Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Discussion of the DKC series as a whole.
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Who is the best Kong?

Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Dixie Kong
Kiddy Kong
Lanky Kong
No votes
Tiny Kong
Chunky Kong
No votes
Cranky Kong
Funky Kong
No votes
Candy Kong
No votes
Wrinkly Kong
No votes
Swanky Kong
Total votes : 24

Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 21st, 2011, 5:24 am

Okay, I've been debating making this topic for awhile, and we already have one like it, but it's not a poll... basically I want to know, among the Donkey Kong fandom, which of the main twelve Kongs reigns supreme? I say "main twelve" because, even though people like DK Jr., Baby DK, and the Jungle Beat Kongs are still legitimate characters I just wanted to keep this pure, simple, and DKC-faithful. After you vote, please leave a post explaining your decisions... I've also enabled people to change their vote, but please only do this if you REALLY have to.

My vote goes to...

ImageTiny Kong. Yes, yes, I'm aware this seems like a strange choice. Really it was a toss-up between her and Lanky. But I think that people don't give Tiny enough credit. She wasn't that annoying, and even before her redesign she had many qualities that distinguished her from Dixie. It was clear that Rare wanted her to become a series regular as evidenced by her appearing in the Donkey Kong Racing trailer. Also, I feel like her redesign has really made her a great and developed character, humanizing her even, making both Mario and Donkey Kong fans alike love her even more... like, you can be a fan of her now, more so than in the past. I'm very glad she's become a series mainstay and I hope she continues to appear in more games.

Plus I would enjoy ****ing her.
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby 7S7ui3 » February 21st, 2011, 7:18 am

I chose
Diddy Kong, I have always loved Diddy. He is so funny and cheerful. He has stayed as my favourite since the first country game. idk I hust love that little monkey.

(I dont know if the english was correct but Im norwegian cant blame me :mrgreen:
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby HavocReaper48 » February 21st, 2011, 7:56 am

I can't believe nobody chose
Cranky Kong!

yet! The guy gave the series so much humor, and we're all becoming him, too.
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 21st, 2011, 8:22 am

Ha, true about Cranky... glad to see this getting votes. But we've only got two responses, people need to get posting in here!
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Jomingo » February 21st, 2011, 12:07 pm

I voted Diddy, but it's really a tough decision. I love Cranky, Funky, and the ever-unappreciated Kiddy, but I find Diddy to be a much more integral part of the series than any of the others (aside from DK). Diddy really represents DKC and the Rare era as a whole. Afterall, he was Rare's biggest original DK character. Nintendo created DK, but Rare made Diddy and he represents Rare's take on the series to me. Whenever he's around it just feels more like that era than if he wasn't. Plus, he's awesome.
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby CaptainEddie » February 23rd, 2011, 8:00 am

It's a super tough decision, but I'm going to have to go with Diddy. For much as the same reasons as Jomingo.
It was really tough to choose him between Cranky and Swanky, however. Funky, too.
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Phyreburnz » February 23rd, 2011, 1:13 pm

Alright, I admit... I'm a lame-ass... I chose Donkey. Although, Diddy was a playable character in more DKC games O.o
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 23rd, 2011, 2:35 pm

It's okay!! Without Donkey the rest of them wouldn't exist. Although I was starting to wonder if someone was going to pick him.
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Goe » February 24th, 2011, 11:31 pm

I voted for Donkey Kong. I like him more than diddy, because i prefer kill krushas, kill klumps jumping over his head, kill armys with one hit while they are rolling, and do the hand slap, than be faster. I love Diddy too but less than DK. I don't like Dixie so much and i always hated Kiddy. That's about DKC

About DK64, i liked DK and Diddy more than Tiny, Lanky and Chunky because they are part of my childhood.

About non-playable characters like Cranky, Funky, Candy, etc i have never been a fan of that characters...Funky has a cool design as a surfer, but that's all.
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Ribbedebie » February 25th, 2011, 4:45 am

I've always been a fangirl of Diddy ever since I got my hands on the DKC games. Something about him is awesome. He kicks ass. All around. If he appears somewhere, I suddenly like that because of him. That's the power of fangirling! /heroic pose

Oh, and Dixie too, because I think girls can kick as much ass as boys. I mean she overrules Diddy with her ponytail-twirl... Is that kickass or WHAT?

