Is DKC Atlas dying? No way José!

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Is DKC Atlas dying? No way José!

Postby Diddy Kong » December 14th, 2010, 4:29 pm

I've noticed less and less people are going on here regularly. It looks like this website is slowly but surely losing all of it's popularity.
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Is DKC-Atlas awesome? Yes.

Postby Kingizor » December 15th, 2010, 5:34 am

Diddy Kong wrote:I've noticed less and less people are going on here regularly. It looks like this website is slowly but surely losing all of it's popularity.

Wrong. Quality over quantity, any day.

Most of the people who frequent this place are friendly and dedicated, so I'd say there is a great balance of people at the moment.

Bigger sites attract more of the wrong sort of people, one of the reasons this place is better as it is.

and we are not unpopular, we're exclusive... :lol:
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby Jomingo » December 15th, 2010, 8:01 am

You guys are missing the point: The forum is dying, yes. But the staff here hardly care about the forum, and most of the forum members only know that there is a forum and nothing else. That's the big disconnect, the forum is really only here to serve as a medium to discuss the REAL site's development, and then anything we want to in between. I don't mind that we never evolved into a flourishing forum community, because the Atlas itself is the real focus of the site.
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby Kingizor » December 15th, 2010, 9:32 am

I can sort of see your point, but I've always viewed the main site and the forum as two entirely separate things. I always get the feeling that no-one has as much contempt for this forum than you, so please, try to stop criticizing at every opportunity. The main site is fine, but apart from a few occasional updates, articles, etc, it's almost completely forgotten about. It's useful to have all the maps for the games around, but the forum is what keeps me here.

The forum is far from dead, with exciting discussion about this or that happening nearly every day! We're practically guaranteed to read at least one new post every three days so what's the problem? Let the good times roll...

I said before the forum has a nice balance of people, and I wouldn't really want it any other way.

On a slightly different note it's very disconcerting to read from a twitter feed that hasn't been updated for 22+ days?
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby Simion32 » December 15th, 2010, 10:54 am

I'd say that the forum (along with the fact I post my project updates here) is what keeps me coming back to DKC Atlas as well. I like the forum because it is not crowded with 'noobs' or general 'trolls', people are well behaved, and the rules also suit my point of view as well. I'd say that even though we probably see less activity than the DKU, I still prefer the DKC Atlas forums. I hardly ever visit DK Vine anymore.

There is usually more activity here during the summer, when people have more time to spend on things like discussion forums.

Before I was a moderator, I still visited the forum at least once a day, if not several times - and I still do it to this day. Without the forum community, DKC Atlas would be a "Nothing"... there would be zero interaction between fans, and zero reason to visit this site. Yeah the main site will have all manner of info, but where do you go when you've already soaked it all in and there's nothing left to look at? The DKC Atlas Forum.

kingizor wrote:Wrong. Quality over quantity, any day.
Most of the people who frequent this place are friendly and dedicated, so I'd say there is a great balance of people at the moment.
Bigger sites attract more of the wrong sort of people, one of the reasons this place is better as it is.
I agree with Kingizor here: We aren't "popular", and that's a good thing. As I mentioned before, most all of the members here are well-behaved. It's like a small family of sorts. 8-)

Compare with the DKU forum which has a fairly consistent steam of b****fests, and threads that go off-topic for the sake thereof. I'd rather not indulge in such language (except for occasional emphasis), and we're better off having less threads going off topic due to random heated arguments. :roll:
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » December 15th, 2010, 2:13 pm

Yeah, I've wanted to point this out several times as well... this place is dying. I would say it has something to do with the fact that Qyz doesn't interact like he used to, but he seems to have a life now so he is more than excused. Now just a few of us veteran members are left, and a few newbies who randomly pop in now and then. The Atlas has some great things going on, but right now its forum is basically a DKU alternative (which is what it started out as, pretty much.)
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby Phyreburnz » December 15th, 2010, 2:19 pm

I may be a more recent member, but I really like this forum. It is more personal than others because of the smaller amount of people that use it.

*side note* I found the forum before I found the main site.
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby Ribbedebie » January 2nd, 2011, 12:11 am

While this place is considerably less active than the DKvine, I do like both forums. Each have their perks and qualms...

I don't think it's dying, yet. Dying means when there's just three active posters who post once a week if it's a fairly old forum. That's not the case here, isn't it? I'd say what with DKCReturns, both this forum and the DKvine are pretty active lately.
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby CaptainEddie » January 6th, 2011, 12:10 pm's not dying. I've been busy with real life issues- and haven't had the time to show up as much as I'd like to. I'm sure that's where the other memebers went, too. The important thing is that it's not dead yet, so let's enjoy it while we can.
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby HavocReaper48 » January 6th, 2011, 3:25 pm

If what you mean Diddy Kong is that the site isn't too active, yes that's true. But you've got to remember:

-The site's about games released in 1994-1996 (not counting remakes)
-What people have played the games find them amazing and are longtime fans, thus are longtime posters on here.

That's all there is to it, really. I like the community the way it is. I wouldn't mind a few more recurring users, but really nothing major. I mean, we've avoided n00bs and trolls for the most part fairly well.

