Favorite Boss?

Talk about Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! for SNES and VC.
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Favorite Boss?

KAOS (Castle KAOS)
Baron K. Roolenstein
Total votes : 89

Favorite Boss?

Postby BlueTronic » March 16th, 2008, 5:58 am

CFH wrote:Maybe since there's a poll option limit you should make different threads for the different games in the trilogy.

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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Jomingo » March 16th, 2008, 6:00 am

Arich. Done.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby nickp17 » March 16th, 2008, 9:33 am

Cmon Baron. K. better get this en.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby BlueTronic » March 16th, 2008, 10:20 am

KAOS for looks. Barbos for gameplay. I've also added another option: The second time you fight KAOS.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Jomingo » March 16th, 2008, 10:58 am

I think that reset the poll.

Arich. Done. Again.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Kiddy14 » March 16th, 2008, 1:47 pm

Remember there are 2 Baron K. Roolensteins...

Kroctopus and K. Rool but I don't know if to vote for him.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Qyzbud » March 17th, 2008, 9:40 am

You voted for... Kroctopus?! Haha. Explain yourself!
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby cfh » March 17th, 2008, 10:07 am

I think he got it mixed up with the Knautilis (sp?)
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Jomingo » March 17th, 2008, 10:55 am

My second vote goes to Barbos.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Kowbrainz » March 17th, 2008, 8:07 pm

Qyzbud wrote:You voted for... Kroctopus?! Haha. Explain yourself!

Heh... funnily enough Talaivaneizer created the video in that topic that you linked to. Hrm... perhaps because the battle was funny? Then again, it also felt like a part of me was being destroyed... but enough about that.

I decided on Barbos in the end... don't really see the point in having a poll if you can choose two options. He was the only water boss and was done really well... not to mention my earliest memories of the DKC trilogy were of him. (Yeah, I boarded the train late... I'm sorry. :P )
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby CM August » March 17th, 2008, 8:14 pm

Barnacled Barbos and the batty boffin Baron. Both badass big-time bosses.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Kowbrainz » March 17th, 2008, 8:16 pm

CM August wrote:Barnacled Barbos and the batty boffin Baron. Both badass big-time bosses.

Lol... nice alliteration there. I'm sure your English teacher would be impressed. :P

... that is, if playing DKC instead of doing your english homework is really that impressing.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Jomingo » March 18th, 2008, 11:20 am

Alterizationinin? If I wanted to learn big words, I'd do my homework! Dang!
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 19th, 2008, 7:11 am

I voted for Bleak and Kroctopus, but I like Bleak the best.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby BlueTronic » March 19th, 2008, 7:29 am

The reason I put 2 options is so users could pick their favorite looking boss and their favorite boss to play.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Jomingo » March 19th, 2008, 11:13 am

Yeah, but you can't tell which is which on the poll.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby BlueTronic » March 19th, 2008, 11:28 am

butn_post-ab2.png (4.73 KiB) Viewed 126499 times
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Kowbrainz » March 19th, 2008, 5:34 pm

The poll really has no use if it's tallying two completely different variables together... >.<;
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Jomingo » March 20th, 2008, 7:15 am

That's what I was saying.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Kiddy14 » March 27th, 2008, 11:52 am

Qyzbud wrote:You voted for... Kroctopus?! Haha. Explain yourself!

I just like the boss, new boss, besides, I like floating with dixie and how you actually make it hurt itself...

Kowbrainz wrote:Heh... funnily enough Talaivaneizer created the video in that topic that you linked to.

No, I didn't XD
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Kowbrainz » March 27th, 2008, 5:35 pm

Heh... I think I was thinking of that glitch vid from DKC3 GBA that shows the pokey pipes music.... hehe.

