Most annoying moment?

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Most annoying moment?

Postby Jeff_Ray Barrels » November 17th, 2008, 8:07 am

Post what you found was the most annoying experience for DKC2.

Mine was when I FINALLY got to the third world (the bayou one) after dieing a lot on the lava world boss, but got a Game Over on the first level and had to redo the boss again. DX

What about you people?
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Jomingo » November 17th, 2008, 8:14 am

Animal Antics. That was excruciatingly difficult.
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby gamer_boy997 » November 17th, 2008, 9:03 am

My most annoying moment is... probably toxic tower, along with the bramble levels, very annoying!
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Qyzbud » November 17th, 2008, 9:24 am

This was just as as embarrassing as it was annoying... Well I've completed DKC2 numerous times, and even the most challenging levels are pretty easy for me now... but for some reason, I got stuck for AGES in Barrel Bayou on my last playthrough of the game. I think I was mostly just making silly mistakes, trying to speed through the level faster than I was capable of. :P
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby The Guy » November 17th, 2008, 9:27 am

Either that or you were trying one of Gamerboy's challenges.

Most annoying thingie?

Collecting everything, and I'm still working on it! Well, not really...
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby PotoGamer » November 17th, 2008, 9:31 am

Aside from still trying to complete Animal Antics, I'm still trying to collect the DK coin in Mudhole Marsh. You need to have PERFECT timing! :x
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby The Guy » November 17th, 2008, 10:13 am

I think I have that DK Coin, but I can't recall where it was...
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby PotoGamer » November 18th, 2008, 2:20 am

It's one of the items in the end target. The problem is that you need to have enough height to get the DK coin, so you need to jump on the wooden barrels that Kannon throws and at the same time try to hit the DK coin. You need to have A LOT of concentration in order to get it!
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Kiddy14 » November 18th, 2008, 1:40 pm

I remember hating Krem Quay when I was little.
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Gnawzooka » November 18th, 2008, 5:33 pm

The Guy wrote:Most annoying thingie?

Collecting everything, and I'm still working on it! Well, not really...

Same here, especially Krem Quay and K.Rool's Keep. :evil:
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby The Guy » November 19th, 2008, 7:26 am

I auctually have everything in K. Rool's Keep.

I find Gloomy Gulch hard in terms of finding things...
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Gnawzooka » November 19th, 2008, 10:36 am

That was the second one I finished, after the first world. :o
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby SLY JO » November 21st, 2008, 3:22 pm

Toxic Tower, when I was little I couldn't do the super-jump properly. I gave up until my brain was functional.
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Swing King » November 30th, 2008, 8:38 am

The Kreepy Krow battle killed me nearly every time.
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby neekerisanni123 » December 6th, 2008, 4:16 am

Definitely Klobber Karnage. I had to use cheats in order to get past it. Animal Antics was 100-times easier. >: (
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Katastrophe Kong » May 7th, 2009, 12:47 pm

When I was small, I never EVER got past the 2nd level. Embarassing right? :oops:
But eventually I did.
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby DK4Ever » May 8th, 2009, 5:14 am

I've found Toxic Tower to not be so difficult lately, if youknow how to do the Rattly part, and can manage Squitter's web correctly, you got it made.

The only part I dislike, is having no save point in Screech's Sprint, and having no way to fly back. :(
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Rodent » June 2nd, 2009, 10:54 pm

Web Woods pissed me roight off when I went through it on the SNES version. Something about using a cube controller meant I couldn't reach the buttons properly.

(I was indeed supposed to say roight)
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby KongKing122 » June 3rd, 2009, 2:21 am

I can't Beat the kremlings in Ricktey Race! It's the only DK coin I haven't gotten. :cry:
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Qyzbud » June 3rd, 2009, 3:24 am

Do you know about the super-speed barrel at the start?

Hold 'left' during the countdown as the race is about to begin... that might give you a better chance. :D
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby PotoGamer » June 3rd, 2009, 5:06 am

You won't believe how surprised I was when I saw the rollercoaster was going backwards, I was only playing around with the controller! :lol: Now I have another challenge: Where are the DK Coin and bonuses in Web Woods?? It's the only level I need to complete Gloomy Galleon!
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Sockpuppet » June 3rd, 2009, 1:39 pm

From memory, the DK Coin is one of the end of level prizes. To get to the bonuses, find walls with banana arrows pointing at them, then keep going left until you find a Kannon. The first will shoot a really slow cannonball that you need to follow with platforms until it breaks the wall. The second will shoot a normal speed cannonball that you need to run after.
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Darth » June 18th, 2009, 7:46 am

Getting past Bramble Scramble for me. But then I finally past it, and now I'm stuck on Castle Crush. :roll:
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Matt534Dog » July 5th, 2009, 5:10 am

The squawks section of Animal Antics! :evil:
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby DKM » July 6th, 2009, 1:46 am

I thought the entire level of Parrot Chute Panic was annoying. I never liked using the purple Squawks. I also thought the second half of Web Woods was annoying, it just felt like it was being dragged on forever.
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby .:Shadow:. » July 20th, 2009, 1:46 am

Toxic Tower. Argh...that level makes Rocket Rush seem easy. :x
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby JadeRoseofChaos » August 16th, 2009, 11:11 am

Mudhole Marsh and Castle Crush, those levels ate up lives like candy :lol:
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby BigDonkey101 » September 25th, 2009, 3:52 pm

I can name a couple of annoying moments in DKC2.
Messing up on Bramble Blast.
Dying on King Zing after getting him down to a normal size Zinger.
And don't forget about Toxic Tower.
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby DKC4 » January 15th, 2010, 7:55 pm

