DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

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DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » May 22nd, 2009, 11:46 pm

Banner by FranticFactory64

Another Announcement

I have created a temporary forum to make it easier for project members to share their tracks with each other and give feedback. Link is here:

Non-project members can join to and make suggestions about the project, but will be unable to access the Feedback section ('cos it's got a password. HA! :P).

EDIT: No final deadline anymore. Yet.



Here is the track list:

(If I missed any, let me know)
01. Main Theme - cfh + Qyzbud (Raring to Go [final title?])
02. Simian Segue
03. Cranky's Theme - Lampje (Cranky's Beachparty)
04. Funky's Fugue - Kong-Fu + cfh (Kongs on a Plane)
05. Candy's Love Song - Kong-Fu + Lampje
06. Bonus Room Blitz - Cosmicman (Dream Blitz)
07. DK Island Swing - cfh (In Pursuit of Trivial Romance)
08. Cave Dweller Concert
09. Aquatic Ambiance - Dixie (Flight of the Fish)
10. Bad Boss Boogie - Kong-Fu (Badass Boogie)
11. Life in the Mines - Sockpuppet (A Miner's Memory)
12. Mine Cart Madness - Sockpuppet (Mine Cart-astrophe)
13. Misty Menace - Qyzbud
14. Voices of the Temple
15. Forest Frenzy
16. Tree Top Rock
17. Northern Hemispheres - Qyzbud
18. Ice Cave Chant - Emunator (Ivory Caves)
19. Fear Factory - Kong-Fu (TurmOIL)
20. Gangplank Galleon (Shipboard Showdown) - Dixie + Lampje + Tzunami
21. Credits Concerto - Cosmicman (Trance Concerto)
??. Game Over

#. Original - Remixer = Claimed
#. Original - Remixer (Remix Title [If it has one]) = I've heard a WIP
#. Original - Remixer (Remix Title) = COMPLETE

I'd like a remix of each of the tracks.
-If you'd like to contribute, you need to PM a WIP to me and Qyzbud.
-I think the best way to do things is to release the project when it is complete, so I'd rather you don't post the mixes in this thread.
-Once the remix is finished, PM or eMail it to me AND Qyzbud.

-You can also send me and Qyzbud WIPs if you like, to let us know how things are going. And we can give some advice.
-Depending on how well things go we might be able to do a few extra tracks too.
-Remixes should have original titles (as in names YOU thought up).

Here are some things for you remixers to make your job easier:
VGMusic's MIDI collection(Please don't do MIDI rips though)
Youtube Playlist
mp3 Downloads
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Qyzbud » May 23rd, 2009, 3:46 am

Good stuff, Sockpuppet. Feels like this will be a great chance for our community to pool some musical talents and ideas. Even those without musical composition experience will have plenty of opportunity to have input - whether by mentioning genres they'd like to hear, suggesting project/track names, creating promotional graphics, etc, etc... Hopefully we'll get plenty of member participation. :)

I'd like to put myself down for Misty Menace - mainly because I like a challenge, but also because I enjoy the desolate, moody ambient feel of that track, and I'd like to see what I can do to build on it. I'd also really like to take a shot at Northern Hemispheres, which has some truly beautiful melodies... It's probably the most underrated piece on the whole soundtrack, actually.

There are a few others I'd be interested in working with, but I don't want to overdo it... Depending on how things go, I'd love to see what I could do with Credits Concerto, DK Island Swing and the Main Theme, but I'm not in a rush to claim all of those just yet.

I could also chip in by doing the final production work, to ensure that the album flows well from track to track, but each piece still sounds good as a standalone track.

A point to ponder...
Should we consider having a 'theme' for the album? Like an emphasis on a particular genre, or something along those lines? It might be cool to lean toward a 'naturalistic sound' for our remixes, to pay tribute to the naturalistic setting of DK Island. Just a thought...
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » May 23rd, 2009, 10:13 am

Yeah, I really hope this goes well. :) Kong-Fu has just joined as well, so we've already got 4 mixers and 6/21 claimed tracks.
Thank you so much for taking Misty Menace! I was afraid that no-one would and we'd have to cut it. I've edited the first post with your 2 claims and Kong-Fu's. I won't put you down for the other 3 yet but I'll make a note of it somewhere.
And that'd be great if you could do the final production stuff as well. :D
Qyzbud wrote:A point to ponder...
Should we consider having a 'theme' for the album? Like an emphasis on a particular genre, or something along those lines? It might be cool to lean toward a 'naturalistic sound' for our remixes, to pay tribute to the naturalistic setting of DK Island. Just a thought...