Sorry about that... must be insulting, me thinking you look like that weird guy at the start of the kroctopus vid. :?
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Rare Lover » April 1st, 2008, 9:40 am

I voted Belcha. I don't know why, but I always loved the idea of throwing bugs into a giant barrel that spits out smaller barrels. As far as the fight itself goes I guess Barbos is my favorite. It felt new and I loved the underwater feel, and while it wasn't the first under-water boss it was the first good one (the clam in DKL sucked).
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Kowbrainz » April 1st, 2008, 7:10 pm

Rare Lover wrote:I voted Belcha. I don't know why, but I always loved the idea of throwing bugs into a giant barrel that spits out smaller barrels. As far as the fight itself goes I guess Barbos is my favorite. It felt new and I loved the underwater feel, and while it wasn't the first under-water boss it was the first good one (the clam in DKL sucked).

Heh, took you long enough to post. :P
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Rare Lover » April 2nd, 2008, 6:43 am

Yeah, don't remind me. :roll:
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Qyzbud » April 2nd, 2008, 8:51 am

Heh, don't worry about it. It's never too late to... Introduce yourself!

Oh, and I agree about Barbos (who was awesome) vs. DKL's Clam... I don't think the clam even has a name. I dub it 'Crappy Clam'.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Rare Lover » April 2nd, 2008, 10:20 am

I think the main reason it was stupid was that I showed him this site.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Kazooienut » April 4th, 2008, 8:37 am

Squirt for Looks and game play.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Diddy_Gal » June 11th, 2008, 7:20 am

Baron K. Roolenstein wins. :D
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Goe » June 11th, 2008, 7:56 pm

belcha rules...is really funny
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Kobble » June 27th, 2008, 4:08 pm

Bleak. Funky's Sideshow came in handy, after all! It was a real fun and unique boss, and I liked the atmosphere. So much nostalgia...
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby CaptainEddie » June 28th, 2008, 12:04 am

Arich, beacause his spidery creepyness scared the crap out of me when I was younger.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Jomingo » June 28th, 2008, 12:49 am

Kobble, it was Swanky's Sideshow.

And Eddie, finally somebody else agrees that Arich is awesome.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby CaptainEddie » June 28th, 2008, 1:01 am

Yuppers. Yay for Arich!
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby FunkyKong » July 21st, 2008, 1:56 pm

Kaos definetly!
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Katastrophe Kong » February 19th, 2009, 7:32 am

Kaos man, Kaos all the way :twisted:

He was a robot for starters (robots rule!), and even better; he was an EVIL robot... with lasers! And he had three heads,
sure the last one looked kind of weird, but the second head was like the Terminator! And he had those boxing gloves that popped out and knifes and everything! They should've made a figurine of him because he's where the action is.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Gnawzooka » February 19th, 2009, 5:05 pm

I never really liked DKC3 that much but I reckon Arich is pretty cool.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Rodent » February 20th, 2009, 11:33 am

I voted Baron K Roolenstein - again, I like fighting actual crocodiles as bosses.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby PotoGamer » February 21st, 2009, 12:58 am

It was actually a tough choice, but I guess Baron K. Roolenstein and Bleak are my favorites. In fact, I played the Bleak battle so much that I discovered this weird glitch in which the bonus coin at the end falls to the other side of the screen, not on top of the Kongs. And I even played the Baron K. Roolenstein battle so much, that I found a creepy scrolling glitch that makes the background static and everything invisible. :?

Bleak is like the final test after playing Swanky's Showdown. :D
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby BigDonkey101 » April 22nd, 2009, 12:08 pm

My favorite boss for looks is Belcha, he's cool looking(for a giant evil looking barrel).
And I like the fact that he shoots out little barrels.

For gameplay my favorite boss is Baron K. Roolenstein.
The fight with K.Rool feels epic, and it's a fun boss fight.
It feels like a good boss battle to end the three DKC games.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Swing King » April 23rd, 2009, 7:24 am

1. Baron K.Roolenstein. Seriously, this may be my favorite K.Rool look yet. Just when you think you've beaten KAOS, He jumps out and attacks! The best part is he has the worst luck in this game. From losing the title of King, getting beaten by Dixie and Kiddy, getting a second can of whhoop-arse opened for him again in his own Sub, and getting trapped in a giant egg!

