Wow, you all look so innocent

Usually, adults automatically assume the worse when it comes to me. You see, I have more female friends than I do male friends, and naturally I like spending time with people. I've had female friends whose parents wouldn't let me into their homes because they didn't want me "experimenting" with their daughters. What they don't know is that I wouldn't ever - after all, DKC > girls, right?

For example, this happened on AIM in February (I had to censor a word or two):
[20:17] Yoshi Eggs 2: Why won't your parents let me go to your birthday party?
[20:18] [removed]: my dad says he doesnt trust u at all :[
[20:20] Yoshi Eggs 2:

[20:20] Yoshi Eggs 2: You're one of my best friends
[20:20] Yoshi Eggs 2: Why is your dad like that?
[20:20] [removed]: he thinks ur always doing drugs and etc. etc.
[20:20] Yoshi Eggs 2: Oh, yeah, that makes perfect sense
[20:21] Yoshi Eggs 2: Considering I've never even touched illegal drugs in my life
[20:21] [removed]: lol
[20:22] Yoshi Eggs 2: Can I talk to your dad via IM right now?
[20:22] [removed]: umm lemme check
[20:25] [removed]: he says if u try to bother him one more time hell get a restraning order
Yeah, parents hate me and I don't do a single thing wrong. [sad face]