Hmm... I'm not sure at the moment. I was going to make it free choice of genre, but that's not a bad idea. We'll see what everyone else thinks first I think.
Maybe we could do a poll:

"A 'naturalistic sound' for the remixes, to pay tribute to the naturalistic setting of DK Island.
A range of genres to represent the range of different environments.
Something else entirely. (with suggestions of course :D )
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Cosmicman » May 23rd, 2009, 12:12 pm

I would like to put myself down for Credits Concerto and Bonus Room Blitz please ?
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » May 23rd, 2009, 12:16 pm

Done and done. :D Welcome to the project!
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » May 23rd, 2009, 5:14 pm

You know what, I might have a shot at Tree Top Rock.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby nackhe » May 23rd, 2009, 5:18 pm

I'd like to take a jist at Voices of the temple and/or Ice cave chant. Won't be able to actually do much work on it untill a month from now though. I'm currently overseas (New Zealand :D) which is at the other side of the world for where I'm from, heh. :)
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » May 23rd, 2009, 5:19 pm

nackhe wrote: I'm currently overseas (New Zealand :D) which is at the other side of the world for where I'm from, heh. :)

I'm guessing you aren't one of the many Australians here then. :P
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » May 23rd, 2009, 5:25 pm

I've put you down for both for now, nackhe. If you decide to drop one let us know. And I've put you there as well Gnawzooka.
Wow, this is filling up fast! :D But remember, there's no deadline so please don't rush your Remixes. Take your time. :)
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby nackhe » May 23rd, 2009, 5:25 pm

I'm guessing you aren't one of the many Australians here then. :P

Nope, I'm from the Netherlands. Right now I guess I could be considered as one of you "downundees" though haha :P

I brought a laptop with me tho, so it's not as if I won't be able to do any work on my remix at all. I'll fire up my olde sequencer in a bit and try and come up with some original stuff. :)
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » May 24th, 2009, 7:25 pm

In fact, depending on how things go, I might even try Bad Boss Boogie, but if someone else wants it its ok.
EDIT: MP3 Downloads: ... key%20Kong
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby cfh » May 25th, 2009, 3:46 am

I'm no remixer, but I've been working with two of my friends on various rock covers of DKC songs. The only songs I've completed at this point are rock covers of Ancient Beaver Bop and Fade to Red. What I've been doing in isolating the audio channels in an emulator, recording them, then laid them out in a program where i could mute/solo different tracks and figured it all out by ear. I didn't even think of using MIDIs.. *facepalm*

So I guess I'll go ahead and claim DK Island Swing since I already have it a third done.

If you ever do DKC 2, I claim DK Rescued cause even though it's insanely complex my friends and I figured it out by ear and all we have to do now is record our parts, although that's more complicated than it sounds.

All of my remixes so far have gone for a classic rock band feel, with nothing but a rock drum kit, guitars and bass guitar, but could change that for a theme if you wanted me to.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » May 25th, 2009, 4:31 pm

YES! Thanks you so much for the mp3s Gnawzooka! I'll edit them into the first post now. :D

cfh: Do you mean you'll be doing it with real instruments? Because if so, that's awesome! Or if not then it's still awesome. The track is yours. (Some guitar solo-ing would be great, if possible ;) )
About DKC2: I've actually already started a DKC2 Remix Project, but it was going to be a solo project (as in I was going to do every track myself). I've paused work on that in order to do this one. After this one is finished, I'll think about whether I should make it another collab. Until then I'll let it sleep, but seeing as I incorporated DK Rescued into Mining Melancholy without really thinking you can most likely have it.

By the way Gnawzooka, I just thought I'd point out that for some reason the GBA version of TreeTop Rock is composed differently (and in my opinion better). So maybe you can get a bit of extra inspiration from it. ;)
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » May 25th, 2009, 7:10 pm

I've set myself up a bit though. Treetop Rock is think is in 3/4 time, and Bad Boss Boogie's timing is just retarded. :lol:
I like how the basic bit of TTR is going so far though. :P
Oh by the way, for the purposes of this, I'd rather be referred to as Holy Crap Productions, the name I use when making things. :)
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby cfh » May 26th, 2009, 12:42 am

Sockpuppet wrote:cfh: Do you mean you'll be doing it with real instruments? Because if so, that's awesome! Or if not then it's still awesome. The track is yours. (Some guitar solo-ing would be great, if possible ;) )

Yep, real instruments, except drums. We have a real drum set and a drummer, but it's really expensive to get mics to record.. there's actually a part in DK Island Swing that has a bit of a drum solo and I'm planning to expand that, if my guitarist can figure out the key of the song then we can definitely have a guitar solo as well. He's really eager to solo in a rock cover of Spinning Diddy Coin from DKL and bass solo in Kremlantis.

