The Random Thoughts Topic

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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Qyzbud » November 24th, 2009, 5:37 pm


So there was a story there after all! Sounds like some pretty awkward moments, but also some memorable experiences which will be worth looking back on. Uh, so are you still interested in this lady friend, or have her suggestive movements scared you off? Hmm, I must say I'd like to be thrown into a circle of cheerleaders just once...

I wish I had a cape.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Jomingo » November 25th, 2009, 7:34 am

So basically Tiptup, a better summary of your story would have been:
Tiptup Jr. wrote:OH MY F**KING GOSH

Just kidding, next time you should definitely tell the whole story the first time around. Life's better that way.

Anyway, here's a story about how (un) epic my life is:

First off, this week has been exam week. As in FINAL exam week. As in, two days straight (for a total of twelve hours of testing) I have had to sit at a desk and take a test that will count for twenty percent of my final grade, all along with the thought in mind that this was the last day of these classes, and as soon as I get back from break I will have all new classes with all new people. So the pressure is on. Also, normally these exams are on the last Thursday and Friday, but for some stupid reason they changed it to Monday and Tuesday following the HUGE SEMIFINALS FOOTBALL GAME that was Saturday. It's difficult enough to find time to study, now they gave me a whole weekend to forget what I did in class. Also, normally the Thanksgiving break would give us a whole school week off (plus the two weekends next to it) for a total of 9 days straight without school. Well, since this is on Monday and Tuesday now they only gave us the following Wednesday to Friday off.
So besides stressing for my AP Calculus Exam (as in College Credit Calculus), I have had the drama of our near perfect Football season to deal with. See, Football is huge for our school. We won our Semifinals match and now are playing for the State Finals this Friday at Ford Field in Detroit. That is the same field that the Detroit Lions play on, and it will be our first time going to Ford Field in five years, after having last years Championship stolen from us. Undoubtedly this is the biggest thing in my life right now, as I am an key member of our schools Radio Station. Basically, me and several other students run the School radio, and the local Public Access Television, and personally video tape and broadcast every sporting event and school concert. That keeps me busy, especially during Football season. Not only do I have the games to worry about, but I also film a sports talkshow with our Football Coach once a week. Yesterday that talkshow made me late for my intense-end-of-the-world-biggest-test-ever Calculus Exam. Oh, and I host my own video game talkshow every Monday as well.
Tomorrow I have a LAN party to attend, which will last for twelve hours straight, and then after thanksgiving(Thursday) I have to get on the road for the big football game, at which point I will return Saturday morning and then head off to an Airsoft War, and what do you know? My break is over, and I have to get new books, and fit in to new classes with new teachers and new material.

And somewhere in there I have to find time to play DKC because today is DKC Day. THE FIFTEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF DKC!
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby gamer_boy997 » November 25th, 2009, 10:06 am

Yikes Jomingo! Sounds harsh, and I thought my life was hard! What was I thinking :cry: .

I hope you can handle it all though, ;) .
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Gnawzooka » November 28th, 2009, 11:20 am

Wow, I've recently gotten into Dream Theater. They are quite amazing... I think they're the only metal band I've ever liked except a select few Metallica songs.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Gnawzooka » November 29th, 2009, 10:46 am

Qyzbud wrote:Hmm... that's random, but not random enough...

What are you listening to right now? :D

I wasn't listening to it right then though. :P
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Qyzbud » November 30th, 2009, 4:54 pm

Yeah, I figured that was probably the case! You make a good point, but that particular topic is open to discussion of 'recently listened to' as well. I have just decided... Haha. :P
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cyclone » December 9th, 2009, 6:35 am

int main()
cout << "I'm learning C++!\n";

int numberlist[6] = {67,111,111,108,33};

for(int c=0;numberlist[c];c++) // 'c++' ;)
char DKC_Atlas_is = numberlist[c];
cout << DKC_Atlas_is;
cout << "\n";
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Guy » December 9th, 2009, 11:42 am

Fe stands for Iron.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Simion32 » December 9th, 2009, 12:05 pm

e = Δtc²
Cyclone (fixed formatting) wrote:
int main()
cout << "I'm learning C++!\n";
int numberlist[6] = {67,111,111,108,33};
for(int c=0;numberlist[c];c++)
char DKC_Atlas_is = numberlist[c];
cout << DKC_Atlas_is;
cout << "\n";
That would be a command-line program which writes this to the screen:
Code: Select all
I'm learning C++!
Also, it would be better in my opinion to define the null zero at the end of numberlist[6].
Be sure to indent your code (I realize that was due to forum post auto-formatting).
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Kiddy14 » December 10th, 2009, 2:12 pm

Private Sub Command1_Click()
MsgBox "This is what I remember from Computer Science class D="
End Sub
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Cyclone » December 10th, 2009, 11:52 pm

^ is that Visual basic? It's been a long time since I used that. The syntax of C++ so far seems pretty easy. Playing around with a few scripting languages such as javascript has really helped a lot.