The strange thing is that I can beat the 'harder' levels (Toxic Tower, Animal Anatics, Web Woods) within a few tries. (Min. 1/max. 3.)
I always 'get stuck' (read: need more tries) in parts of this game that are easy.
That's because I want to rush these parts (because I know they're easy) and than I die.
That's pretty annoying. :P

But the most annoying things for me in this game are the underwater levels. I just hate them.
That's because is hate to control the Kongs underwater. :)
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby KEVIN DARK » September 27th, 2010, 4:30 am

I was very mad in the animal antics!!!!!!!!
" years and havent completed that level!!!! :x :x :x :x :x
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby HavocReaper48 » October 12th, 2010, 11:37 am

Castle Crush deaths. For me, that level difficulty is just insane. :x On the original version I died a billion times trying to beat it. I mean, is having to reset many times just to get the default five lives to try again necessary? :( The GBA seems easier. It's just those Krooks...! THOSE KROOKS AND THEIR EVIL HOOKS!
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Phyreburnz » November 14th, 2010, 3:00 am

Animal Antics was the WORST! I also hated web woods the first time I beat the game. It took me FOREVER! But now, it's not so bad. Rickety Race was also like that, but I really like that level. Toxic Tower was difficult, but really only the first part with Rattly. Pretty much every level in Krem Quay annoyed me (especially the stupid pirannah... grrr), Mudhole Marsh end made me pretty mad too. Wow, I sound like I hate the entire game! I don't though!
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Krow111 » November 16th, 2010, 10:45 am

Definitely the Squawks portion of Animal Antics! :evil:
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Chibisai Kong » December 6th, 2010, 1:20 pm

I. HATE. GLIMMER'S GALLEON!!!!! It took me FOR-EVER to beat it! I got close one time and wound up hitting the stupid porcupine-thing as I tried to hit it with Dixie! Problem is that I didn't have Diddy! Oh, I also hate Rattle Battle and Kerozene!

One moment between the Kongs that help you would have to be when Cranky was saying that you always go to visit him when you actually want tips from him, Now, I usually laugh at his comments because he's so senile and he gives the weirdest insults (that last one sounds like me!) but the thing I hate about it is that he insulte dhis wife by calling her ugly! Sure, Wrinkly's not very young and such so that makes a little sense but it's still not nice! I thought he loved her! Why did he marry her if he didn't?! Maybe he was a real nice guy back when he was younger but I am really surprised that Wrinkly put up with it for that long. Woulda divorced the guy after the first harsh insult unless it was directed at the Kremlings! HOW'S HER DEATH DEALING WITH YA, OLD MAN?!?!?!?!?!?!

...Yeah, so don't go and ask why I just ranted. I do that alot. Now the first time I read him saying this I laughed. But I gradually became to like her, even have her become a fave character of mine, and now every time he says that I hit the power switch on the GBA off and put in King Of Swing or another game where he's not insulting someone.

Yay me ranting! :D
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Ribbedebie » January 2nd, 2011, 12:34 am

^ That reminds me, he also called Diddy fat once.... Poor Diddy. xD

Hey, Cranky's ranting and insulting is part of his character; he just wouldn't be Cranky without it! :P What would he be called if he wasn't cranky? Friendly Kong? xD

Well, the most annoying part for me is definitely Web Woods. Fwargh! Especially realising that the DK coin is stuck on the end-of-level target. Ffffff-
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Chibisai Kong » February 23rd, 2011, 1:05 pm

Ribbedebie wrote:Hey, Cranky's ranting and insulting is part of his character; he just wouldn't be Cranky without it! :P What would he be called if he wasn't cranky? Friendly Kong? xD

You actually have a point there.
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby MadcapTech » March 17th, 2011, 4:24 pm

Animal Antics. Still takes me a few tries to get.
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Mayo » March 19th, 2011, 1:07 pm

Well, DKC2 probably was the most frustratingly hard game of the trilogy, the majority of the bosses (especially King Zing, the ghostly parrot guy and Kaptain K. Rool), and any stages with wind or brambles (Bramble Scramble in particular) were probably the most annoying for me.
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Kimi Kong » November 10th, 2011, 4:32 am

Rambi Rumble. For some reason i never could beat it. I got to that one part and just couldnt continue. I still cant.
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby SexyRayman » February 3rd, 2012, 7:36 am

Bramble blast was very annoying for me..
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby Super Luigi! » February 3rd, 2012, 2:59 pm

Any part that had you commit suicide or when a Kremcoin/DK Coin is taken from you.
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby DKCFan188 » February 9th, 2012, 3:23 pm

I really thought Parrot Chute Panic was annoying, i hate getting past those darn zingers. i always seem to get hit and i did not like using the purple squawks, the green squawks is way better and easier to control.:3 Also Gusty Glade was pretty annoying too, i keep falling and that wind had to keep changing directions, i find it incredibly annoying.
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby The Banana Bird » February 10th, 2012, 9:24 am

Parrot Chute Panic was annoying but Web Woods ughh. So LONG!
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby The Banana Bird » February 10th, 2012, 9:25 am

SexyRayman wrote:Bramble blast was very annoying for me..

Really?! I find the the music gret there! Therfore, so is the level.
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby DKCFan188 » February 10th, 2012, 11:52 am

The Banana Bird wrote:Parrot Chute Panic was annoying but Web Woods ughh. So LONG!

I did a speedrun of Parrot Chute Panic earlier but it is still annoying and yes i agree, very long.>:(
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Re: Most annoying moment?

Postby SexyRayman » February 10th, 2012, 3:39 pm

The Banana Bird wrote:
SexyRayman wrote:Bramble blast was very annoying for me..

Really?! I find the the music gret there! Therfore, so is the level.

I know the music awesome but the level is a pain to do though! ><
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