I might also try Candy's Love Song since we've been doing everything by ear so far, and I love the bass in that track. But don't mark me down for it yet.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » May 26th, 2009, 5:06 pm

Okay Gnawzooka, edited the first post. :)
cfh: That'd be great!
I think I should edit in the 'maybe-claims'...

EDIT: Mine Cart Madness is annoying to figure out. I'm switching it with Aquatic Ambiance for now. If no-one takes it I may pick it up again later.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby BlueTronic » May 30th, 2009, 9:16 am

Sockpuppet wrote:EDIT: Mine Cart Madness is annoying to figure out. I'm switching it with Aquatic Ambiance for now. If no-one takes it I may pick it up again later. ... dness.html
You're welcome ;)

EDIT: I might take Funky's Flights. I've always wanted to try a remix of it.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » May 30th, 2009, 9:50 am

Awesome! Thanks so much Kong-Fu! Well, I can't really take 4, that would be greedy, so I'm swapping MCM and AA again. :D
I'll give you Funky too. :)
EDIT: 2/3 claimed!
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » May 30th, 2009, 11:21 am

Grr that MIDI is horrible. It sounds correct but... horrible.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » May 30th, 2009, 11:26 am

Yeah, and it's going to be hard to use to. For some reason the tempo is set to 20 and the whole song is put into 8 bars. :? But it's better than nothing. And as you said it sounds correct.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » May 30th, 2009, 12:57 pm

I downloaded the midi and it doesn't even contain the full track. :|
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » May 30th, 2009, 1:08 pm

That's odd, it worked for me.
I'll try starting the remix later today. I hope it goes alright, most of the stuff I've been making lately sounds like crap. :?
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » May 30th, 2009, 1:15 pm

Really? That's not good.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » May 30th, 2009, 1:48 pm

Well I've started Cave Dweller Concert and it's going fairly well. So hopefully my remixers block is over.
Oh, I forgot to edit the first post: finished remixes go to both me and Qyzbud. And you can send WIPs to me to for feedback.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Kiddy14 » May 30th, 2009, 2:49 pm

I'm interested in Simian Segue (I luv the harmonies in that song!).
But I'm not sure of a claim, I love them yet they're pretty difficult and I'm pretty busy at the moment. Anyway I'll let you know if I'm officially in or not =]
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » May 30th, 2009, 2:51 pm

I'm surprised no-one's taken Gangplank Galleon.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » May 30th, 2009, 3:04 pm

I'll put you in as a maybe for now, Kiddy. :)

I'm also surprised no-ones claimed GG yet (Is that a claim or just a comment?). But I'm even more surprised no-ones taken Aquatic Ambiance. I expected that to be claimed almost immediately. (Well, I've maybe-claimed it for now...)
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » May 30th, 2009, 3:50 pm

I think I might maybe-claim GG actually.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby cfh » May 31st, 2009, 2:29 am

Gangplank Galleon and Aquatic Ambiance are both really over-remixed. I can see why they haven't been claimed yet, it would be hard to think of original ideas.

Also, I was wondering if a collab was possible for the main theme, that would be cool.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » May 31st, 2009, 9:46 am

Collabs are allowed (and encouraged :D ). Though if you mean you want to collab with Qyzbud, you'll need to ask him. And by the way he hasn't actually claimed it yet, he just said he might be interested.
EDIT: Remember everyone: we still need a name and some artwork. ;)

Poor old Cranky. :lol:
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » May 31st, 2009, 2:16 pm

Oh yeah... I might try to come up with something.
cfh wrote:Gangplank Galleon and Aquatic Ambiance are both really over-remixed. I can see why they haven't been claimed yet, it would be hard to think of original ideas.

