Sorry everyone, I've only been on for very short periods of time for the last few days, so I haven't had time to update much. Here's how all the ReMixers are going (In alphabetical...):
cfh - Safe
CoolStyleE - Sent a WIP of CDC, but has since restarted it so the WIP I have no longer counts. Both tracks open.
Cosmicman - Safe
cRAVE - I'll have to have a word with him. He never answered the PM I sent (Although Newgrounds doesn't have an Outbox/Sent Items screen so I'm not even 100% sure the PM even worked). As of now I've got no idea how he's going with his track, but it's very possible he won't have access to a virus-free computer until after the project is finished.
Dixie - Safe
Holy Crap Productions (Gnawzooka)
- Hasn't sent any WIPs in. Both tracks open.
Kong-Fu - Safe (Candy collab was only set up very close to the deadline, so that's safe too)
Lampje - Safe
nackhe - Hasn't sent in WIPs, but I think he's got an excuse (was on holiday until recently). Correct me if I'm wrong, nackhe.
Qyzbud - Obviously thinks his life and website are far more important than our project.
Nah just kidding, he's excused.
Sockpuppet (Me)
- I admit I should have more done by now, but I
have done a bit of work on both my tracks. So I'm safe.
So what happens to happens to those who missed the deadline?
They're beheaded I'm bringing back a system similar to the maybe claims, except hopefully less confusing. I will leave the persons name there and mark the track in orange.
Anyone is then free to take the track off them.