1.- I'm pretty sure people won't get here advertising ring-tones, I haven't seen anybody advertising that kind of stuff in any forum signatures.
2.- I'm also pretty sure if they advertise something it would be little, like: "Click here to take a look on my site", or "My YouTube Channel

3.- So, if your idea is to advertise DKC Atlas via signatures, but you don't want it to be viseversa? Gosh...
4.- The site's to have fun, not to be a boring forum with no signatures. phpBB have signatures in their forums, deviantArt has signatures in their comments!
5.- I understand your position, but you're like saying that as if everybody wanted to not have sigs.
Qyzbud has the final decition, I understand that too; but in the meanwhile, we have to take on our position of wanting sigs as much as you take yours of not having.
Simion's idea for being disabled by default is cool in my opinion.
7.- You can make a rule for prohibiting advertisements in sigs.
8.- If you're not going to add sigs to posts, why bother having them in profiles? People can advertise there too. Besides sigs are meant to be after each other posts because, as implied, they are SIGNATURES.
That's just my opinion, don't take it personal and that stuff
(is not directed to anybody in particular, just, there's too many people out there that might just register to take it against you or me).