
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Gnawzooka » October 25th, 2009, 7:40 pm

I hated it instantly and only listened to about 4 seconds.
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby BlueTronic » October 26th, 2009, 12:40 am

Me too. :(

At least there's still the intrumental version, right? That I'll keep in my collection. :)
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Emunator » October 30th, 2009, 10:33 am


So, the secret remix of the Credits theme? Done by DAVE-FREAKING-WISE, along with performances by Robin Beanland (who was also a composer for the DKC soundtracks) and Grant Kirkhope! I can't wait, that's amazing!

I've liked all of the finished songs I've heard, though I'll agree that Monkeys Disarm Your Kremlings isn't quite as listenable as the others, it's just plain cool :)
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Qyzbud » October 30th, 2009, 10:38 am

Oh wow! There was speculation that **** **** stood for Dave Wise, but I never would have dreamed... :shock:

This is phenomenal.
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby BlueTronic » October 30th, 2009, 10:45 am

I had suspected it was Dave Wise, Robin Beanland, and Eveline Fischer, but "Eveline Fischer" was 2 letters too long. :lol:

Also, why did Krook's March go from being claimed by Audix to being claimed by "Sole Signal?"
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Sockpuppet » October 30th, 2009, 3:43 pm

...WOW! This is just one reason why Rare's musicians are awesome! :D Now I really can't wait!
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Qyzbud » October 31st, 2009, 6:12 pm

I so absolutely can't wait to hear what Rare's awesome muso's come up with... I still wish Protricity was lending his skills to the project, though.

Kong-Fu wrote:Also, why did Krook's March go from being claimed by Audix to being claimed by "Sole Signal?"

I expect you know the answer to this now... apparently Audix is now going by the name Sole Signal due to copyright identity issues.
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Re: OverClocked ReMix DKC2 Project

Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 2nd, 2009, 5:56 am

Ohhh my gosh guys! We are in for one epic musical treat. I'm so excited. :D

And Jesus Christ no.
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Re: OC ReMix DKC2 Project: "Serious Monkey Business"

Postby Sockpuppet » March 6th, 2010, 8:34 am

Some more teasers have been released! :D
Some more previews of some of the tracks
Both links also feature the front cover art.
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Re: OC ReMix DKC2 Project: "Serious Monkey Business"

Postby Kiddy14 » March 11th, 2010, 1:26 pm

The last OverClocked After Dark episode has revealed the release date for the project...

March 15th, 2010
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Re: OC ReMix DKC2 Project: "Serious Monkey Business"

Postby Bahamut » March 16th, 2010, 2:14 pm

Hey, so I'm Bahamut on the OCR staff - Emunator linked me to this thread before, so I just thought you guys would like to know that the album has released!

Go grab it here: http://dkc2.ocremix.org/ :)
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Re: OC ReMix DKC2 Project: "Serious Monkey Business"

Postby BlueTronic » March 16th, 2010, 2:32 pm

I downloaded it already. :lol:

Adios, full 8 hours of sleep! :mrgreen:
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Re: OC ReMix DKC2 Project: "Serious Monkey Business"

Postby Qyzbud » March 17th, 2010, 4:16 pm

I've been working flat out over the past three days, and hadn't checked in on the project status... Just heard about the release from a fellow DKC fan on Facebook, hit download, and came here to report the news... So cheers for the announcement, Bahamut! I'm gonna post a news item on our main page, then I'll have a listen to the whole album and edit in my impressions!

Awesome! :D
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Re: OC ReMix DKC2 Project: "Serious Monkey Business" - RELEASED!

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 18th, 2010, 2:04 am

I'm downloading right now! I like how the "discs" are split between Diddy and Dixie (hey, and Cranky!)

Just got brand new speakers for my computer, so this should be good. 8-)
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Re: OC ReMix DKC2 Project: "Serious Monkey Business" - RELEASED!

Postby BlueTronic » March 18th, 2010, 8:27 am

This Chase is Haunted
Dance of the Zinger
Sturm und Kong (K.Rool Returns)

-Those are my favs
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Re: OC ReMix DKC2 Project: "Serious Monkey Business" - RELEASED!

Postby DK4Ever » March 24th, 2010, 2:19 am

Beneath the Canopy Forest
The Apes of Wrath
Rumba Rumble

Definitely my favorites..

And I wasn't a a HUGE fan of the DKC2 boss theme before this;

Actually, I love the Mining Melancholy song too.

And the Crocodile Cocophony with the Lyrics, hahahaha "Yum Yum! Potassium!!"

The only one I was actually disappointed with was the In a Snow-Bound Land remix, which is one of my favorites on the OST. Just didn't like the vocals that much.

Overall, it blew me away, Beneath the Canopy Forest almost had me tearing up, and David Wise's mix was epic. Epic!
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Re: OC ReMix DKC2 Project: "Serious Monkey Business" - RELEASED!

Postby Gnawzooka » May 5th, 2010, 12:44 pm

Slight bump but...

I somehow missed this, but I'm downloading a few now. Re-skewed is excellent, I really love the guitar.
Castle Crescendo is excelelnt even though it's for compeltely different reasons from why I love the original.
I also really like This Chase is Haunted and the Instrumental version of Monkeys Disarm Your Kremlings.
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Re: OC ReMix DKC2 Project: "Serious Monkey Business" - RELEASED!

Postby Scraps69 » June 22nd, 2010, 10:52 am

I really like this second album compared to the first. The first one was pretty dull but this one is just catchy all the way through. Even the songs that everyone here seems to hate I actually quite like =D.
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Re: OC ReMix DKC2 Project: "Serious Monkey Business" - RELEASED!

Postby Tiptup Jr. » July 28th, 2010, 5:40 am

Soo, in case anyone's not aware, limited-edition physical copies of Serious Monkey Business now exist. A right shame, though, with them only being available at some convention I've never heard of. :( I want!

Oh, and does anyone know what's up with the "bonus disc" artwork with Cranky's name on it? I don't think it's acknowledged on the track listing.
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