Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » January 8th, 2013, 6:10 am

Scraps69 wrote:Seven level designers is more than enough so you're covered. I think I'm all out of ideas or inspiration, though you can refer to 'dkc reloaded' game and YouTube vids in the Rom hacks section if you need ideas particularly for intense high speed stages.

Thanks for the tip, I'll take a look at the DKC youtube hacks.

!!!!! wrote:I've played the demo and it's a nice start but I would call it a demo since it's very flawed. More like a alpha release.

Game Issues/Bugs:

WOW!!! Great report!
I am aware of all these problems, I will not comment one by one because your list is really great. But thank you very much for that analysis!

Simion32 wrote:ATTENTION leo_core! This bug is due to hardware texture size limit!!

Only very new cards support using very large textures. It seems that in MMF2 the level CANNOT be one large bitmap/png image. You will have to adjust for this manually.

Yes, we talked to some people who played in "low video card specs"computer and reported the same. Let slicing further levels, even smaller parts, and see if resolves.

EvangeliKong wrote:Well i fixed that "Destroy Them All"-screen by giving DK visible pupils.

Did they have time to add the fixed ones? i don't know.

Ok, we will give a better finish for these screens.

Markster wrote:I love the new demo, I played through a few levels, but I'm not sure if it's my computer or the game itself, but the game is not in 256x224 for me, it's 3x bigger resolution, and on my other computer, it's 2x bigger, it's very glitchy and slow on that resolution, how can I get it on 256x224?

This is already solved, do not worry.

Scraps69 wrote:Hey lads, I gave your game a play:

Fantastic game, nailed the feel, the style, graphics, musical atmosphere and everything. Love it!

Anyways, I want this game to be perfect as it could possibly be so unfortunately I am listing bugs I noted as I played.

We are making profound changes throughout the project, to solve all these problems.
We're not posting anything new because we're working hard on that is ready to run out of these known problems.
We still have much work ahead, within a few weeks we will have news.

("we", "we", "we" 3x! triple combo!!!)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Markster » January 16th, 2013, 1:08 pm

I found out the problem with the graphics, I have a bad graphics card. (I really need to work on getting my computer fixed instead of sharing my dad's old dino PC.)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Simion32 » January 16th, 2013, 2:34 pm

No, that is the hardware limit taking effect. Mine does that on another test game that has been posted here.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » February 5th, 2013, 3:32 am

I was wondering how the project was going... haven't heard anything for a while. Are there any new updates or is there anything upcoming?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » February 11th, 2013, 2:06 pm

Phyreburnz wrote:I was wondering how the project was going... haven't heard anything for a while. Are there any new updates or is there anything upcoming?

We are working on the project, not as much as before we launch the demo but we're working.
Unfortunately the motherboard of my computer was lost (irreversibly burned) and now only have the notebook. Because of this, I have less time to the project.
News in a few weeks ^^'
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » February 11th, 2013, 2:31 pm

If you want another level for your project, I just finished one! The preview is here. and the PSD is here if you'd like to use it!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » February 19th, 2013, 11:04 am

Nice level Phyre! Once you finish post it here ok?
Sorry for the delay in responding, I've been quite busy lately, working hard.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby ProminenceF » March 10th, 2013, 2:17 pm

Hey there! Downloaded this the other day- most everyone found the bugs I did, though, so all I can say is keep it up and keep on ironing out those problems!

Also, I dunno if I'd call what I played 'too hard' in general, but it IS a steep curve for a first area. Try smoothing the paths out a bit more, and save the insanity for when you're over halfway through. The DKC games, I've noticed, tend to start you off easy, explicitly giving you scenarios to easily learn how to jump properly, learning roll momentum without killing yourself, bouncing repeatedly while being safe from a sudden misjudgement/fall, and other aspects of the game. Generally they do this by throwing it at you in pieces per level (DKC Returns notwidthstanding, since they showed you how to do everything in level 1) up until around area 3, which in most of the series games tends to be around where they finally let off the kid gloves and start actively trying to make you cry.

