Oil Drum Alley map now has a
level music player! It's not set to
preload or
autoplay the music at this stage, as that might be a bit invasive (and undesirable from a loading time/bandwidth point of view) for some users, but I plan to have autoplay as an option once I enable a user preferences system on the Atlas.
Simion, It looks like Audition
was at fault. Not sure why it can't open/import the whole loop, but that's okay - I'm happy with the Ogg you uploaded. Would you be able to upload a few more loops?
cave and
underwater level music would be a great start, but I'm keen to get all of them, now that I've got a basic playback system set up for the LMV. So far, it's only designed to play the looped section of each level's music, but I know how to upgrade it to allow a loop to play after an intro, so I'll give that a whirl if you could also upload an intro section or two.

Also, would you be able to upload MP3 versions at some point, if need be? I don't think Internet Explorer and Safari support Ogg, so I'll probably need to offer MP3s to support those browsers.

I could probably just convert the Oggs with FormatFactory or something similar, but lossy conversions always lose a bit of quality, which I'd like to avoid.