Simion32 wrote:Also, it would be better in my opinion to define the null zero at the end of numberlist[6].

You mean like: int numberlist[6] = {67,111,111,108,33, '\0'};

Is that just so you know more easily what is going on in the code?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Simion32 » December 11th, 2009, 2:37 am

*Simion32 enters a bonus barrel*

...yeah. I just got done with exams. :mrgreen:

Cyclone wrote:You mean like: int numberlist[6] = {67,111,111,108,33, '\0'};
Is that just so you know more easily what is going on in the code?
Yeah. I would probably do something like this for displaying a string:

const char* array = "DKC Atlas - Where 101% just isn't enough.\0";
for(int c = 0,array[c],c++){cout << array[c];}

Here's a programming topic if you want to discuss further (since this is all but random): viewtopic.php?f=19&t=893#p17404
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Tiptup Jr. » December 15th, 2009, 12:47 pm

Well hey jurks, just popping in to say hi... and if anyone`s still concerned about my life story, I`m pretty much just friends now with that girl who asked me to the dance, but I`m currently interested in several other individuals- particularly one young lady who, apparently, is... bisexually oriented. Soo. :P
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby CoolStyleE » January 3rd, 2010, 6:18 pm

I`d be suprised if anyone remembered me. Does CSE ring a bell? Probably not. But I`m back, recovering from some things I should not post about. But, after these incidents, I realized something: its always good to help your friends with their problems, reguardless of the outcome. But, I was the problem this time.
If you do remember me though, I`ll still be suprised.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Jomingo » January 3rd, 2010, 6:23 pm

You are the dude who did remixes or whatever with the psychopath that you're no doubt referring to in that very post.

Welcome back I suppose.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Guy » January 4th, 2010, 5:24 am

It's quite nice seeing someone come back.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby CoolStyleE » January 5th, 2010, 3:47 pm

Jomingo wrote:You are the dude who did remixes or whatever with the psychopath that you're no doubt referring to in that very post.

Lucky guess... But it`s probably not what you`re thinking. I`m still not gonna say it though, and it`s better I shouldn`t. Definety better I shouldn`t. It`s no G rated incident.
Other than that, I feel awesome! It`s good to see DKC Atlas again and all its awesome stuff and people here.
But on another note, actually I forgot what I was gonna say.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Jomingo » January 6th, 2010, 7:01 am

Fair enough. In fact, I'd very much prefer that you don't mention whatever it is you are referring to and just enjoy your return regardless of how brief or long it may be.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 6th, 2010, 9:23 am

Wait, did that guy get banned or something? I'm a little confused as to what he's "returning" from... but good to have you back, I guess! :D
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Jomingo » January 6th, 2010, 9:57 am

No, he just disappeared for awhile. It happens to the best of us.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 6th, 2010, 3:28 pm

True dat, true dat.

And dude. My younger brother was diagnosed with pneumonia today and I think I`m getting it. On one hand, missing skewl would be bad because it`s the fisrt day back and I wouldn`t get to see my friends, but on the other... it`s skewl. Hmmm. :/
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Guy » January 7th, 2010, 7:27 am

^ Oy.

Speaking of body stuff, I got a lot of soap in one of my eyes yesterday. It burned.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Simion32 » January 7th, 2010, 12:39 pm

"Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves." ~Thoreau
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby CoolStyleE » January 7th, 2010, 6:32 pm

Simion32 wrote:"Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves."

If I am correct, I am sure that obedience means something like follow the rules perfectly and without any fault. (No, that`s not pulled from the dictionary) What I think that might mean is sometimes people have bad rules or ways to do things, and it`s better just to do it your own way. You don`t have to copy what the best person says. It`ll be like you`re their slave. Draw your own line. Follow your own path. Be yourself and only yourself.
I think that`s what it means. I only think it is, I`m about 50% sure.