At the moment, the first few levels feel like they should be late area 2, or early 3 or so.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Cosmicman » March 29th, 2013, 11:26 pm

Hi Leo, any updates on this? I'm looking forward to this game more than any game ever.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby ProminenceF » April 1st, 2013, 8:54 am

I would also like to know as to the nature of any updates.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Tonberry2000 » April 5th, 2013, 9:32 am

Just saw the videos of the first few areas on Youtube, and while they're mostly impressive, they strike me as having a really steep learning curve. Some of those puzzles and obstacles should be reserved for much later worlds, not the first few levels.
The method for getting the bonuses is a little boring as well. A lot of them are warp barrels located just a little off-screen. There are no breakaway walls, no jumping in pits, etc. It's a bit bland.

that said, all of the bonuses were VERY well designed.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby DK4Ever » April 11th, 2013, 2:37 pm

I've been playing the demo, and I have to say, you guys are doing a phenomenal job with this! Absolutely incredible! Here's hoping to see this through all the way to the finished product!

Also, I have to say the difficulty ramps up pretty quickly. Level 1 was a cakewalk, and level 2 seems impossible without Dixie+Diddy. I managed to get by, but the placement of Zingers, etc. might need some reworking, because that level is just nuts! (Unless that's intentional of course, but yeah, big difficulty spikes, yo.)

I actually got stuck on level 3, and I definitely found some glitches with the mine cart. I can't seem to jump high enough in some parts to avoid a freakin Zinger gauntlet, and some of the mechanics of the level just seem...choppy. I'd say give that a look over.

There's a few weird glitches, where the Kongs don't seem to die normally, and just sort of transition from getting hit to being down, without anything in between.

I love the music you've incorporated, and the variations on Kremlings and other enemies from the different games, in addition to the unique bonus screens is just awesome.

Keep it up!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » April 16th, 2013, 12:58 pm

Hekeunu_HCGL wrote:It looks forward to area 2! :thumbs:


ProminenceF wrote:Hey there! Downloaded this the other day- most everyone found the bugs..

I understand perfectly what you suggest. We will be more attentive to "learning curve" when levels editing.

DK4Ever wrote:I've been playing the demo, and I have to say, you guys are doing a phenomenal job with this! ...

Thanks for the kind words!


Well, Today is exactly four months since we released the playable demo. Well, after those months without posting any news you must be wondering whether or not the project will be continued.

I'll try to summarize in a few lines what happened during those months.

We had many, many problems with the software we use to edit and compile the game. Had a huge list of bugs identified by ourselves and reported by you to be corrected.

Working on these bugs, we had many problems with the project file because the three of us (me, HiperKalango and Necrotoad) work with different versions of the program. Serious problems.

So we spent those months in debates (friendly debates) to reach an agreement and leave the project so that we can work on them without these compatibility issues. And finally we come to a consensus.

The Necrotoad (I doubt this guy is a human kkk) virtually saved the project to stop, it was crucial for continuity. Of course I must mention that HiperKalango also makes great efforts by the project that he started.

Well, we're already a few days working on preparations to launch a new demo, with corrections and updates. I can not estimate when to and when not even post it prints this new demo, we have much work ahead.

The next step after we launch this new demo, the full game will mount.
That is all, the project is not dead, we're back! :-)

Sorry for bad English translator.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby EvangeliKong » April 19th, 2013, 12:38 am

Also, Parry The Parallel Bird Level? Uh oh.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Markster » April 20th, 2013, 7:36 am

leo_core wrote:The next step after we launch this new demo, the full game will mount.

I can't wait, I have been waiting since 2011. :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Super Luigi! » April 25th, 2013, 2:30 pm

You Big Three at your Yalta conference sure seem to have accomplished much. Thank you for solving your problem instead of giving up and jumping Gangplank Galleon (ship)!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » April 26th, 2013, 10:45 am

I would not give up this project, although I feel a bit frustrated with he sometimes xD
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby UncleBazerko » May 1st, 2013, 2:39 am

Markster wrote:
leo_core wrote:The next step after we launch this new demo, the full game will mount.

