Well, while this topic is bumped I might as well update my list of consoles.
NES2(the slim edition)->SNES(I think I have two...)->N64->Gamecube->Wii
Game Boy Pocket->
Game Boy Color (Last count I had four I believe)->
Game Boy Advance-> My brother has a DSi...
Sega Genesis-> Sega Dreamcast
Playstation(I have two functioning, and one that broke so I dissected it

)-> Playstation 2 (the second slim model I believe)-> Playstation 3 (120 GB slim)
I think that's everything. I once owned the original fat NES(the one everyone had), this might be my third SNES I'm using, and I once bought an FC Twin NES/SNES console but it didn't work. I don't have as many Gameboys as I used to, mostly because I think my nieces and nephew got a hold of them. I used to have a different model of the Genesis (the one I have now isn't the usual one I think), and I had a Saturn for a while. This is my second Dreamcast, and possibly my third or fourth PS1. I think that's everything...