There might be a famous quote forum somewhere, (I thought I saw one) but this is the random thoughts topic. Simion32`s quote reminded me of one I heard a while ago.

"Those who mind, don`t matter, and those who matter, don`t mind."
-I forget who said this...
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 8th, 2010, 6:02 am

Since we're being so random...

I am obsessed with the movie Orphan. It's just amazing to me. And I know it's creepy beyond belief, but I'm actually attracted to Esther. I think a big reason why is that I relate to her character and actually had sympathy for her toward the end of the film...
She was utterly trapped within the confines of her own mind. I think there was a lot of untapped potential as to exploring Esther's psyche and getting inside Leena's thoughts... The idea of Kate being manipulated by her therapist and having the whole world "out to get her" is a theme I really like and am familiar with as well. While watching Orphan I was constantly reminded by members of my own family and situations that have occured in my life (my mother, an alcoholic, has had two miscarriages). But overall, to me Orphan was a verrrry memorable movie experience. Mom says I can't watch it anymore and apparently my local Walmart refuses to stock it, so I've yet to purchase it... But that's why Blockbuster exists. :D
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Jomingo » January 8th, 2010, 10:21 am

That's why the internet exists. NOTE: I don't endorse watching illegal movies on the internet. I just do it. Meh.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Gnawzooka » January 8th, 2010, 10:40 am

I wonder...
Can you put spoiler tage inside spoiler tages?[Spoiler]No. Aw...
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 8th, 2010, 12:06 pm

Jomingo wrote:
That's why the internet exists. NOTE: I don't endorse watching illegal movies on the internet. I just do it. Meh.

Eh, I'm actually not going down that road... there's a reason why that's considered "wrong" and I'd like to support the various people involved with the film by making a legal purchase. :)
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Jomingo » January 8th, 2010, 12:22 pm

Eh, is anything we do right? One could say that we commit a great many wrongs and thus that could be considered a hypocritical statement. I will not say that only because them's fightin' words. Of course I respect the film industry, and thus I go see a great deal of movies upon initial release. But forgive me if I'm not leaping at the idea of running out and buying them on DVD so I can watch them a couple of times and then let them take up space on my shelf for another 5-10 years until I will be "forced" to upgrade to blu-ray and then repeat the process of rebuying my entire collection that I don't watch anymore(again).
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby gamer_boy997 » January 8th, 2010, 12:58 pm

Jomingo wrote:I will be "forced" to upgrade to blu-ray and then repeat the process of rebuying my entire collection that I don't watch anymore(again).

Umm... Blu-ray players can play DVDs, so I don't think you have to worry about rebuying your entire collection...
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 8th, 2010, 4:34 pm

Jomingo wrote:Eh, is anything we do right? One could say that we commit a great many wrongs and thus that could be considered a hypocritical statement.

Yeah, one thing I've learned in life (and mostly through being a Christian) is that we are all hypocrites because if we weren't, no one would sin, everyone would be happy and yadda yadda yadda. But there are a few things we can try to do right and for me, buying Orphan is one of 'em. But I have done wrong in knowingly keeping the film past its due date (several times, in fact), so yeah... but I'm also gonna purchase the soundtrack instead of downloading it somewhere online, because I'm just that awesome. 8-)

But what you said about them being fighting words or something, I'm not trying to start a big flame war here. I actually feel like I'm at a cozy little coffee shop, just writing my feelings and stuff. I don't drink coffee but still. Wheee. :P
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Soniccuz » January 17th, 2010, 7:26 am

CoolStyleE wrote:
Simion32 wrote:
"Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves."
"Those who mind, don`t matter, and those who matter, don`t mind."
-I forget who said this...

If we're quoting people on the importance of order and liberty here's a more modern one:

"Maybe someday they will see a hero is just a man who knows he's free"~ The Protomen (indie rock band)
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Simion32 » January 17th, 2010, 7:31 am

After cleaning up my computer desk (man that thing was dusty *cough*) I finally got all the cables behind it organized. Taped my two power strips to the desk so they can't move, in a convenient location. Hopefully it can't become too much of a problem anymore.

Also nice is that on one strip is things that don't always need to be on while the other handles the "always-on" hardware. This way I can reset the network devices in one fell swoop.