I can't wait, I have been waiting since 2011. :D

Wait... does this mean that the game is almost done? Is it too late for me to go buy Multimedia Fusion 2 Developer (and learn how to use it) to help with the game's development this summer?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Simion32 » May 1st, 2013, 6:22 am

Nah, I don't think it's anywhere near done. We just had a (really buggy!) one-world demo just a few months ago.

I don't think it'll take leo_core and his team as long as my projects are taking, but it still is probably going to take them a while to reach completion.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » May 2nd, 2013, 8:45 am

Hi UncleBazerko! Forgive the delay in responding.

Surely you can help us. What we need is people who make custom levels or compose musics.
You can take a look at previous posts and see the levels that Phyreburnz created and help in the same way, you are welcome!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby UncleBazerko » May 2nd, 2013, 10:22 am

Cool, thanks :) Say, something I've been wanting to ask you:

DKC1: King K. Rool (crowned king)

DKC2: Captain K. Rool (pirate captain)

DKC3: Baron K. Roolenstein (mad scientist)

DKC4: ?

What are your plans for K. Rool's ego in DKC4? A dark wizard? Some kind of mutant? A cyborg? An army general? A ghost? Just another muscle bound super villain?

It should also be noted that several days ago (deep in the DKC Atlas forums), I came across a post describing a terrifying new version of King Zing Sting ("--something-- the Wrathful") planned to be the final boss in DKC4. Does that ring any bells? I'm having trouble finding that post.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Simion32 » May 2nd, 2013, 11:09 am

You must be speaking of King Morzeka (and his royal zingers). ;)

When someone says DKC4 here, it does not necessarily mean this particular MMF2 project.

We've had several things here that were called "DKC4" already. One of which WAS actually finished (viewtopic.php?f=26&t=972).
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » May 3rd, 2013, 1:28 am

Hmmm... It is not yet clear who will be and how it will be the last boss in our project xD
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby UncleBazerko » May 3rd, 2013, 10:12 am

Judging from the "DKC4: the Kongs Return" demo, it looks like the beginning of the story line is the aftermath of K. Rool's big ship crashing into and damaging the mainland near Kiddy's Hideout. But if all 4 of the kongs are playable, who did K. Rool kidnap? Or has the story line not been planned that far yet?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby EvangeliKong » May 4th, 2013, 5:54 pm

Judging from the fact that levels are in the heads of Kongs, i guess the plot is very DK64-ish. If all the kongs are playable, it means K. Rool is revisiting his old disguises, at the same time.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby UncleBazerko » May 5th, 2013, 9:48 am

Simion32 wrote:You must be speaking of King Morzeka (and his royal zingers). ;)

Leo Core, you should that boss in DKC4: The Kongs Return. He should be King Zing Sting's brother or something.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Super Luigi! » May 6th, 2013, 3:04 pm

I think you'll have to ask the King himself about that. You might just need to present him a contract or promise him a starring role.

P.S. Don't think of adding Morzeka or anyone else either without their permission. That includes me, because I know I would be reduced to a Neek.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby ProminenceF » May 7th, 2013, 5:19 am

Kinda funny, someone was speedrunning DKC4 just yesterday.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby sonosublime » May 9th, 2013, 4:09 am

Hi all. This is my first post in DK Atlas.

I just discovered this nifty little project the other day. First off, I absolutely love the ideas you have, and it's something I've always wanted to see in DKC games. The possibilities are endless with the numerous Kong combinations you can do. Excellent puzzle-making potential here. The graphics are absolutely fantastic too. :thumbs:

Not to mention the whole purple parrot carrying animal buddies around is BRILLIANT! I can just imagine having to carry Squitter all the way through a difficult bramble section to the end in order to have the Kongs use Squitter to reach a bonus or a DK Coin. Having animal buddies work together like the Kongs is a great idea. Basically you could use 1 Kong to pass the entire game, but you will need everyone's abilities to find all the secrets.