2. Arich because fighting a giant spider in the treetops of a redwood is cool.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby neekerisanni123 » February 4th, 2010, 11:18 pm

Hmm... Squirt, Bleak and Barbos were entertaining, because they were quite hard for me in the good ol' days when I had DKC3 on my old Snes. =) Baron K.Roolenstein is still da best. :mrgreen:
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby thetoad11 » July 7th, 2010, 11:46 pm

I really like bleak and KAOS. Bleak for coolness, because frankly, an evil snowman is just AMAZING! KAOS Because of the fight. I like jumping on blades and trying to land on his head, and then when the head came off, things got interesting, with lazers and stuff. Really enjoyable.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby JungleJitter » August 16th, 2010, 6:20 am

I voted for Squirt :)
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby QueenAvira » November 8th, 2010, 5:00 am

Baron K.roolestein is loco boss!!!,is easy win in the castle, but difficult win in the krematoa.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby HavocReaper48 » November 8th, 2010, 6:51 am

To be honest, I disliked all of the bosses, I mean, a living, burping barrel does not compare to a laughing, hilarious, hopping beaver. Nor does a giant mutant Squitter compare to a giant bird head that shoots coconuts who has a pretty funny level name. Just sayin'.

If I had to choose one, the Baron. Baron is the most challenging and I found him not entirely freakish, rushed, or poorly imagined in general.

EDIT: Shouldn't there be a "least favorite boss" topic too? Now, THAT would be quite a difficult decision to make...
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby QueenAvira » November 9th, 2010, 7:45 am

HavocReaper48 wrote:To be honest, I disliked all of the bosses, I mean, a living, burping barrel does not compare to a laughing, hilarious, hopping beaver. Nor does a giant mutant Squitter compare to a giant bird head that shoots coconuts who has a pretty funny level name. Just sayin'.

If I had to choose one, the Baron. Baron is the most challenging and I found him not entirely freakish, rushed, or poorly imagined in general.

EDIT: Shouldn't there be a "least favorite boss" topic too? Now, THAT would be quite a difficult decision to make...

hahaha, guy you speak too strange so formal like me, some times the some folks don't understand things than i speak. for this motive call me of nerd. no than you are being ok. ;)
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby HavocReaper48 » November 9th, 2010, 12:42 pm


^Least favorite boss thread, go votin'. Surprised there wasn't one before. Like this one, you can vote on two different things but only one KAOS option.

QueenAvira wrote:hahaha, guy you speak too strange so formal like me, some times the some folks don't understand things than i speak. for this motive call me of nerd. no than you are being ok. ;)

Um, ok? You're confusing me, what exactly do you mean? It's forum rules to use proper grammar, also.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby QueenAvira » November 11th, 2010, 6:39 am

HavocReaper48 wrote:http://www.dkc-atlas.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1098

^Least favorite boss thread, go votin'. Surprised there wasn't one before. Like this one, you can vote on two different things but only one KAOS option.

QueenAvira wrote:hahaha, guy you speak too strange so formal like me, some times the some folks don't understand things than i speak. for this motive call me of nerd. no than you are being ok. ;)

Um, ok? You're confusing me, what exactly do you mean? It's forum rules to use proper grammar, also.

is nothing, relax.:lol:
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Phyreburnz » November 14th, 2010, 3:21 am

I'm with HavocReaper. I didn't like any of the bosses. But if I had to choose, K. Roolenstein.
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Re: Favorite Boss?

Postby Piper » January 5th, 2011, 6:45 am

Bleak and KAOS, but I liked Bleak better.

KAOS is strangely, for me, and fun fight, (strange), and not to mention his real head is creepy. (Wearing sunglasses, why?)

Bleak was the most unique, in my opinion, since they used the minigame mechanic for his boss fight. Of course he's also a real weird snowman.
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