I decided I'm also going to do a system-wide backup and reinstall. Particularly, M$ Office (which I need for school) decides that it doesn't want to work, possibly because of my separate (D:) partition. Hopefully I can fix that by installing while only (C:) exists.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Kiddy14 » January 18th, 2010, 4:29 pm

The weirdest installation problem I've got is that MS Office keeps asking for a certain file it supposedly can't find, then I give it the path but it says it's not valid!

The weirdest Computer Science class (speaking about computers) I've got was one where our teacher asked us to disassemble a whole computer. Afterwards, they asked us to put the pieces together, and turn it on (it had to turn on, we were being graded =P). So when my team and I turned it on smoke went out of it XD
My teacher was not mad since it had only been some cables touching, apparently, but everything else was OK (it had turned on, just with smoke).

My last computer problem was when my laptop hibernated while playing a game, when I resumed it, nothing was responsive and somehow the game had closed. I turned it off with the power button and it went through the normal process, but when I tried to turn it on it wouldn't (the screen would show nothing and only the Touch Pad's lights would turn on). What I did was take off the battery for about 5 minutes, and that somehow made it work again...
I tried looking for it on the Internet but I only got results of people whose computers were dead by completely different reasons =S
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby DKCplayer » January 19th, 2010, 9:11 pm

Are you sure you and your team were trying to reassemble the computer or were you trying to make a cheap smoke machine? =P

Speaking of school and computers, in agriculture, my class was researching animal farming. I was looking up pig farming (Both intensive and free ranged) while my friend was looking up goat farming facts. He used the simple minded way, and typed in Two of my other friends and I were confused when we heard the sound effect. From that day, one of them kept on going to that one site, refreshing every now and then so the sound replays. It drove some of the students mad. :evil: I did it a few times, but it became apparent that the class was already annoyed of how much my friend was doing it. :P

Eventually I showed them the wonders of How long can YOU last? :D
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Guy » January 26th, 2010, 11:00 am

Sorry for the topic breakup, but I like chocolate.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 31st, 2010, 4:55 am

Me too.

So I just downloaded Orphan, and am looking for the right codecs to play/edit the file. Don't judge me.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby BlueTronic » January 31st, 2010, 8:02 am

What codec is it in? If it's in an obscure codec you'll need to use a program to convert it (like Blaze Media Pro for example.)
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 31st, 2010, 4:12 pm

Well, I just downloaded a big codec pack and it works. I also used this HD converter to make it an .avi file (so I can make epic videos with it in Adobe Premiere), and the movie just looks beautiful. I'm very happy with it. :D

EDIT: Which I guess is what you said, but the point is the original and converted file are both pretty good-lookin'.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Gnawzooka » March 1st, 2010, 1:38 pm

Check it out I made a gif out of a pic of me headbanging.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Gnawzooka » March 1st, 2010, 2:17 pm

I also made some with captions.
Whoa I just realised my hair looks like teh banana hoard.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby DK4Ever » March 1st, 2010, 7:02 pm

These are so awesome Gnaw, and being the DBZ fan I am, I'm totally diggin' that first one.

Epic, sir. Epic.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Simion32 » March 5th, 2010, 10:10 am

LoadingGreatWeather(); . . . . . . . done.
DeletingSchoolTemoraryAccessMemory(); . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3 minutes later) . . . done.
CleaningRoom(); . . . operation aborted.
CreatingExistenceTimeParadox(); . . . . finished with status: Unknown.

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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby The Guy » March 6th, 2010, 7:15 am

Spring break, eh? I have that two weeks from now, but I can be patient.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Topic

Postby Simion32 » March 15th, 2010, 7:26 am

Web Development Effort Bricks Windows Installation

Yeah, I was attempting to develop a website for my family's business (don't ask... meh). I figured something was bound to screw up - I'm a programmer, not a web developer **** it!

I decided to install Apache2.2 web server and PHP to test some php scripts for a webpage on my PC. It seemed to have worked fine once I got the script working correctly. However...

This morning I try to boot my main PC, and BOOM Windows XP fails to boot. :x

A full backup to my external Hard Drive is being done as of this post, and then I'm going to secure-wipe the Hard Drive and start over (again... ugh). After I get all the crap I had on there reinstalled, I will be organizing all of this backed-up data and burning every last useful byte of it to DVDs and CDs.

EDIT a few minutes later: There's probably a chance I might be able to recover without reinstalling anything, hopefully. :| I'm going to still do the HDD backup though, since that still needs to be done.

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