I've only played up to the mine cart level and am sucking at it, but the second level is really fun to speed-run through. The rope jumping took a little getting used to, but once you have it, it's great fun. However, I suggest toning down the difficulty a little bit, especially on the mine cart level. The second half is very difficult, especially jumping over a pit and then immediately having to jump through bees. I can never get through that part without losing a Kong.

Here are a few suggestions, if I may:

1. Have the Kong family members react differently depending on who is leading. ie. if Dixie enters Candy's hut first, Candy could act bitchy toward her (even going to the point of charging Dixie banana coins to save her game, while it would be free for everyone else). There could be a subplot where Candy is jealous of Dixie's fame.
If Diddy or Kiddy enter first, Candy could treat them like they're still in training diapers.
And if DK enters first, she could scold him for not washing the dishes before he left on his adventure or something :P

2. Don't have all the Kongs available at the beginning. Have DK on his own, then he can only get Diddy from the DK Barrels until the end of World 1, where they find Kiddy (it is called Kiddy's hideout, after all). Now, DK, Diddy and Kiddy are available in the DK Barrels. Then they could find Dixie at the end of the 2nd world. It would feel like you are building a party, which is kind of neat, and there is a lot of replay value in going back with your new characters to old worlds to try and find the secrets.

3. Barrel cannons with a certain Kong's face on it, which can only be used by said Kong.

4. Special abilities for each Kong.
DK: A powerful punch which can break walls, knock down stuff, or defeat strong enemies.
Diddy: I'm not sure, maybe have jetpack barrels every now and then which only he can use by jumping into.
Dixie: Obviously her helicopter spin. Maybe she can helicopter spin while riding Rambi, Squitter, etc to slow the animal buddy's fall slightly.
Kiddy: Not too sure.

5. Special abilities depending on which Kong partners you have.
DK and Diddy: Diddy can jump on DK's back and shoot his peanut popguns (ie. like DKCR).
DK and Kiddy: They could both ground-pound at the same time, shaking the screen, knocking enemies around, and collapsing stuff to reveal secrets.
I'd have to think a bit more for other specials.

6. I'm loving the musical celebrations each Kong has. I never saw DK as a badass bassist until now. Maybe you could have some kind of mini game involving the Kongs' band. And they could play classic songs from all 3 DKC games.

7. Use the original mine cart madness music. Nostalgia all the way with the mine carts, so you might as well finish what you started :P

8. I see K. Rool's ship in the main map. I hope this means you're going with the pirate theme for the Kremlings (they were infinitely more interesting as pirates). You should bring back pirate-themed Kremlings, like Klomp and Kutlass and Klinger.

9. Give the game a better plot than, "Oh no! DK's bananas were stolen again!" The DK universe is rich in storytelling potential if you take the time to flesh it out more and give the island a sense of depth and culture. I can help with this, if you like.

Anyway, good luck with everything, and I can't wait to see the full game! :diddyrock:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » May 10th, 2013, 8:16 am

Do not have a story line set .... had plans to make a Vikings culture thematic but gave up because it is too complicated to put Vikings graphics ornaments on Kremlings.
So we are not prioritizing any theme, is coming out more like a combination of SNES DKC trilogy.

Hi sonosublime, welcome to forum!
Thanks for the kind words and suggestions, many of these suggestions have been given already and liked some of his ideas are quite unique. We will study your suggestions.
I apologize for not responding in more detail but I'm too swamped with projects.