In addition, with DKCR more fans will see the old games and get the true feeling of DKC's legacy.
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby QueenAvira » January 19th, 2011, 11:08 pm

I do not care if you have a few people visiting the site often, what matters is that I can meet people from other parts of the world. and i dont think than this forum are dying of without popularity.
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby Chibisai Kong » March 1st, 2011, 1:37 pm

Diddy Kong wrote:I've noticed less and less people are going on here regularly. It looks like this website is slowly but surely losing all of it's popularity.

You mean like Kongo Valley? *turns to Qyzbud, gives him the evil eye, mouthing the words* I was the one who sent you that strong letter, remember?
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby Qyzbud » March 5th, 2011, 12:12 pm

You could be forgiven for thinking DKC Atlas was dying, as it has indeed been quite a while since updates were significant and regular, and I haven't been all that active on the forum, either... but I am delighted to inform you all that the Atlas is actually about to be relaunched - which will be the most significant step forward for our great little DKC community and knowledge base since the site's original launch three years ago. I've promised updates and improvements for quite some time now, and am about to make good on it all.

DKC Atlas is not dying; it's about to be reborn!
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 6th, 2011, 5:03 am

Well that sounds pretty epic. But obviously people, Qyz is in his twenty-somethings, of course he's gonna have some other things going on. But I'm excited to see what's happening in the future!
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby SimianSegue » May 22nd, 2011, 1:52 pm

I'm proof that DKC Atlas is not dying! I've been on for like the last 7 hours...........please help me.........
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby Scraps69 » November 23rd, 2011, 8:11 pm

Heh, I havn't come here too often myself. DKU is more active and there are more discussions about more of everything. But there is more fighting. Actually what hooked me on there was Mafia which is a great forum game.

DKC Atlas is a great technical and support forum and coming back it seems to actually be on the same level of activity since last year this time. The level layouts on the website are awesome. And I'm not banned on this forum ;).
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Re: Is DKC-Atlas awesome? Yes.

Postby Aaendi » December 25th, 2011, 12:26 pm

kingizor wrote:
Diddy Kong wrote:I've noticed less and less people are going on here regularly. It looks like this website is slowly but surely losing all of it's popularity.

Wrong. Quality over quantity, any day.

Most of the people who frequent this place are friendly and dedicated, so I'd say there is a great balance of people at the moment.

Bigger sites attract more of the wrong sort of people, one of the reasons this place is better as it is.

and we are not unpopular, we're exclusive... :lol:

That's why I never visit smwcentral anymore.
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby FalsePower » December 31st, 2011, 9:20 am

This thread was made a year ago and the site still seems fine to me. I think the others were right, a small group of dedicated posters is fine.
A small community where you know everyone is better than being another face in the crowd on a large forum. There's nothing worse than working on a long post only to see it almost instantly flooded by other posts before it disappears on the dreaded 2nd page.
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby Aaendi » December 31st, 2011, 11:02 am

I hate it when I make a post and get 10 different people insulting me, and having to argue with every single one individually.

by the way? You mean to tell me this was the same "Is DKC Atlas dying?" thread that was here last year?
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby Gaz » August 1st, 2012, 2:59 pm

Apologies for bump, but I think a new community is forming;

*TheUltimateKoopa (ACTIVE A LOT!)
*Katastrophe Kong (ACTIVE A LOT!)
*Markster (SEMI-ACTIVE)
*Phyreburnz (SEMI-ACTIVE)
*Chibisai Kong (SEMI-ACTIVE)
*Qyzbud (ACTIVE A LOT!)
*Simion32 (SEMI-ACTIVE)
*geno (ACTIVE A LOT!)

EDIT: VideoViking (SEMI-ACTIVE) (Sorry for forgetting you :().
Seems great to see DKC Atlas rebuilding. Kong-Fu even recently paid a visit.
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby Qyzbud » August 1st, 2012, 4:49 pm

Yeah, the Atlas was in a bit of a slump for a while, and it's sad that a topic like this was even created... but I think we're at a point now where things will just be improving. My motivation to build this site into the best DKC fan resource and community possible has returned, and I have the time and resources to actually get it done now. The future is looking good for DKC Atlas. :D
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby VideoViking » August 1st, 2012, 5:00 pm

You forgot me, CBFD. I don't post here as much, but I do check the forums on a daily basis.
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby Simion32 » August 1st, 2012, 6:33 pm

I'm actually going here every single day, usually multiple times.

When I'm busy with other things (non-DKC) I tend to blink in and out of here really quickly. ;)
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying?

Postby Geno » October 18th, 2012, 11:09 am

Conker's Bad Fur Day wrote:*geno (ACTIVE A LOT!)

Heh heh, well I'm doing my part in keeping this place alive.

Either that, or I forget I have this site open sometimes. :facepalm:
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying? No way José!

Postby Phyreburnz » October 19th, 2012, 5:27 am

I may not log on every day, but I check in several times every day... compulsively... Between classes, I'll pull out my phone and refresh the page (which is already on the forum 90% of the time), and check all the new posts.
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying? No way José!

Postby gamer_boy997 » February 13th, 2013, 10:15 am

I haven't been here in awhile, but I think it's safe to say that this place is a lot bigger than the last time I was here. Emoticons and bananas everywhere. I love it!
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Re: Is DKC Atlas dying? No way José!

Postby the_kong_br » April 3rd, 2015, 12:34 pm

I do not think the forum is dying.

Here has HIGH QUALITY content...
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