Cranky of course rules also, his constant complaining is the best, seriously. Let's not forget DK too, especially in Returns he's really characterized, and he grew on me, whereas at first I didn't really care much about the ape as a character (blame my short-lived Mario fandom for that) but now he's cool.

I really like all Kongs, they've all got something. Except for the Jungle Beat gang... as I haven't played the game. So yeah.
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Phyreburnz » February 27th, 2011, 3:33 am

You know, about what Ribbedebie said... Dixie is cool because she kicks ass as much as boys. I would have liked her more, and probably would have voted for her, if she were more of a tomboy. She's a bit too girly for me. I liked that Tiny was more tomboyish than Dixie, but I liked Dixie more than her because her ponytail twirl takes you further.
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Chibisai Kong » February 27th, 2011, 10:20 am

Ribbedebie wrote:I really like all Kongs, they've all got something. Except for the Jungle Beat gang... as I haven't played the game. So yeah.

You should play it, Ribbdebie, it's a really good game!

As for my vote, I've been liking Wrinkly and Cranky a lot lately (that is shown in my stories) but for some reasonever since reading Swanky's DKVine biography, I've been really liking him a lot. In fact it's so much that... that... oh no... no... no... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Mayo » March 15th, 2011, 5:44 pm

Cranky, I just love his rants, and the humour he brings to almost every game he appears in.

Now retro gamers today sound like Cranky Kong XD
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Chibisai Kong » March 17th, 2011, 10:02 am

LOL Mayo. They kinda do. Cranky has always been a favorite. ;)
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Katzii » March 20th, 2011, 11:23 am

My favourite playable character is Dixie (I remember playing the first two DKC games as a kid, and was impressed to see a playable female character, which apparently has had a huge impact on me), but I also like Diddy. DK probably comes third as a playable character, but I do like Cranky and his rants.
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Soniccuz » April 6th, 2011, 4:18 pm

Dixie Kong

To me it feels likes the series left her behind, and when they finally went back, picked her up to put in Diddy Kong Racing DS, and Mario Sluggers she lost a lot of her personality. Back in her first appearance she had a lot of the same traits that made Diddy so popular, as that picture demonstrates. I realize that that's probably a kin to saying Luigi sure looks like Mario but, all the same I would of liked to of seen her go on to gain the same appeal as her boyfriend. Heck are they even still a couple? I wouldn't be surprised if Diddy ditched her for some fangirl at this point.

Seeing how I've kind of already done this with the favorite playable character topic. I think I'll go on to comment on the others so it can feel like I went the extra mile and gave them a fair shot. (which I didn't)

Feel free to ignore my ramblings.

He's unique in that he's often the strong man when making cameos in other Nintendo games. But in his own series he's kind of the average Joe of the family, or at least a rare agile strong man. Oh even more unheard of he's been equally portrayed as a protagonist and as a Kong in distress role, and that's if I generously count DKCR. Also he is out classed by Chunky and even matched by Kiddy in strength so, again, he comes off as an average Joe.

I would say dixie, and him are my first and second favorite characters and often switch places among themselves. The personality that Country 2 implied he had, I point to that picture again as well as some idle animations, was enforced and expanded on in DK64. He got some cool gadgets, both the jetpack and the popguns seem to be synonymous with his character now. Again I can also look at Diddy and wonder how DK64 would of expanded on Dixie's character if she had made the cut.

But, like how cameo roles haven't helped Dixie's character. I've noticed Diddy taking a character shift in more recent games. Starting in the peg climber games he took hits for DK and I always assumed DK used him as some "human" shield. Considering the nature of the game I didn't mind it that much. But, DKCR does practically the same thing but, now I get the impression that it's a sign of fear like he's abandoning DK to save his own life. It seems very unlike him compared to his character in the Rare games.

was always the Kong I least liked. He had one thing going for him and that was his strength that I always assumed matched DK's. I find that concept hilarious and would love to play a game as the two that makes note of this. Kiddy could be the archetypal slow powerhouse allowing DK to show off his more agile side :idea: Anyway that aside he has one thing railing against him. He effectively turned DKC3 into an adventure in babysitting. The Kongs of the first two game effectively worked together. Whereas, to me at least, it always felt like Dixie was working in spite of Kiddy. His blissfully unaware attitude also made him seem kind of boring to me.

now if you want to talk about Kongs not getting enough credit I'd start with Lanky and Chunky. The practical joker of the family confined to one game, and a small role in Barrel Blast. I can't even say much about him I tend to like joker characters in general, so by archetype alone he should be up there but, he's far over shadowed by the more established characters.