Within a few weeks I'll post a beta of a DKC 3D project I'm working on with the very precious help of Cyclone. The idea is to make a 3D game with the gameplay as close as possible to the SNES DKC.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby hiperkalango » May 13th, 2013, 12:11 am

Hello guys .. How long huh :thumbs:
Get to the point. DKC4
Well .. To everyone's joy, went back to edit the game after a long time
Could solve some of my problems and got a few hours to edit.
Cause we stop?
The following occurred:
We started the project and we were in a hurry to launch the second Demo
Then came some problems with me and stayed away from the project.
Was in the hands of Leo and a new member (the Necro) ... And the second demo released
After this great work of Necro, he went to Ball for us.
Only he used a more advanced version of the editing program. And neither I nor Leo can edit on top of the new engine. Bugs and I had several as was away for a while I was out of date.
So complicated everything. The project was not going forward, we lost a lot of time trying to adjust it to our version and then continue. When we can, the game got many bugs.
Now with a little more time I'm getting there brings more reviewing almost everything, to eliminate the bugs and let the engine fairest possible.
Is this ... To well motivated and will give continuity to the project along with Leo.
Soon I will post the progress.
Stay tuned;)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Super Luigi! » May 16th, 2013, 8:26 am

Honestly, hiperkalango, I love the way you talk! I'm being completely truthful, honest! You make a simple progress report sound like the Cuban Missle Crisis just happened! It's amazing! Also, I like using exclamation points!

So anyway, thank you for giving us this news update. We look forward to seeing what wonderous programming spells you concoct from your game-making witch pot!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby slym » May 16th, 2013, 11:07 am

today I read the story line of those 3 Donkey Kong Country release on GBA and I discovered that Wrinkly, Kong the old lady, had passed away :dixiecry: between Donkey Kong Country 3 and Donkey Kong 64, maybe there is something to do with this in the story of Donkey Kong Country 4 Kong return. What do you think about that?

Personally, I think there is good think to do with this, and I came with a lots of news ideas for the story line.

and if you want to continue in this ways maybe in the story line you guys could explain why Funky Kong has stop his career in transport (like plane and boat)for run a guns factory.(this could have a link with Wrinkly's death, like he was angry or something like that). You can also think to explain what happen to Swanky Kong :swanky: (maybe a heroic death because he doesn't even appear after in Donkey Kong 64). It can be a good idea to explain why Cranky Kong has stop to complain about Donkey Kong :rant: and finally help him in his quest( there too it could have a link with the Wrinkly's death). And finally, maybe not as real character but just explain why 3 news Kongs ( Tiny, Lanky ,and Chunky) have joined the party. :diddyrock:

Well i don't know if it cans help you guys but I hope so.

Hope to see new progress soon :kiddywave:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby david595 » May 22nd, 2013, 8:06 am

i need help creating dkc game like this!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby sonosublime » May 31st, 2013, 12:53 am

I was bored, so I did a speedrun of 'Scarlet Crystal Crossing'.

Awesome level, I hope you have more of this archetype in the future. I also really like that you didn't go the whole generic route of a jungle-themed world. I mean, sure there are jungles, but I would say the first world's theme is more about crystals than anything else.

EDIT: By the way, does anyone know how I can embed a youtube video directly into my post?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Qyzbud » May 31st, 2013, 8:34 pm

Nice run. :)

You can find a how-to guide about embedding YouTube videos HERE.

...but basically it's like this: [youtube]IR09rbxrwa4[/youtube]
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby sonosublime » June 1st, 2013, 4:12 am

Thanks :)
And awesome, thanks for showing me that.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby hiperkalango » June 9th, 2013, 4:56 pm

I went back to edit the game, but from time to time ...
Well, I'm reworking the engine to q becomes lighter and more precise without bugs
Following the pattern of the beginning of the project.
I Hope you enjoy! ^ ^
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » June 10th, 2013, 8:54 pm

Oh, I had not seen sonosublime! Great run, you play better than me ahaha
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Tonberry2000 » June 11th, 2013, 5:40 am

A few ideas:

-Levels that require you to use certain Kongs. For example, a scale is at the beginning of the stage with a respawning DK barrel. Only when you've selected the right Kongs (DK and Kiddy, for example) will the weight be enough to allow you to enter the stage. This could also be done with the light Kongs in a section populated by enemies who only heavy Kongs can kill.