That's a good point. It sure would be hard to top Thrash the Plank.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » May 31st, 2009, 2:31 pm

True, I'm not sure if any of us can top anything on Kong in Concert (Although I've never actually heard anything from Qyzbud, Cosmicman, cfh or nackhe). But that's not what we're trying to do. This is simply a project for/by the DKC Atlas community. :D

I agree that Aquatic Ambience would be hard to do. It's been done very well quite a few times, and it would be hard to come up with anything without being subconsciously inspired by another remix. (Accidentally stealing, in other words.)
As for Gangplank Galleon: correct me if I'm wrong but I think Thrash the Plank is the only good remix of it on the Internet (but it is really good). I've heard a lot of unoriginal covers, but I've never heard another proper remix of it.

Anyway, if you do end up claiming GG Gnawzooka (or anyone else who may claim it later), just put Thrash the Plank out of your mind and do what you can. ;)
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » May 31st, 2009, 3:06 pm

Accidentally stealing... yeah, I've done that before. :oops:
As for Kong in Concert, I actually found some of teh tracks disappointing. I was expecting more from Mine Cart Misadventure (Mine Cart Madness...obviously)and Boiling Point (Bad Boss Boogie), since they were made by Protricity, (I'd heard K.Rool Intentions and Assembly Line Apparations already) but they weren't really that good at all.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Qyzbud » May 31st, 2009, 5:47 pm

I was a bit disappointed with Kong in Concert, too. There are some great tracks in there, but really there are just a handful or so that I particularly enjoy. It seemed as though there was too much emphasis on 'reinventing' the tracks, and an "ooh wow, let's try this genre!" approach.

Not to bag the project, just my two cents.

Anyhow, back to our project...

CFH and I have been in touch, and it sounds like we're both keen to collaborate on the Main Theme. We use very similar techniques in the early stages, but take quite different approaches musically; hopefully both of those things will work in our favour. I've been listening to Northern Hemispheres lots lately, and am coming up with some potentially sweet ideas for my remix, so that's more good news.

As for artwork and album title; I'll put some thought and effort into both of these. I just bought a professional graphics tablet, so I'm itching to create some new artwork. An album cover would be the perfect medium for my first masterpiece. :lol: I haven't come up with any spectacularly fitting album titles yet, and perhaps it'd make more sense to come up with a title once I've heard a few of our remixes. So far my favourite idea for a title has been 'Gorilla Rhythms'. :? It's not appalling, but I'm sure we can come up with something more fitting.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » May 31st, 2009, 6:05 pm

I'm curious to see what we end up with. I'm pretty familiar with Sockpuppet's style by now, but I've enver really heard anything from anyone else other than one or two from Kong-Fu.
I'd eparticularly like to hear what Qyz comes up with, especially after his bold claim that he could match the grade of OC REmix. :P
Plus I agree with what he said about Northern Hemispheres being underrated, and I'm yet to hear o good remix of it that actually sounds like it (Chekan Winter..... Grr....).
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » May 31st, 2009, 6:17 pm

Wow, lots of good news, Qyzbud! :D I was thinking it would be a good idea to incorporate features from various levels for the cover: eg. DK and Diddy have just come out of a mine/cave and into a jungle with a temple and oil drums in the background, or something like that. But it's up to you. If you've got other ideas, go with them. :)
Gorilla Rhythms actually doesn't sound too bad. ;) But the title is really important, so we'll see if we can think of anything better. I think I've got a thesaurus lying around somewhere...

Northern Hemispheres is indeed very under-rated. I never really paid much attention to it myself either, but I was playing the game earlier and I realized it really is a beautiful piece. Chekan Winter is quite liberal but I did pick out a few little bits of the original. Then again, for most of the bits I recognized I couldn't remember when they started. =/ I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do with it Qyz. And I'm looking forward to hearing everyone else's tracks too. (Forest Frenzy is another under-rated track too.)
And I pretty much have the same opinion as you about KiC. Cry of the Chasmal Critter Chain and Beneath the Surface kick ass though.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » May 31st, 2009, 6:20 pm

I've only really come to like NH myself actually.

Which proves my point. :mrgreen:
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Qyzbud » May 31st, 2009, 9:54 pm

Gnawzooka kind of wrote:I'd particularly like to hear what Qyz comes up with, especially after his bold claim that he could match the grade of OC ReMix.
Hahaha, that was a bold claim, wasn't it. :P I'd better make good on that!

