fran_friki wrote:[...]in addition, they can't save their progress[...]
SRAM problems, maybe?
Simion32 wrote:Notice that the 904 bananas does not change when bananas are collected. I suspect that the cartridge has bit-rot, making some of the code go wonky. This in turn can also corrupt values in the SNES RAM memory, and from there it's anyone's guess.
Simion32 wrote:or the cart getting hit by some stray electricity, could have screwed with the SRAM
Qyzbud wrote:That first video is one of Cody's, so he might be able to help explain a bit of what's going on.
Is that a cartridge of yours, Cody? Can you tell us anything about its origin, when/why it started glitching, etc?
fran_friki wrote:In South America and Mexico this myth is known, i'm from Spain but also interested in this strange cases.
Cody wrote:I'll happily donate my cartridge to anyone who can (though I don't think anyone will ask).
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