-Animal Antics II- Go through the roster of Rambi, Enguarde, Espresso, Winky, Rattly, Squitter, Squawks, and Ellie to beat a very hard level. Parry the Parallel bird is opened at the very beginning of the stage and getting through it all with him alive gets you the DK Coin.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » June 18th, 2013, 8:38 am

I've been wondering, are there any updates on the project? Any idea when the next playable demo (or demo videos) are going to get released?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby sonosublime » June 18th, 2013, 9:13 pm

Maybe they don't want to compete with Tropical Freeze ^_^
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » June 19th, 2013, 7:42 pm

I need to give some explanations here:
Until a month ago I was working on the project but had to stop him completely to be able to devote all my spare time for my 3D DKC project.
So I am giving full support to Hiperkalango with MMF2, extensions, lib's, sprites, etc but I not (for now) work on project directly.

I have closely followed the progress of Hiperkalango (we talk by Facebook), he's have now everything need to move forward with the project and is making major upgrades. Finally he is working with the current version of the project with system camera, map and partner.

It will take some time for him to have something to show, but the project is underway. Unfortunately NecroToad also not being able to work on the project for now.
It will take to have updates to show but it will eventually happen, we must have patience.

Ton, his ideas are interesting and are annotated ok? Thank you!

Phyreburnz, we apologize for the delay, I know we have a lot of their work on our project.

Sonosublime, we are not pretentious to the point of trying to compete with DKCTF ahahaha, you are a very playful! :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » July 6th, 2013, 10:51 am

I was wondering, are you planning to use Teen Tiny in Gale Gare? Well, if it happens before DK64 then you should use Kid Tiny for consistency's sake.

So a while back, you mentioned a fifth Kong being a possibility. There was talk of a new kong named Doug Kong, and of Funky Kong, and more recently, Tiny Kong.

Why not follow DKC'S trend of adding a new Kong every installment? DKC added Diddy, DKC2 introduced Dixie, DKC3 brought Kiddy into the group, and your DKC5 is Tiny's debut.

How about a whole new, never-before-seen Kong, like Doug Kong, but a new female like you said named Sassy Kong? In the attachment below, I give you a Title Screen featuring our new Monkey pal. I include a Game Over screen from a few pages back featuring Sassy scratched up, her bandana with a bite taken out of it, a swollen eye, and some tears. I even made a render of her playing her instrument, the Piccolo, for the soundtrack pics. And in case you want to make a new title or a promo pic, I included Sassy's title screen pose without the BG or the other Kongs. All this in PSDs! But that's not all. I have a Brawl-style Sassy in the form of a DAE model, as well as a Texture BRRES for you to open in BrawlBox.
(1.87 MiB) Downloaded 1701 times

She would be a Light Kong, and her skill? Throwing Heavy Kongs as if they were Light Kongs and swimming almost as fast as Winky. You see, Sassy Kong is a friend of Dixie's who is incredibly strong for her size and age. She has the speed and size of Diddy and Dixie, with the power of DK or Kiddy. As such, she has no skill like the water skip, hair spin, kong ride or hand slam. Her skill is super strength.

Right now I'm working on her sprites for the actual game, but that's the hard part so don't expect those for a while. I've barely got a single sprite of her done :facepalm:
Now I was thinking, for Sassy's Hideout, it could be a world kinda like Pacifica in DKC3 GBA. Connected to the other worlds, but placed in an out of the way area. Her world's gimmick, like the hot air balloons and crocodiles from DKC2's lava world, would be power barrels. Jumping into a Power Barrel with a specific symbol on it grants a unique power.
A Blaze Barrel that is red and on fire on it spins around like a LaunchBarrel, but instead of shooting a Kong, it shoots a lava ball like those cannons in Mekanos then drops the Kong out.
A Ghost Barrel that is purple and semitransparent shoots the Kongs through walls they can't normally get through WITHOUT breaking the wall.
A Nature Barrel that is green and has vines wrapped around it reveals a temporary vine that disappears, like a Ghost Rope from DKC2's Gloomy Gulch.
An Aqua Barrel that is blue and watery turns the Kong's into water, giving them a blue palette, for a short time, letting them go through enemies until a timer runs out.
An Electro Barrel that is yellow and has electricity around it lights up a normally dark room for a short time.
An Ice Barrel that is cyan and has icicles hanging from it spews out an ice statue of DK that can confuse the floating hand boss and cause him to grab the statue instead of a Kong, leaving his weak spot, the wrist, open for attacking.