Sockpuppet wrote:I was thinking it would be a good idea to incorporate features from various levels for the cover
Great minds think alike. 8-)

and later wrote:I pretty much have the same opinion as you about KiC. Cry of the Chasmal Critter Chain and Beneath the Surface kick ass though.
Heh, those are my favourite tracks, too. Closely followed by- wait, we have a topic for KiC already. :P
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby cfh » June 1st, 2009, 12:11 am

Northern Hemispheres has always been one of my favorite tracks, haha. And Chekan Winter is one of my favorite DK remixes.. even though I don't recognize anything from the original.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » June 1st, 2009, 11:40 am

I was looking through the dictionary and found a few more possible (and probably really lame) names. Prepare to have your eyes burnt out by incredibly bad puns! MWAHAHA! :twisted:
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Luckily for you guys that's all I've got for now.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby BlueTronic » June 1st, 2009, 12:51 pm

Monkey Mix Madness?

That's all I've got. :roll:
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby nackhe » June 1st, 2009, 6:29 pm

How about "barrel beats"

or even "Kong Kollaboration" ;) lol
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » June 1st, 2009, 7:42 pm

Sockpuppet wrote:I was looking through the dictionary and found a few more possible (and probably really lame) names. Prepare to have your eyes burnt out by incredibly bad puns! MWAHAHA! :twisted:
Donkey Re-Kongstructed

Luckily for you guys that's all I've got for now.

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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Qyzbud » June 2nd, 2009, 3:34 pm

Hahaha, well put. :D

I wanted to add to that list with Gorillas in the Mix, but unsurprisingly, it has been used already.

Suggestions have been good so far, and the ideas are on track with the kind of album title we're going for, I believe. My thoughts on a good title are that it should be unquestionably related to DKC, music and hopefully reinterpretation/variety. For the sake of being catchy and to make it sound DK-like, a rhyme and/or alliteration is a good idea. Or even just a pun, if we can come up with a really good one. :lol:

Wow, two mixes finished already?! I'd better get my skates on!
Edit: I'm daft.

By the way, remixers:
I'm keen to check out WIP's and finished tracks, as a supporting project coordinator. :) My email address is my user name at, but feel free to host your work elsewhere, and just link me to the download via PM. That would probably be easiest all-round.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » June 2nd, 2009, 5:19 pm

Ah good, I was actually just about to ask you about that Qyz! :D 2 opinions are better than one. Plus you sound pretty experienced, and you use FL like I'm assuming everyone but me does (I use Reason 4.) Oh, and the blue mixes aren't finished, they're the ones I've heard WIPs of. I don't know about Kong-Fu, but Cave Dweller Concert is still kinda far from finished. In fact I'm considering starting it again. I'll PM what I've got to you. :)
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » June 2nd, 2009, 7:52 pm

Notice that just like the OC Remix DKC2 project, Cranky's theme is the last to go. :lol:
Anyway, I'm bludging a bit, so I might be a while. Plus I have lots of homework to do.
Sockpuppet wrote: Plus you sound pretty experienced, and you use FL like I'm assuming everyone but me does (I use Reason 4.)

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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » June 2nd, 2009, 8:08 pm

Reason is just as good, if not better than FL. People say it's overly complicated but it really isn't. It just looks that way. It can't use VSTs but I don't know what they are anyway and all my samples are good enough. Damn it now I'm going off topic.
Anyway, like I said, take your time with your tracks. There are no deadlines yet and I'm not expecting this to be released for at least 2 months. I usually take ages to ReMix stuff (Although I did Mining Melancholy fairly quickly and that's the best ReMix I've ever made :? ), Qyzbud is really busy and nackhe is on holiday.
If no-one takes Cranky's theme I may have a go at it, but I've got a lot of claims/maybes as it is. But I'll have a bit more spare time soon. My last mid-year year 10 exam is tomorrow, so I've got the second half of the day, Thursday, Friday and the weekend (with a little homework. :x Damn I really hate homework.) Then the holidays are soon too. ;) And I've abandoned 2 mixes I intended to make as auditions for OC projects because I don't think I'm good enough anyway.
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » June 2nd, 2009, 8:38 pm

Sockpuppet wrote:Reason is just as good, if not better than FL. People say it's overly complicated but it really isn't. It just looks that way. It can't use VSTs but I don't know what they are anyway and all my samples are good enough. Damn it now I'm going off topic.

I know I was joking. :P
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Sockpuppet » June 2nd, 2009, 8:44 pm

Oh sorry. :? I wasn't annoyed or anything like that, I was just saying. :D
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Re: DKC Atlas Collab - DKC Remix Project

Postby Gnawzooka » June 2nd, 2009, 8:46 pm

Is Reason something you have to buy?
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