I've got a great idea for the tile editor:
It would be great, if the tile editor could only show those tiles, that fit to each other. Maybe about like that:
You select a location, where you want to put a tile. Then, the editor checks the tile on the left (or any other side the user want the tile to be related with) and finds all tiles (including flipping), that would optically fit.
To not waste too much time finding all the tiles that fit to each other, Simion32, there's a way I would do it:
Write a little program that "analyses" the tile relations on every tile map (which tiles can be on the right of tile x; which on the left etc.) and store it in some special data type, that is contributed with DKCRE.
Because there are sometimes tiles that don't fit together (they are usually out of view), you have to exclude those relations manually. But, I think, when you are at this step, it should be quite easy to see in DKCRE, where tiles don't fit together.
I hope you understand what I'm thinking of
It would be great if that can be done anyhow