A Graveyard archetype level called Spooky Coaster Sprint, with fake Mr. X's and Kackles floating around and some Zingers. These two enemies don't do anything, but the Zingers do. It has Ghost Barrels to keep from crashing into semitransparent walls.
A stage called Essence Blaze Elevator, which uses a (preferably custom) Factory/Lava tileset and has an elevator with Blaze Barrels scattered around to combat enemies on the way up.
A level called Vineswing Volley using a Jungle Jinx, Tree Top Town and Gusty Glade fusion that is very tropical. In it, you jump into Nature Barrels to place vines to swing across pits.
A level called Coral Fusion Caverns, using Fish Food Frenzy's tileset mixed with Glimmering Galleon and Coral Capters, with Aqua Barrels to allow merging into the water for short bursts to pass an obstacle that Kongs cannot pass on their own.
A level called Blackout Bloom using a custom Winky's Walkway mixed with Squawk's Shaft and Murky Mill. It has with blackouts where your Electro Barrel powers allow you to see until the barrel wears off.
A level called Elemental Environment that starts as DKC4 Desert, shifts to the Millstone Madness tileset, goes to Hot Head Hop tileset, and finally Fire-Ball Frenzy, where every skill must be used wisely to survive.
A Snow Level called Frosty Klaw Khaos using DKC4's unique snow tileset where you must use the Ice Barrel to make an Ice Statue to confuse the boss.

I can provide sprites for Sassy if you like her, her animal buddy the Gnice [a friendly Gnawty, because naughty and nice], the Frosty Klaw, and the Power Barrels, and I would assume that Phyreburnz could take care of the level designs, but I can help with those too if needed.

EDIT: Frosty Klaw completed!
(15.52 KiB) Downloaded 1754 times
In his battle, he starts in the BG, flies around a bit, then punches the mountain. Snow-boulders fall down, but evade them all, and an Ice Barrel is your reward. Use it quickly and get away, because Frosty Klaw will fly into the foreground and grab the statue when possible, or a Kong if there is no statue or if you lost the barrel. While grabbing either, he will shake them violently before jumping back again. Hit him on the wrist while he squeezes the Ice DK, and he'll fly back and repeat, but faster. Hit him twice more and he falls!

EDIT2: Power Barrels Completed!
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I've already explained these...

EDIT3: Gnice completed!
(130.66 KiB) Downloaded 1611 times
This Gnawty isn't so naughty! Why, Gnice is nice! He his walk is a hop like Very Gnawty, he jumps about as high as Diddy, and can slide on his belly like a penguin. Kinda like the penguin suit from Mario, if you've played NSMBU or NSMBWii. When he's hurt, her screeches and hops off at a high speed. While waiting, he chitters towards the screen.

so for Sassy and her levels, if you like her and want me to finish working on her, all that's left is Sassy's sprites, Gnice's crate, barrel, sign and token, her hideout to be modeled (I can't do this), her actual levels (It would take me forever to do this >.< but I could if really needed), and the programming for her.
Out of curiousity, what sprites would she need? Life, team-ups, her front-flip (which is her roll/cartwheel/spin) and all, but is there a list that I can use to be sure I do everything?
Anyway, expect my sprites for her to be done in september or october. It takes a while to get that DKC look.