Ironically I didn't mind her nearly as much before her freakish growth spurt. Maybe it's because of how jarring it is to see her and Dixie together now, just recon her to big sister why don't ya, and that it further weakens Dixie's portrayal in cameos. Like Tiptup pointed out she already had many qualities that distinguished her from Dixie, why try to further distinguish her from her sister?

Poor Chunky
hasn't been seen since his first appearance! Like Kiddy he's got strength to match the title character but, with one key difference that saves his character for me. I usually find the cowardly characters annoying
(Why I think Luigi's Mansion really hurt Luigi's character, though I admit he didn't really have a character before that game but, that's a whole 'nother racket)
But, by giving superior strength to Chunky in light of Donkey Kong he becomes far more interesting for some reason.

the character we all ought to be voting for but, aren't because he's on a whole different level. He is to videogames what Deadpool is to comics. There ought to be one self aware character in every form of media and only one; for stabilities sake.

while Dixie and Diddy argue over first and second place Funky peacefully occupies third. Like Cranky the only word I can find to describe him is awesome. Especially with his hover surfboard. 8-)

now her I just don't know what to say about. Only two notable appearances, and with her boyfriend as a playable character you don't really see them interact. Beyond being DK's girlfriend there's not much to her character.

probably the most interesting of the Kongs for two reasons first she (was?) married to the awesomeness that is Cranky Kong. What kind of person marries someone so brilliantly self aware, someone literally named Cranky? But, the main reason I find her so interesting is that she's dead, and this wasn't some pre-established thing it happened between games! On second thought maybe it's a good thing Dixie didn't make it into DK64.

Swanky is as Swanky does.
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby SimianSegue » May 26th, 2011, 9:25 am

I just had to help the baby with no love! He is the one I voted for because I just LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE him!I love the sound he makes when he gets hit.(You know, that scream?)
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 26th, 2011, 9:35 am

Yes... Yes, his scream is very entertaining. ^_^

Soniccuz wrote:Wrinkly's
probably the most interesting of the Kongs for two reasons first she (was?) married to the awesomeness that is Cranky Kong. What kind of person marries someone so brilliantly self aware, someone literally named Cranky? But, the main reason I find her so interesting is that she's dead, and this wasn't some pre-established thing it happened between games! On second thought maybe it's a good thing Dixie didn't make it into DK64.

Swanky is as Swanky does.

1. About the 'brilliantly self-aware' thing, apparently both Wrinkly as she married Cranky and Lori Ann Allison married the actorial genius that is Johnny Depp for three years. :)

2. She's a good, kind, character and anybody will admit that.

3. About Swanky, what does that mean?
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Soniccuz » November 23rd, 2011, 9:12 pm

"Swanky is as Swanky does"

In this case it means he's more of a function then a character. An archetype and nothing more.
There's just not enough there for me to like or, dislike.

I can't even use character association with him like I did with Candy, Wrinkly, and could do with Funky.
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Kimi Kong » November 30th, 2011, 4:02 am


Why wouldn't anyone like her? if she was human, she'd be the cutest girl ever. Even as a monkey sh'e adorible. I mean i just wanna hug her and snugglesnuggle snuggle!!!! XD
And she's so brave! Most girls in video games arent as brave as she is.
And she's kinda strong too. Hey, if you can pick Kiddy up and still be able to walk with him, then your pretty freakin strong!
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Markster » November 30th, 2011, 4:44 am

It is hard to choose, I think my favorite(s) would be Diddy and Dixie, but if I had to choose, I would go with Dixie, because DKC3 is the best out of the trilogy in my opinion.
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Scraps69 » December 1st, 2011, 12:59 am

This is really an intimate question of which monkey sex partner to choose if given a choice.
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Simion32 » December 2nd, 2011, 2:30 pm

Eh, I forgive Scraps. He has a very, shall we say, odd sense of humor, to say the very least... :roll:

But yeah, if you don't mind Scraps, could you cut down on the amount of dirty jokes? This is a family forum, after all. ;)
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Re: Which "Main 12" Kong is the best?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » December 3rd, 2011, 11:55 am

Scraps69 wrote:This is really an intimate question of which monkey sex partner to choose if given a choice.

I'd pick Tiny without being given the choice.

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