Hey, I've got some time to kill (and my education website is still down WTF??!?!?!) so why not?
If you havn't noticed me around in the past week or two, I'm doing the DKC Reloaded project (hack ROM) along with Kong-Fu and Simion32. Check it out at
viewtopic.php?f=33&t=957 .
I'm scraps. Im in my 20s. and I love donkey kong! Donkey Kong Country was one of those games that got me permanently hooked to video games. I was a kid and we were looking for games with my bro, and my bro suggested 'donkey kong country'. I looked at it and I told him it looked kind of gay. So, we went off to buy road runner instead - boy was that a rubbish game. ANyways, I was at primary school and I had a mate who played video games and me and him would hang out for big gaming sessions... though we never touched on DKC because we were busy playing other games (like mickey mouse and battletoads and other ones). Then one day he lent me Donkey Kong Country and I fell in love with it. So, then I got into the DKC series and I got into Rareware as well. Heh, Conker's bad fur day was truly a masterpiece and I was really sad when Rare left for microsoft because they had a Donkey Kong racing game in the works. Though *shrugs* it doesn't matter much as Rare is now a different company anyway. So anyways, my latest donkey kong game was Jungle Beat for the wii. It's pretty good! But different. And then I was thinking... wouldn't it be cool to have a new Donkey Kong Country game? I was always a big fan of the original, I think DKC2 was the weakest entry and DKC3 was pretty good too. What always annoyed me was that the game was called 'Donkey Kong Country' and there was no blerrie Donkey Kong in the next two iteractions of DKC. so if there was a DKC4, it had to include DK. But I 'knew' at the time (probably 2008) it wasn't possible to make a DKC game so I let it slip out of my mind.
Though last year, I was also playing hacked mario roms and I realised that maybe DKC was probably hackable. So, I scrolled youtube and watched the speed runs as well as saw Kong Fu's Industrial Alley level. I searched the internet for the roms and came by
DKC Atlas last september or something. I tried downloading and playing the hacked roms (in other words, the '.ips') and because it didn't load into my zsnes player (because i didn't know how to apply .IPS files), I thought "wtf this isn't a ROM. what a rubbish website". I really had no idea what IPS was so I left the website. But then I struck lucky in November/December and found a DKEditor in english (through a youtube link) and started making levels for fun. The name reloaded has been with me from the start and is named after the Conker's Bad Fur Day's re-release on the XBOX 'Conkers Live and Reloaded'.
Anyways, got bored after creating Winkey's walkway and because no one wanted to play the rom. so, I abandoned it in late december. Last week or two weeks ago, I decided I'll just spread what I've done and if people liked it then I might make more levels. I remembered this site (it was a unique look (and i particularly remembered the
DKC Atlas clouds) but I could not remember the name) because I remembered the sub-forum with ROM hacks (though at the time I still thought the IPS thing was still rubbish though now i think it's awesome!) and decided to post a real ROM for you guys (though I got in trouble later by simion32 hehe). So I searched high and low in google and actually found
DKC Atlas again via google images. And the rest is a recent history heh.
So, that's my donkey kong and
DKC Atlas story. Both started off with rejection at first sight, but then I fell in love with both of them

Heh, the only thing that kind of gets me wondering is 'Qyzbud'. Does he still check this website?
In a belated response, Qyzbud writes:Yes, indeed I do.