If anyone wants to help: She looks like this
and it's obvious what Gnice looks like for his crates, barrels, signs and tokens. Obviously I need someone else to do her hideout model, I really want to see Sassy in this project but I simply cannot model like that. Same for her levels and programming.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Simion32 » July 6th, 2013, 1:30 pm

Your "Power Barrels" idea somewhat reminds me of these things I did a year ago (Freeze/Flame barrels were Phyreburnz's idea, the rest I made up on my own): viewtopic.php?f=53&t=1369#p27100
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » July 6th, 2013, 2:04 pm

Those sprites are probably better than mine (Though I'm fond of my Aqua and Nature) but mine involve jumping into the barrel, whereas yours are throwable. Surprised that someone else had the same idea.

When I was tiny as, well, Tiny, I really wanted to see Transformation Bananas. Get them and turn into a ghost, a plant, a fire being, etc. Over time that idea evolved into the more-balanced and less gimmicky Power Barrels here. Same with Sassy, she used to be a Dixie clone using her braids, now she's more unique.
(Just now realizing my previous post was HUGE)

In addition, while riding Sassy (since she CAN function as Heavy), Diddy can smash most enemies out of the way, and open walls. Like Rambi, but with zingers and other invulnerable-to-Heavy-Kongs enemies still hurting Sassy/Diddy.
(Maybe Dixie's sprites could be used as a place-holder until I finish Sassy? I have one sprite down, so it'll be a while. Getting her programming out of the way would be very appreciated.)

EDIT: Here's Sassy's carries. The left is her being carried (she'll just sit on the other Light Kongs' back as if she were heavy, and on DK/Kiddy as if she were light. For carrying, she'll give the other kongs a piggyback ride! (Need to make walking with Kong and throwing)
Sassy Carry.png
Sassy Carry.png (3.12 KiB) Viewed 135326 times

Also updated Gnice with barrel, sign, crates and token. Included in this zip is a .DAE for Sassy's piccolo, in case anyone is interested in making her victory or idle.
Piccolo and
(836.33 KiB) Downloaded 2083 times

For her victory she plays THIS song:
(555.02 KiB) Downloaded 2224 times

and for her idle, she pulls out the piccolo, stares at it like she's trying to decide whether to play, then puts it away again.
Just be sure to make her look like
But the drawstrings should be blue so they're visible, the skirt should be down to her knees so it's visible, she should use the palette I used (unless you redo my sprites as well), and make sure her bandana has the same pattern as my sprite, we don't want the stars (or dots, in sprite form) moving around!
Cookie to anyone who guesses what song that is.

EDIT 2: I forgot her Bonus renders.
(550.72 KiB) Downloaded 2033 times
I made Destroy them All, Find the Coin, Collect Stars and Collect Bananas. They're on a psd and they're standalone renders so you can use them how you please.
Also, I made the Ice DK Statue used in Icy Klaw Khaos and Elemental Environment (to distract the boss for the former and to be thrown as a steel keg in the latter, since it's ice and can slide).
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby hiperkalango » July 7th, 2013, 11:37 pm

Hello people
I'm working on the engine, at the moment I have nothing to show
I'm trying to leave as faithful as possible to the original.
unfortunately had to return back there. but it's getting cool.
I'm doing a test here and if it works I'll have a surprise for you guys.
As for sprites Sassy kong impressed me greatly.
U can do the rest of the animations?

Regards to all
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » July 7th, 2013, 11:53 pm

I'd be happy to, but my computer is in the shop for a while (I haven't lost anything, just getting the cooling fans repaired, but there's a waiting list) so I could likely finish them by September or October.
Is there a list of animations I need to do, like horizontal and vertical ropes, hanging from DKC2 hooks, life icon, but there's a lot. Is there a list I can use to be sure I get them all?

In response to sonosublime:
1. Candy, towards Sassy, has a buddy-buddy attitude, but sometimes is rather rude. Typical girls.
2. I would say have Sassy be unlocked in whatever hideout is before hers since DK and Diddy start unlocked, since she could be introduced alongside the Power Barrels, but whatever works best!
3. Well I could sprite Sassy's face onto a barrel easily so that's not a problem.
4. Like I said, she swims pretty fast and throws Heavy Kongs with ease and is thrown, runs and jumps like a light Kong no matter who she's teamed with.
5. I dunno :P
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